P 211359Z NOV 18 FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4730// AIG 4676// AIG 4678// BT UNCLAS MSGID/GENADMIN/NMPO/JFLQ// SUBJ/THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) CONTRIBUTION LIMITS FOR CALENDAR YEAR 2019// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 36/18// REF/A/WEBSITE/WWW.TSP.GOV// NARR/REF A IS THE THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN OFFICIAL WEBSITE// POC/SEAN-THOMAS TEAHAN/CODE JFLQ/TEL:216-204-6706// RMKS/1. This military pay advisory announces the TSP contribution program limits for calendar year 2019. 2. As indicated Ref A, effective 1 January 2019, the Internal Revenue Code I.R.C SECTION 402(G) limit for TSP elective deferral limits will be $19,000.00. The elective deferral limit applies to the combined total of Roth and traditional deferred contributions. The I.R.C SECTION 415(C) limit for all contributions including matching, agency automatic, exempt, Roth and traditional deferred contributions will be $56,000.00. The limit for TSP catch-up contributions will remain at $6,000.00 and is in addition to the I.R.C SECTION 415(C) and 402(G) limitations. The TSP catch-up limit applies to the combined total of Roth catch-up and traditional catch-up contributions.//