P 251215Z SEP 20 MID510001759704U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/COVID-19 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL RESTRICTION OF MOVEMENT (SLA-ROM) AUTHORIZATION// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 26/20// REF/A/USD MEMORANDUM DATED 16APR20// 16 APR 20 AUTHORIZING SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL DUE TO COVID-19 RESTRICTIVE TRAVEL.// POCS/RON ATES/PERS-2/TEL: COMM: 901-874-4363/EMAIL: RON.ATES@NAVY.MIL; STEVEN BREST/DFAS-JFLQ/CL/MILITARY PAY & PROCEDURES DIVISION/ TEL: COMM: 216-204-4610// RMKS/1. This advisory is being provided in regards to the submission of Special Leave Accrual Restriction of Movement due to COVID-19 Travel Restrictions. The Department of Defense's actions to stem the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), to include restricting travel, has significantly limited the ability of Service members to take leave during the national emergency. 2. Reference A, provides the Department's response to COVID-19 regarding Service members' ability to take leave and properly manage their leave balances. Effective March 11, 2020 through September 30, 2020, and pursuant to Title 10, U.S.C. Section 701(f)(1)(A) and (B)(iii), Navy personnel performing active service (as defined in Title 10, U.S.C. Section 701(a)) during those dates, are authorized to accumulate annual leave in excess of 60 days (not to exceed 120 days) as shown on the end of month September 2020 Leave and Earnings Statement. Service members are further authorized to retain such unused leave until the end of Fiscal Year 2023 (i.e., September 30, 2023). This authorization does not apply to service members who would otherwise be authorized to accumulate leave in excess of 60 days as of October 1, 2020, under section 701(f)(1)(A) and (B)(i) or under 701(f)(2) prior to this directive. 3. Beginning October 1, 2020 DFAS will begin running file searches identifying members carrying a leave balance over 60 days and currently do not have a SLA. Central site will process the corrective actions to restore/carry forward leave over 60 days, up to 120 days. 4. No actions are required by field offices at this time. Further Information will be provided as necessary. 5. This advisory has been coordinated with PERS 2. 6. Request widest dissemination.//