CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 171602Z MAY 24 MID120001109604U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 099/24 MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC// SUBJ/2024 BATTLE OF MIDWAY COMMEMORATION EXECUTION ORDER// REF/A/DOC/CNO/OPNAVINST 5726.8C// REF/B/MSG/CNO/DTG 291904ZAPR 24// AMPN/REF A IS THE OPNAVINST 5726.8C OUTREACH: AMERICA'S NAVY/ REF B IS NAVADMIN 090/24 BATTLE OF MIDWAY PLANNING ORDER// RMKS/1. This message is a Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) Execution Order (EXORD) for events in support of the U.S. Navy's 82nd anniversary commemoration of the Battle of Midway (BOM), beginning on 3 June and ending on 7 June. EXORD to be carried out in accordance with references (a) and (b). 2. SITUATION a. While chance may determine events, it is truly people who make history. The determination, zeal, and valor shown by the U.S. Navy's personnel during the Battle of Midway multi-day engagement blunted the Imperial Japanese Navy's striking force and its advance across the Pacific. Navy strategy in this conflict leveraged the power of our aircraft carriers, sustaining sea control and shifting the paradigm of maritime power projection on to the carrier force. b. Our remembrance of Midway illustrates how our battle achievements in innovation, intelligence, and courage serve as a model and as inspiration as we continue to face the challenges of the future. 3. MISSION. As much as possible and within the bounds of personnel safety, operational availability, and existing local, state, and federal restrictions on gatherings and travel, commands are directed to find creative ways to commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the Battle of Midway. 4. EXECUTION a. Phase I (Planning and program development of 82nd anniversary of BOM) planning actions and the collection of a full listing of planned events are ongoing. b. This EXORD directs the shift to Phase II, which encompasses the final preparations for the 82nd BOM commemoration execution (3 June to 7 June). Reference (b) provides guidance in executing events in support of the 82nd anniversary commemoration of BOM. c. Tasking: (1) All commands: (a) Ensure Commanding Officers and Officers in Charge plan for and commemorate the 82nd anniversary of the BOM to the best of their ability. (b) Execute the BOM 82nd Anniversary Communication Plan ( and participate with community in-person events and/or planned virtual outreach as operationally feasible. (c) Report all commemorative events to Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) Communication and Outreach Division NLT 15 July 2024. Commands are requested to include metrics and lessons learned on communication objectives, as outlined in the BOM 82nd Anniversary Communication Plan. d. Administrative: (1) BOM toolkit can be found at topic/commemorations-toolkits/wwii/battle-of-midway.html (2) The online toolkit features a wide variety of historical and communication resources to aid in the development of local commemorative activities, including documents, articles, downloadable photos and art, logos, graphics, Plan of the Day notes, videos, blog posts, ceremony scripts, ceremony program templates, speeches from previous commemorations, and guidance including previous NAVADMINs directing the commemoration. (3) Development of some of the resources listed above is ongoing and will be added as they are received - check back frequently. 5. Point of contact. NHHC POC is Mr. Thomas L. Frezza, Comm (202) 433-7880, email thomas.l.frezza.civ(at) 6. Released by VADM E. H. Black III, Performing the Duties of Director, Navy Staff.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//