CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 181702Z SEP 24 MID120001396513U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 194/24 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/SEP// SUBJ/NAVY UNIFORM POLICY AND UNIFORM INITIATIVE UPDATE AUGUST 2024// REF/A/DOC/COMNAVPERSCOM/23AUG21// REF/B/CNO WASHINGTON DC/141633ZFEB24// NARR/REF A IS NAVPERS 15665J, U.S. NAVY UNIFORM REGULATIONS. REF B IS NAVY UNIFORM POLICY AND UNIFORM INITIATIVE UPDATE FEBRUARY 2024.// RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces updates to Navy uniform policy and female uniform initiatives. Uniform policy updates are the result of received Sailor feedback, command sponsored requests, and direction from Navy leadership. 2. The manner and occasion for wear of the Recruiting Command, Recruit Division Commander, and Career Counselor identification badges (ID badges) have been expanded as follows and is effective immediately for incumbent and post tour eligible personnel: a. Metal ID Badges. Metal identification badges (ID badges) without wreaths and stars may be worn optionally on the Navy Working Uniform (NWU) for personnel assigned ashore until cloth badges are made available. Placement of metal ID badges on the NWU will be in line with reference (a). b. Embroidered ID Badges. Embroidered ID badges may also be worn on the NWU Type 3 for afloat and ashore assigned eligible personnel. Placement of embroidered ID badges on the NWU Type III will be in line with reference (a). c. Post Tour ID Badge Wear. Post tour wear of ID badges without wreaths and stars is authorized for Sailors who have successfully completed a recruiting, recruit division commander, or career counselor assignment. d. Post Tour ID Badge Manner of Wear: (1) Placement of metal ID badges to denote post tour wear on Service and Service Dress uniforms will align with the placement of incumbent ID badge wear in line with reference (a). Placement of embroidered ID badges on the NWU Type III to denote post tour status will be centered on the right pocket flap. (2) Beginning 1 January 2025, a miniature size recruiting, recruit division commander, and career counselor ID badge will be worn to denote post tour assignment status. Commencing this date, regular size ID badges will be worn only by Sailors fulfilling an incumbent assignment. e. Availability. Regular size recruiting and recruit division commander ID badges will be issued through cognizant organizations to eligible Sailors. Regular size Career Counselor ID badges will continue to be sold at the Navy Exchange Uniform and Customer Support Centers. Notification of the availability of miniature size recruiting, recruit division commander and career counselor ID badges will be via separate announcements. 3. Navy War College (NWC) Alumni badge may now be worn as an optional uniform identification badge on service and full dress uniforms in accordance with Section 1, Chapter 5 of reference (a) with the following provisions: a. Eligibility. Any NWC graduate of an in-residence or distance educations JPME-granting course. b. Badge Description. Metal, circular, 1.5 inch by 1.5 inch badge presenting the NWC trident and shield, colored in blue, white, and gold. c. Occasion of wear. Formal and informal NWC alumni events and partnership engagements where attendees include U.S. and international graduates from NWC. Due to the size of the badge, it is not authorized for wear in dinner dress uniforms. d. Manner of wear. For individual badge wear, the NWC will be worn on Service Dress and Full Dress Uniforms in the same manner prescribed for the wear of the Office of the Secretary of Defense or Joint Chiefs of Staff ID badges. For dual ID badge wear, refer to chapter 5, section 1, article 5101.4 of reference (a). Wearing of NWC ID badges does not take precedence over incumbent assignment ID badge wear requirements. Individuals are not authorized to wear more than two ID badges. e. Availability. NWC badges are awarded to international and only U.S. students embedded in the international programs within Naval Command Course and National Security Courses. NWC will make the alumni badges available for purchase by any eligible U.S. NWC graduate. This badge will not be available for NEXCOM online or in-store purchase. 4. Female Uniform Initiative, Size Modernization Program (SMP). As announced in reference (b), the SMP is a multiphase five-year uniform improvement program focused on improving the design, form, fit, and function of female uniforms. The objective of the SMP is to deliver modernized uniforms that are of consistent fit and sizing across all Service and Dress uniform types. Phase One efforts of the SMP are concentrated on officer and Chief Petty officer (CPO) Service and Dress slacks, skirts, and shirts/blouses. Phase TWO SMP efforts will focus on modernization of enlisted E1 to E6 uniform components. Phase One fleet introduction events will occur during calendar years 2024 and 2025 consisting of the following initiatives: a. Summer White Overblouse: Short sleeved optional component worn by officers and CPOs with the Summer White Service Uniform. (1) Fit Clinics: Pensacola, FL 9-13 September 2024. Jacksonville, FL 9-13 September 2024. Bangor, WA 16-20 September 2024. San Diego, CA 23-27 September 2024. (2) Component Availability: Introduction will commence in at select locations (Norfolk VA, Jacksonville FL, Pensacola FL, San Diego CA, Bangor WA, Pearl Harbor HI, Arlington VA) no later than September 2024. Follow-on availability for the rest of the fleet will commence October 2024. (3) Manner and occasion for wear will be promulgated via reference (a) upon completion of the September 2024 fit clinics and the establishment of proper fit and sizing criteria. b. Dress Overblouse: Long sleeved optional overblouse worn with Service Dress Blue Uniform. (1) Component production will commence December 2024. (2) Component Availability: At select uniform centers, commencing April 2025. c. Service Slacks with Back Pockets. White, Khaki, and Blue slacks will have center front zipper fastener, side pockets. Blue slacks will remain beltless. (1) Component production will commence May 2025. (2) Component Availability: At select uniform centers, commencing September 2025. d. Service Skirts. White, Khaki and Blue service skirts will be redesigned to encompass straight vice A frame design, back center zipper fastener and kick pleat. Side pockets are being reviewed to determine compatibility with new design pattern, appearance, and functionality. (1) Component production will commence September 2025. (2) Component Availability: At select uniform centers, commencing December 2025. Note* All availability dates are based on manufacturer's supply chain and production delivery. 5. Questions regarding this NAVADMIN should be addressed via e-mail to Mr. Robert B. Carroll, Navy Uniform Matters and Emerging Issues Branch (OPNAV N13X), at, or YNCS Marishia Robinson (OPNAV N13X), at 6. Questions regarding SMP initiatives and introduction should be addressed to CDR Terri Gabriel, Deputy Commander Navy Uniforms, Navy Exchange Service Command at 7. Feedback and recommendations regarding uniform policy, uniform components and uniform availability are welcomed and can be provided via e-mail at, via the MyNavy UNIFORMS App, or via MyNavy HR at select references, U.S. Navy Uniforms and *Ask The Chiefs*. 8. Retain this NAVADMIN until policy changes are incorporated in reference (a), superseded or cancelled, whichever occurs first. 9. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//