P 091619Z JUN 20 MID510001241744U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS (SRB) TD RANGE CHANGES FOR DWOWS CASE SUBMISSION// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 18/20// REF/A/ P 102019Z OCT 19, MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 26/19// AMPN/REF A PROVIDED SRB TD RANGE CHANGES FOR DWOWS CASE SUBMISSION// POC/RANJIT KAUR, ANALYST/DFAS-JFLQ/CL/SYSTEM LIAISON AND PROCEDURES/ TEL: DSN 580- 5742. COMM: 216-522-5742. OR IDALIZ WILLIAMS, ANALYST/ DFAS-JFLQ/CL/SYSTEM LIAISON AND PROCEDURES/TEL: DSN 580- 5742, COMM: 216-522-5742.// RMKS/1. This advisory replaces REF A and is being provided regarding The submission of SRB requests and to issue procedures for assigning cases to DFAS-CL Central Processing. 2. All DWOWS cases for SRB qualified and approved service members, must be sent to Department JFLADB and you must select a clerk code based on the last 3 digits of the service members' SSN as follows: 000-299 Select clerk code 403 300-549 Select clerk code JOW 550-799 Select clerk code KRH 800-999 Select clerk code 404 3. To avoid delay in processing your request, please ensure that you are using the correct Department and Clerk Code for each of your SRB pay claims. 4. Attach any applicable documentation as needed to the DWOWS case. 5. No SRB request will be accepted via email, you must use the secure host of DWOWS System for all SRB bonus pay claims. 6. For DWOWS cases over 10 days old you can contact Department JFLADB Lead Technician, Mark Jurgens at elmark.t.jurgens.civ@mail.mil. 7. This advisory has been coordinated with DFAS-CL, BUPERS 328, NPPSC and PERS 2. 8. Request widest dissemination.//