P 061950Z NOV 18 FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/ GUIDANCE FOR BAS II TRANSACTIONS AND SUBMISSION TO DWOWS// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 33/18// REF/A/MILPERSMAN 7220-182// NARR/REF A IS MILPERSMAN INSTRUCTION FOR BAS II// POC/MRS. IDALIZ WILLIAMS, DFAS-CL/JFLQ/ SYSTEM LIAISON AND PROCEDURE DIVISION//DSN 580-5742/ COMMERCIAL (216)522-5742// RMKS/1. This MPA is being issued to provide guidance on how to submit DWOWS cases for BAS II// 2. BAS II allowance is provided to enlisted service members that are permanently assigned to a duty station and living in single (unaccompanied) government quarters without adequate facilities for food storage and or preparation, and where a government mess is not available and the government cannot otherwise make meals available. 3. The monthly rate for BAS II is fixed at twice the rate of standard enlisted BAS. 4. Personnel and finance offices must ensure that the information in personnel records are accurate and up to date before any claims are forwarded to DFAS-CL for adjudication and pay of requested BAS II allowance period of entitlement. 5. Human Resource (HR) and finance/disbursing office personnel must submit claims to DFAS-CL in the following format: a). Claims of 10 service members or less, must be submitted individually via DWOWS, using DEPT: JFLA and clerk code: JER. If the correct DEPT and clerk code is not used the submission will be misrouted, creating processing delays. b). Mass transactions: submissions of 11-500 service members and for the same case type only, should be submitted via excel (xls) spreadsheet. To obtain a copy of the spreadsheet contact DFAS-CL Military Pay at DSN 580-5530. When submitting mass transactions, the DWOWS transaction name should be: BAS TYPE II UIC XXXXX MONTH MMM YYYY (XXXXX = the entitled members' command UIC, MMM = entitlement month, YYYY = entitlement year). Column's must be formatted with nine (9) xls column headers. c). The column headers must be labeled in the following order with information obtained from the members Master Military Pay account (MMPA): SYSTEM: Active SSN: As listed in the MA fid line. (NO DASHES) NAME: As listed in the MC fid line. (USE UPPERCASE LETTERS) PAY GRADE: As listed in the MD fid line. START DATE: Use YYMMDD format. STOP DATE: Use YYMMDD format. MEMO LINE: N9BAS II MT REQ ADSN: Current ADSN of the PSD/CVN or finance office the members Account belongs to. COMMAND UIC: Unit Identification Code Number. UIC XXXXX FORMAT. 6. If a member has multiple BAS II entitlement periods to be reported on the same excel spreadsheet: Each period must be listed on a separate line. No cells can be left blank on a line where entitlement is requested. Column's or lines with blank data will not be imported and therefore the entitlement will not be paid. 7. Only one list can be imported to DMO and transmitted daily. If multiple listings are received they will be processed on separate updates. 8. DWOWS cases received not utilizing the above format, will be returned without being processed. 9. Entitlement request dates should not overlap with leave periods or TDY periods off station. 10. Source documentation is required, in order to be in compliance with DFAS-CL audit process. A command approval letter and a N130 determination letter must be attached to all BAS II case submissions. Failure to include source documentation will result in closure of the request with no action. 11. DFAS-CL BAS II payments will post to the members MMPA as follows: a). Save Pay 0901/0903 transactions will be processed accordingly. b). An 09 fid entry will be posted on the MMPA with a sub-Format = 56. c). Save pay type = "G" d). Pay grade = "09" e). N9 memo entry = N9BAS II MT REQ 12. BAS II will be posted as saved pay in the entitlements column of the leave and earning statement (LES), reflecting the following remarks on the (LES): SAVE PAY YYMMDD-YYMMDD. 13. This message has been coordinated with DFAS-CL, PERS 2 AND NPPSC. 14. Request widest dissemination.//