R 031917Z DEC 20 MID200000427032U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 AIG 4730 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/REVISIONS TO THE DJMS-RC UPDATE SCHEDULE FOR THE WORK MONTHS OF OCT NOV AND DEC 2020// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 32/20// REF/A/MSG/DFAS CLEVELAND OH/P 281835Z SEP 20// AMPN/REF A IS MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 27/20 PROVIDING THE DJMS-RC UPDATE SCHEDULE FOR THE WORK MONTHS OF OCT NOV AND DEC 2020//POC/TONY BRIDGES/SYSTEM LIAISON AND PROCEDURE DIVISION/MPO-CL CODE JFLQ/DSN 580-5335/COMMERCIAL (216)522-5335// RMKS/1. The purpose of this message is to advise of the following Adjustments to the DJMS-RC schedule contained in REF A. 2. The DJMS-RC CODE 1 update for 03DEC20 pay date and high dates paid will change from 11DEC20 and 13DEC20 respectively, to 10DEC20 for both. 3. The DJMS-RC CODE 2 update for 08DEC20 will change to a CODE 1 update, and the pay date and high dates paid will change from 15DEC20 to 11DEC20 for both 4. The DJMS-RC CODE 1 update for 10DEC20 will change to a CODE 2 update, and the pay date and high dates paid will change from 18DEC20 and 20DEC20 respectively, to 15DEC20 for both. 5. All actions are beyond above mentioned dates will be pending NDAA/CRA approval. 4. Further updates will be disseminated by future MPA releases. 5. Input from field activities using Defense MILPAY Office (DMO) must be submitted prior to 1900 (EST) and input from Reserve Headquarters System (RHS) must be submitted prior to 2100 (EST). 6. Request widest dissemination.//