P 121610Z MAR 20 MID110000459809U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/EXEMPTION FROM REPAYMENT OF VOLUNTARY SEPARATION PAY// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 09/20// POC/MPO-CL CODE JFLQ/CL/SYSTEM LIAISON AND PROCEDURES// DSN 580-5886/ COMMERCIAL (216) 522-5886// REF/A/NDAA 2020/SECTION 603A// REF/B/TITLE 10 U.S.C./SECTION 1175A// REF/C/DoD FMR 7A CHAPTER 35// RMKS/1. Ref A is an amendment to Ref b regarding the exemption of service members who are involuntarily recalled to active duty or full time national guard and who also incur a total service connected disability from the requirement to repay voluntary separation pay. 2. Ref C is currently in the process of being updated to reflect the changes put forth in Ref A and B. 3. Request widest dissemination.//