CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 141456Z MAY 24 MID600117428188U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 097/24 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/MAY// SUBJ/NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE OFFICER CONTINUATION PAY// REF/A/MSG/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/042108ZMAY20// REF/B/DOC/USC/7SEP62// REF/C/DOC/ASN MRA/2MAY24// REF/D/DOC/DOD/16JUL16// NARR/REF A IS NAVADMIN 133/20, NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE OFFICER CONTINUATION PAY MODIFICATION. REF B IS TITLE 37, U.S.C., PAY AND ALLOWANCES OF THE UNIFORMED SERVICES. REF C IS ASN MRA AUTHORIZATION OF THE NAVAL SPECIAL WARFARE OFFICER CONTINUATION PAY PROGRAM. REF D IS DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REGULATION 7000.14, VOLUME 7A, CHAPTER 2, REPAYMENT OF UNEARNED PORTION OF BONUSES AND OTHER BENEFITS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces the renewal and modification of Naval Special Warfare Officer Continuation Pay (NSWOCP) for qualified Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL) officers. This NAVADMIN supersedes reference (a). Retaining talented SEAL officers is a priority for the Navy. NSWOCP is a monetary incentive that focuses on improving retention of junior and mid-grade SEAL officers. SEAL officers who meet the eligibility criteria in this NAVADMIN and hold an 1130 or 1137 designator may apply for this incentive. 2. Program Overview. This bonus is authorized under Section 332 of reference (b) and reference (c). As of 2 May 2024, eligible officers will be offered the opportunity to commit to a 3-year or 4- year phase 1 agreement and a 3-year, 4-year, or 5-year phase 2 agreement for bonus amounts listed in paragraph 4. The Naval Special Warfare Plans and Policy Branch (OPNAV N137) is designated as the NSWOCP Program Manager. All applications for this bonus will be submitted to the program manager for approval, payment processing, and tracking. The eligibility criteria stated in this NAVADMIN can be subsequently modified by the program manager if a bonus reduction is warranted based on Naval Special Warfare (NSW) community requirements. 3. Eligibility. NSW officers with designators 1130 or 1137, who have completed at least six years of Active Duty Commissioned Service (ADCS), may be eligible to receive the NSWOCP. Applicants must submit written endorsement from Commanding Officer (CO) recommending bonus approval. COs must ensure applications are accurate and verify applicants meet eligibility requirements. 4. Contract Terms. NSWOCP contract lengths and payments are outlined below. a. The NSWOCP will be offered in two phases. Officers will be paid a fixed amount per year of service. (1) Phase 1 NSWOCP. Officers will have the opportunity to receive up to $100,000 (1130) and $48,000 (1137) in retention bonuses for phase 1 contracts. (a) NSW officers (1130) with six to nine years of ADCS: 1. 4-year agreement: $25,000 per year 2. 3-year agreement: $20,000 per year (b) NSW officers (1137) with six to nine years of ADCS: 1. 4-year agreement: $12,000 per year 2. 3-year agreement: $10,000 per year (2) Phase 2 NSWOCP. Applicant must be an NSW officer with 1130 or 1137 designator having reached 10 years of ADCS to receive a Phase 2 bonus. Officers will have the opportunity to receive up to $125,000 (1130) and $60,000 (1137) in retention bonuses for phase 2 contracts. (a) NSW officers (1130) with 10 to 14 years of ADCS: 1. 5-year agreement: $25,000 per year 2. 4-year agreement: $20,000 per year 3. 3-year agreement: $15,000 per year (b) NSW officers (1130) with 11 years of ADCS who were ineligible to sign a 5-year agreement at 10 years of ADCS due to a previous NSWOCP agreement: 1. 4-year agreement: $25,000 per year (c) NSW officers (1137) with 10 to 14 years of ADCS: 1. 5-year agreement: $12,000 per year 2. 3-year agreement: $10,000 per year (d) NSW officers (1137) with 11 years of ADCS who were ineligible to sign a 5-year agreement at 10 years of ADCS due to a previous NSWOCP agreement: 1. 4-year agreement: $12,000 per year b. NSWOCP agreement obligations will run concurrently with any obligated service the officer has incurred for education or fellowships such as postgraduate education. 5. Program Execution. a. Officers must submit their request letter to the NSWOCP program manager via their chain of command. b. Upon acceptance of a bonus agreement by the program manager, the amount of the bonus becomes fixed and the officer incurs a firm service obligation. c. Officers may elect one of the following payment options: (1) To receive an initial lump sum payment of half the total bonus amount followed by equally divided annual installments through the term of the agreement. (2) To receive bonus payments in equal annual installments through the term of the agreement. d. NSWOCP requests for personnel who are being processed for officer designation removal or additional qualification designation removal will be held in abeyance pending final resolution of the action in question. 6. Application Process. a. Eligible officers may apply for NSWOCP via their CO to the program manager. Submit applications via encrypted e-mail at b. Officers must submit their applications to the NSWOCP program manager prior to their requested start date and should ensure confirmation of application receipt. Applications received after the requested start date will not be accepted, and payments will not be processed until all eligibility criteria are met. The first payment normally occurs four to six weeks after all eligibility criteria are met. 7. Recoupment and Repayment Policy. Repayment policy is governed by reference (b), sections 332 and 373, and reference (d). A member of the uniformed Services who enters into a written agreement with specified service conditions for receipt of a bonus is entitled to the full amount of the bonus if the member fulfills the conditions of that written agreement. If the member fails to fulfill the service conditions specified in the written agreement for the pay, then the pay may be terminated and the member may be required to repay an amount equal to the unearned portion of the pay. 8. Points of Contact. The primary point of contact for NSWOCP program management is the NSW Officer Community Manager at (703) 604-5063 or via e-mail at 9. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or four years has elapsed from the date of release, whichever occurs first. 10. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//