P 261601Z SEP 18 FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/LEAVE CARRYOVER AND SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL (SLA) FY 18 END PROCESSING INFORMATION// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 29/18// REF/A/DOC/MILPERSMAN 1050-070/22JAN2010// REF/B/DOC/DOD INSTRUCTION 1327.06/16JUN2006// REF/C/DOC/DJMS NAVY PROCEDURES TRAINING GUIDE (PTG)// NARR/REF A IS THE MILPERSMAN ESTABLISHING SLA GUIDANCE. REF B IS DOD INSTRUCTION ESTABLISHING SLA LIMITS. REF C IS THE NAVY'S INFORMATION AND PROCESSING GUIDE WHICH WILL BE UPDATED IAW MILPERSMAN 1050-070.// POC/CLIFF BROWNING/DFAS-JFLS/CL/FIELD SERVICES DIVISION/ TEL: DSN 580-5886/TEL: COMM: 216-522-5886// RMKS/1. This advisory is being provided in regards to submission of SLA requests and to issue procedures for reporting a member's entitlement to SLA for fy18. In accordance with Ref A, any leave balance in excess of 60 days on 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 will be lost unless subject to Special Leave Accrual described in paragraph 2. 2. Reference A, requests commands to identify those members eligible For SLA and verify that a qualifying condition was met in FY18 for Individual members of units. The commands endorsement (by direction is acceptable thru 31 December 2018) should be submitted to DFAS Cleveland via the Defense Workload Operations Web System (DWOWS) via servicing ADSN/PSD. Commands that do not have access to DWOWS should contact their local pay office for submission assistance. 3. IAW Reference B, SLA retention limits are increased. This retention increase only applies to SLA that is earned from 1 October 2008 to 30 September 2015. SLA that has been authorized, except for SLA earned in support of a contingency operation, is authorized to be retained for four fiscal years. SLA earned during the support of a contingency operation may retained for two fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the duty assignment in support of a contingency operation is terminated. 4. Per Reference C, SLA requests should not be submitted before month ending restructure (MER) 20 September 2018; members would not have lost leave before then. SLA requests should not be submitted later than the end of the first quarter of FY19 (31 December 2018). SLA request submitted after first quarter FY19, must include documentation justifying the late submission and signed by the individual's commanding officer or higher; such as Echelon II authority. By direction and mass transaction requests are not accepted after the first quarter of FY19. 5. Commands requesting SLA restoration of ten or less members will submit individual letters for each member to their servicing PSD for processing. The request must include the member's last name, first name, middle initial, full SSN, number of days to carry forward for SLA, and the qualifying condition. 6. This years authorized mass transaction for eleven (11) to five hundred (500) members will only be accepted in the pre-approved excel listing format. The desktop guide for this format has been provided to all PSD's and self-supporting afloat units. The desktop guide may be obtained from your supporting PSD or by emailing nathaniel.l.harris.mil@mail.mil for self-supporting afloat units. If more than five hundred (500) members qualify for SLA at one command, submit multiple excel worksheets to list each member only once. 7. Commands serviced by a PSD will submit the excel spreadsheet via TOPS. The spreadsheet must be transmitted as excel file; do not scan excel listings into other formats, use ARMDEC safe when necessary. 8. This advisory has been coordinated with NPPSC. 9. Request widest dissemination.//