CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 092052Z DEC 24 MID120001608117U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 246/24 PASS TO OFFICE CODES: FM CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC//N1// MSGID/GENADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/N1/DEC// SUBJ/EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM UPDATE// REF/A/DOC/NDAASEC582/1JAN21// REF/B/DOD/23JUN23// REF/C/DOC/OPNAVINST/15NOV17// REF/D/DOC/OPNAVINST/11DEC23// NARR/REF A IS SECTION 582 NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021 IMPROVEMENTS TO THE EXCEPTIONAL FAMILY MEMBER PROGRAM UPDATE. REF B IS THE DODI 1315.19, DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE EFMP POLICY INSTRUCTION. REF C IS THE OPNAVINST 1754.2F, THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY EFMP POLICY INSTRUCTION. REF D IS THE OPNAVINST 1300.14E, SUITABILITY SCREENING FOR OVERSEAS OR REMOTEDUTY ASSIGNMENT. RMKS/1. This NAVADMIN announces Department of Defense (DoD) mandated updates to improve the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) experience for military families and to create program consistency across the Services per references (a) and (b). Navy EFMP updates will be implemented gradually, bringing the Navy EFMP in line with other DoD and Service EFMPs by the end of Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25). Continuity of benefits for new and existing enrollees will be maintained. Enrollment in the EFMP is mandatory for all Active Duty Service Members and Reservists on orders over 30 calendar days, who have a family member with a qualifying chronic medical (physical, developmental, or mental health) condition or who require special educational support per references (b) and (c). The primary purpose of the EFMP is to ensure family member's medical and educational needs are considered during the assignment process. 2. EFMP updates will improve oversight and implementation as well as provide a single Point of Contact (POC) for EFMP needs. The following changes will be fully implemented by the end of FY25: a. Single-lead EFMP Office. The Navy established a centralized EFMP office at Navy Personnel Command, EFMP Manager (PERS-456) to oversee implementation of the EFMP and provide a single POC for the coordination of health care services, Permanent Change of Station (PCS) assignments, and educational support services. b. Transition to individualized approach for case management. In alignment with reference (b) and the other Services, Navy will no longer utilize traditional Exceptional Family Member (EFM) categories. This transition will offer greater precision in aligning the needs of each EFM to those capabilities available at assignment locations. c. Central Screening Committee (CSC) EFMP Enrollment, Respite Care, and Priority Housing. The CSC is a medical review committee consisting of healthcare professionals responsible for reviewing completed EFMP enrollment packages. The CSC makes EFMP enrollment determinations and adjudications on Level of Need (LON) as LON pertains to respite care and priority placement on the Navy housing waitlist, as applicable. (1) The CSC transitioned from the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) Medical Readiness (BUMED N10D) to the single-lead EFMP office, PERS-456. (2) EFMP coordinators at the military treatment facility will continue to assist the CSC in the identification and enrollment of current and prospective EFMs, and provide EFMP training and marketing to medical staff personnel. (3) Per reference (c), EFMP enrolled Service Members are required to update their EFMP enrollment status every three years or when a change in special medical or educational needs occurs. d. Assignment Process. Service Members enrolled in the EFMP will apply for assignments in MyNavy Assignment or coordinate with detailers as appropriate. PERS-456 will confirm the required medical or special educational services are available at the assignment location prior to orders being released. (1) Assignment Reconsideration. If a Sailor considers the assignment medically or educationally inappropriate, the Sailor may submit a request to PERS-456 for an assignment reconsideration. (2) The EFMP assignment process does not replace the operational or overseas suitability screening requirement. Suitability screening is a separate process and required for Service Members receiving accompanied orders to a location outside the continental United States and remote duty, per reference (d). (3) PERS-456 will initiate the family support warm hand-off process when the required care services are available at the gaining location. As EFM families move from one installation to another, the losing installation EFMP family support office will proactively communicate with the gaining EFMP family support office to communicate the family's needs to help with the continuation of services. The warm hand-off may include information for transitioning respite care, disability-related housing needs, obtaining educational support, or connecting to local support groups upon arrival at the new location. e. EFMP Respite Care. The DoD established a standardized respite care benefit, including the number of hours available to military families enrolled in the EFMP who meet the eligibility criteria. The respite care benefit provides family members with temporary relief from the responsibility for the regular care of the EFM, utilizing trained and background checked approved providers. The EFMP respite care age-specific LON rubrics help the Services determine eligibility and number of allotted hours per month, per family. The changes to the Navy's Respite Care Program will be fully implemented on 1 October 2025. LON rubrics scoring is as follows: (1) LON 1 and LON 2: Sailors with dependents with low needs are ineligible for EFMP respite care. (2) LON 3: Sailors with dependents with moderate needs, to include adults, are eligible to receive 20 hours per month of EFMP respite care. (3) LON 4: Sailors with dependents with profound needs, to include adults, are eligible for 32 hours per month of EFMP respite care services. (4) If previously qualified for respite care services, but the LON reclassification changes eligibility, respite care benefits will continue at the current level until 1 October 2025. (5) For PCSs occurring on or after 1 July 2025, eligibility will be based on LON determination. If the LON assessment disqualifies the dependent for respite care, benefits expire on the date the PCS occurs. If determined eligible, the Service Member must apply for respite care benefits at the new duty station under updated eligibility guidelines. (6) Changes to respite care hours and eligibility for current respite care users will not take effect until 1 October 2025, with the exception of a PCS move occurring on or after 1 July 2025. f. Priority Placement on Navy Housing Waitlist. Navy Housing applicants with family members enrolled in EFMP deemed eligible for a priority placement on the Navy Housing waitlist will be afforded the priority. Housing waitlist priority does not guarantee immediate housing assignment, but helps to quickly and adequately house those requiring permanency in living arrangements. Any housing accommodation requests should be provided to landlord. (1) Sailors with a previous assignment letter of EFMP categories 4 and 5, as well as enrollees designated in writing by the CSC, will be afforded the priority placement until 1 October 2025. After 1 October 2025, only those designated in writing via the CSC will be eligible for priority housing placement. (2) Non-Navy applicants applying for Navy housing will need to contact PERS-456 to validate priority placement on the Navy Housing waitlist. (a) Provide proof of enrollment in service EFMP. If enrollment letter is not available, PERS-456 will contact the respective service to validate. (b) Provide a copy of the DD-2792, DD-2792-1, and Individualized Education Program (IEP)/Individualized Family Service Plan, as applicable. 3. Legal Assistance for Special Education Concerns. Navy Region Legal Service Offices (RLSO) are available to provide special education legal support to families enrolled in the EFMP, as appropriate. General Legal Assistance Attorneys located exclusively at RLSO Mid-Atlantic in Norfolk, VA; RLSO Southwest in San Diego, CA; and RLSO Southeast in Jacksonville, FL consult with EFMP Special Education Liaisons, EFMP Case Liaisons, and School Liaisons on an as needed basis. Various team members may consult with EFMP families on a variety of topics related to availability of schools, special education school meetings, due process, IEPs, housing, medical, and information and referral services. Additional resources are available at: tance_%20May%202024.pdf?ver=NYl_EqDkQ5pwmXPPTCKFKg%3d%3d Special Education Attorney Video: 4. For questions concerning identification and enrollment/disenrollment, respite care, and family support, please contact the Centralized EFMP Office directly at 901-874-2496 or at (a) Navy's EFMP websites: (1) MyNavy HR: Services/Exceptional-Family-Member/ (2) CNIC: Program/Work-and-Family-Life/Exceptional-Family-Member-Program/ (b) Navy EFMP mobile resources: (1) Navy's EFMP App:!/apps/17B6E14B-2502-438C-880B-4D98B4512038 (2) MyNavy Family App:!/apps/A3E45417-7665-4E93-B703-659F6B34C404 (c) Special Education resources: (1) Special Education Attorney Video: (2) Navy Legal Assistance Program: tance_%20May%202024.pdf?ver=NYl_EqDkQ5pwmXPPTCKFKg%3d%3d 5. Released by Vice Admiral Richard J. Cheeseman, Jr., N1.// BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//