P 291833Z NOV 18 FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 AIG 4730 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/BLENDED RETIREMENT SYSTEM (BRS) AUTOMATIC REENROLLMENT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2019// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 37/18// REF/A/DOC/PUBLIC LAW 114-92 SECTION 632// NARR/REF A AUTHORIZES THE REENROLLMENT INTO THE THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN (TSP) JANUARY 1ST OF THE FOLLOWING CALENDAR YEAR.// POC/BARBARA BLOCK/CODE JFLQ/TEL:216-204-4308// 1. IAW REF A, members who were automatically enrolled in BRS by virtue of having a Date of Initial Entry in Military Service (DIEMS) on or after January 1, 2018 and are not contributing into the TSP at the end of the year will be automatically re-enrolled into traditional TSP at 3 percent base pay for Active Duty effective January 1, 2019 and for Reserves effective the first daily update in January. This also applies to members who opted-in during a prior period of service followed by a break in service of more than 31 days. 2. These members have the opportunity to decline to be re-enrolled, but may do so only during the following periods: DJMS-AC: December 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 DJMS-RC: December 1, 2018 to December 18, 2018 3. If the member is auto enrolled and requests to decline automatic reenrollment during this period the finance office may process the declination to avoid the auto reenrollment. For members who opted-in during a prior period of service with a break of 31 days or more who has less than 2 years and 1 day service will need to submit a case to DFAS to process the declination. The following transaction will be used to process the declination: DJMS-AC: M204 START DATE: Current date. Must be between 181201 to 181231 MATCH IND: This should be the same as the match indicator currently on the members account. Space filled if not receiving matching. M if receiving matching. If the member is not eligible due to reaching 26 years of service. TSP declination IND: R member declining automatic reenrollment DJMS-RC: T01-8 BRS flag x for member declining automatic reenrollment 4. Members who are automatically reenrolled in TSP will have the opportunity to adjust their elections in MyPay even after reenrollment. Members who request to decline reenrollment via their finance office may later choose to contribute to TSP via MyPay. 5. This process does not affect members who chose to opt-in to the BRS. Those members will not be automatically reenrolled in TSP regardless of their current elections. However, members who opt-ed in during a prior period of service followed by a break in service of 31 days or more will be automatically reenrolled if they do not have a current election. 6. Members who have more than 26 years of service will not be reenrolled. 7. Request widest dissemination.//