P 091415Z MAR 20 MID110000445982U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/CONTINUED CZTE FOR ASSIGNMENT TO LEBANON// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 07/20// POC//FIELD SERVICES/DFAS MPO-CL-JFLQ/DSN 580-5886/ COMM 216-522-5886// REF/A/DOC/OUSD MEMORANDUM/DTD 03MAR2020// REF/B/DOC/PROCEDURES TRANINNG GUIDE (PTG) TABLE 1-10-1// NARR/REF A IS THE OUSD MEMORANDUM THAT AUTHORIZES CONTINUATION OF CZTE FOR LEBANON RETROACTIVE TO 12 FEB 2020. REF B IS THE PTG TABLE LISTING DESIGNATING AREAS OF THE WORLD FOR HFP/IDP AND OR CZTE BENEFITS// RMKS/1. Ref A authorizes combat zone tax exclusion benefits for all military personnel in Lebanon retroactive to 12 Feb 2020 who were serving in direct support of military operations in the Arabian Peninsula combat zone. 2. DJMS tables have been updated to recognize CZTE coding for Lebanon (LB) which should be used when service members enter the designated areas of Lebanon. 3. Field activities are encouraged to inform all eligible members of this entitlement who may have been assigned to Lebanon in direct support of military operations in the Arabian Peninsula combat zone since 12 Feb 2020 and did not receive the CZTE. Field activities should assist members regarding credits by having them provide a copy of their orders as supporting documentation for the CZTE adjustment. 4. Ref B will be updated in conjunction with the DoDFMR 7a ch 44, fig. 44-1 to reflect continuance of CZTE entitlement for Lebanon. 5. Request widest dissemination possible.//