R 181243Z MAR 21 MID600050382441U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 AIG 4730 BT UNCLAS MSGID/GENADMIN/DFAS-CL Code JFLADA// SUBJ/Update on Secondary Dependency Requests// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 04/21// POC/Dependency Claims Division/CODE: JFLADA/ RMKS/1. This advisory is being issued to provide guidance on the Navy Secondary Dependency Claims Approval Process. 2. Navy Secondary Dependency Claims determinations are now being delivered to customers through an automated process. Members will receive a message, outlining the final outcome of their request, at the official email ID associated with smartdocs. The determination is delivered in a condensed format and is more expeditious due to its automated nature. 3. However, since the program is in its inception and the message delivery in an abbreviated format, it has generated feedback via requests for clarifications. To alleviate confusion, Navy Secondary Claims will continue to generate and deliver manual letters of determination, to supplement the automated delivery. 4. In situations where the automated message is ambiguous or contradictory to the manual memorandum, the former must be considered the final determination. 5. In the interim period, it is requested that members send in their redetermination requests in a timely manner, as we continue to improve on our tracking and monitoring systems. 6. Additionally, effective immediately, copies of the NAVPERS 1070/602(RED/DA) are no longer required for redetermination submissions. Initial Secondary Dependency requests must continue to include the current NAVPERS 1070/602(RED/DA). 7. REQUEST WIDEST DISSEMINATION.//