R 081943Z DEC 20 MID600050056898U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 BT UNCLAS SUBJ/NAVY ACTIVE DUTY 5-YEAR TAX HISTORY SYSTEM INFORMATION FOR 2020 END OF YEAR// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 34/20// REF/A/NAVY DJMS PROCEDURES TRAINING GUIDE (PTG)// AMPN/REF A IS THE NAVY'S INFORMATION AND PROCESSING GUIDE.// POC/ CLIFF BROWNING/FIELD SERVICES DIVISION/MPO-CL CODE JFLQ/COMM (216) 204-3812// RMKS/1. The purpose of this message is to announce the dates that the 5-Year Tax History System (5YRTHS) will be disabled and restored and the years available for W-2 and W-2C reissues. 2. The 5YRTHS will be off-line from 1900 HRS Eastern Standard Time, 21 DEC 2020 in preparation for W-2 file creation, annual updating and maintenance. The 5YRTHS is scheduled to be restored to full capability and come back up online on 21 JAN 2021 with 5 years processing and prints starting on 21 JAN 2021. Available years for W-2 and W-2C reissues after system restoration will be 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020. Hardcopy corrected W-2s and W-2Cs will be mailed beginning 25 JAN 2021. 3. Prior to reissuing W-2s and W-2Cs using the verb JLAA, issuing activities should review Ref A, Part 7, Chapter 1 section A and Part 9, Chapter 9: Reissue Of W-2s and W-2Cs Using Verb JLAA and MYPAY Reissues. 4. For reissue purposes members should use the MYPAY system or HTTPS://WWW.DFAS.MIL. If members are unable to obtain their W-2 or W-2C via these resources they should contact the Cleveland Customer Care Center at 1-888-332-7411 to request a reissue of their W-2 or W-2C beginning on 21 JAN 2021, Monday through Friday between the hours of 0800 TO 1730 Eastern Standard Time. Members will not be able to obtain W-2s or W-2Cs through the Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS). 5. Request widest dissemination.//