CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 041422Z JUN 24 MID120001170279U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 113/24 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/JUN// SUBJ/FY26 PROMOTION SELECTION BOARD DEFERMENT FOR UNRESTRICTED LINE OFFICERS// REF/A/DOC/USC//27DEC21// REF/B/DOC/USC//13AUG18// REF/C/DOC/DOD//16DEC20// REF/D/LTR/SECNAV//5JAN22// REF/E/DOC/USC//28DEC01// REF/F/DOC/USC//06JAN06// NARR/REF A IS SECTION 619 OF TITLE 10 U.S. CODE, ELIGIBILITY FOR CONSIDERATION FOR PROMOTION: TIME-IN-GRADE AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS. REF B IS SECTION 14301 OF TITLE 10 U.S. CODE, ELIGIBILITY FOR CONSIDERATION FOR PROMOTION: GENERAL RULES. REF C IS DOD INSTRUCTION 1320.14, COMMISSIONED OFFICER PROMOTION PROGRAM PROCEDURES. REF D IS SECNAV MEMORANDUM, DELEGATION OF OPT OUT OF CONSIDERATION FOR PROMOTION AUTHORIZATION. REF E IS SECTION 611 OF TITLE 10 U.S. CODE, CONVENING OF SELECTION BOARDS. REF F IS SECTION 14101 OF TITLE 10 U.S. CODE, CONVENING OF SELECTION BOARDS.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN provides guidance for Unrestricted Line (URL) officers of the Active Component (AC) and Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) to request to defer consideration for a Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Promotion Selection Board (PSB). 2. References (a) through (c) authorize the Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) to approve the request of an officer to defer promotion consideration by a PSB convened under references (e) and (f). Reference (d) delegates approval authority to the Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP). Requests may be approved if all of the following conditions are met: a. The basis for the request is to allow an officer to complete a broadening assignment, advanced education, or another assignment of significant value to the Department of the Navy (DON) or a career progression requirement is delayed by the assignment or education. b. The exclusion from consideration is in the best interest of the DON. c. The officer has not previously failed of selection for promotion to the grade for which the officer requests deferral. 3. Eligible Officers. All AC and TAR URL officers who are in-zone or above- zone not previously considered for promotion to lieutenant commander, commander, or captain in FY26 and meet the requirements in paragraph 2 above may submit a request. a. Examples of broadening assignments include, but are not limited to: (1) White House Fellowship. (2) Secretary of Defense Corporate Fellowship. (3) Federal Executive Fellowships (e.g., politico-military and cyber). (4) SECNAV tours with industry. (5) Legislative Fellowship. b. Examples of advanced education include, but are not limited to: (1) Competitive education programs (e.g., Olmsted, Marshall, Rhodes, Fleet Scholar). (2) In-residence Naval Postgraduate School or Naval War College. (3) Equivalent service institutions or in-residence civilian education programs. c. Examples of another assignment of significant value include, but are not limited to: (1) Defense or Naval attache. (2) The personnel exchange program. 4. Requests: a. Requests shall include: (1) A description of the broadening assignment, advanced education, assignment of significant value, and career progression requirement delayed by the assignment or education. (2) Justification for requesting PSB consideration opt-out. (3) A recommendation from the commanding officer or equivalent. b. E-mail requests to Bureau of Naval Personnel, Active Community Managers (BUPERS-31) at c. All requests must be received via e-mail no later than 26 July 2024. d. Officers that require deferral for more than one FY must annually submit a new request to defer consideration. 5. Staffing and review. Officer requests shall be reviewed by a panel of (at a minimum), an Officer Community Management Branch (BUPERS-3) URL community manager, a Navy Personnel Command, Career Management Branch (PERS- 4) officer detailer, and one additional officer, all senior to the officer requesting to defer PSB consideration. For nuclear trained officers, the Officer and Enlisted Nuclear Programs Policy Branch (OPNAV N133), shall be included on the panel. For Naval Special Warfare Officers, the Naval Special Warfare Programs Policy Branch (OPNAV N137) shall be included on the panel. The panel will forward its recommendation to CNP via the community sponsor of the officer. 6. URL community sponsor review. The URL community flag officer sponsor for requesting officers shall provide a recommendation concerning all PSB deferral requests. The community sponsor should consider the documented performance history of the officer and ability to provide future benefit to the Navy. For disapproval recommendations, the community sponsor shall state the reasons for the disapproval recommendation. 7. Officers will be notified in writing via e-mail of approval or disapproval of their request no later than 45 calendar days before the proposed convening date of the first FY26 PSB. 8. Officers that are approved for PSB deferment, but are subsequently determined to be below-zone, will be considered below- zone by the FY26 PSB. Officers selected for promotion in subsequent years after deferring FY26 PSB consideration will be placed into a new promotion year group based on their resulting date of rank. Those officers will be considered by future administrative and statutory PSBs with the new promotion year group. The records of officers with approved deferrals of promotion consideration will not be identified or made known to any PSB. 9. For additional details and application procedures and templates, visit the MyNavy HR website at: Management/Boards/Active-Duty-Officer/ and then select PSB Deferment (Opt- Out) Guidance. The point of contact for this matter is Mrs. Kimberly Riddle who can be reached at (901) 874-2369/DSN 882 or via e-mail at 10. This NAVADMIN will remain in effect until superseded or until 1 January 2025, whichever occurs first. 11. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//