CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED// ROUTINE R 232304Z DEC 24 MID120001661728U FM CNO WASHINGTON DC TO NAVADMIN INFO CNO WASHINGTON DC BT UNCLAS NAVADMIN 260/24 MSGID/NAVADMIN/CNO WASHINGTON DC/CNO/DEC// SUBJ/HOLIDAY MESSAGE// RMKS 1. America's Warfighting Navy: from our families to yours, MCPON Honea and I wish you a happy and safe holiday. No matter where you are this holiday season, take the time to relax, recharge and celebrate with your family, friends, and broader support networks. 2. This past year, America's Warfighting Navy, along with our Marine Corps teammates, has been in high demand. You have operated from the seabed to space, in cyberspace, and the information environment to promote our nation's security and prosperity in every corner of the globe. Your teamwork and professional excellence ensure that we are always ready to preserve the peace, respond in crisis, and win - decisively - in war, if called. 3. We send a special thank you to our shipmates far from home who are deployed and standing the watch this holiday season. Wherever you may be, look out for each other and ensure no one is celebrating the holidays alone. We also want to thank our families for their service and their sacrifice - we can't do what we do every day without their encouragement and support. 4. Looking ahead, let's approach the New Year with the same energy and excitement you brought to 2024. Soon we will mark the beginning of our Navy's 250th birthday celebrations. This is a once-in-a- lifetime opportunity for you to get out there and share the story of America's Warfighting Navy with the Nation. 5. Thank you again for your service and sacrifice. What you do every day matters. You are America's Warfighting Navy in action. MCPON Honea and I are honored to serve alongside you. Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and All Ahead Flank! 6. Released by ADM L. M. Franchetti, 33rd Chief of Naval Operations and MCPON J. M. Honea, 16th Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy. BT #0001 NNNN CLASSIFICATION: UNCLASSIFIED//