P 281606Z AUG 18 FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 AIG 4730 BT UNCLAS MSGID/GENADMIN/DFAS-CL Code JFLADA// SUBJ/Updated Submission Process for Secondary Dependency Requests// // MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 24/18// POC/Dependency Claims Division/CODE: JFLADA/TEL: COMM 1-888-332-7411// RMKS/1. This advisory is being issued to provide new guidance on the submission Process of Navy Secondary Dependency applications to DFAS Cleveland Code JFLADA, Special Claims Division. 2. Effective 3 September 2018, DFAS Cleveland Code JFLADA Special Claims Division will no longer accept Secondary Dependency Applications submitted via E-mail or Fax. 3. The primary method to submit Navy Secondary Dependency applications (initial and annual re-certifications) will be done via the: AskDFAS online portal located at the following link: (https://www.dfas.mil/AskDFAS.html) 4. From the AskDFAS Homepage, click on the picture icon: "Military Service Members" block, then click on the "All other questions" link. From there, select the option which states: "Navy questions about dependents other than spouse or children." Following this path will bring you to the AskDFAS Secondary Dependency online tool. Select the appropriate subcategory to begin your application process. 5. Prior to beginning the application process in AskDFAS, please visit the Navy Secondary Dependency instructions page on the DFAS.mil website located at the following link: https://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/SecondaryDependency/secondarydependency _Navy.html This link provides guidance on submission requirements and answers to frequently Asked Questions. 6. Effective immediately, updates of the NAVPERS 1070/602(RED/DA) on initial Secondary Dependency requests are no longer required. Initial Secondary Dependency Requests should be submitted with current NAVPERS 1070/602(RED/DA). Once approval is received, the approval letter from DFAS will be used to update and add dependent(s) to theNAVPERS 1070/602 (RED/DA). All annual recertification's will require the Secondary Dependent(s) to be included on the submitted NAVPERS 1070/602(RED/DA). 7. REQUEST WIDEST DISSEMINATION.// BT