R 141726Z FEB 24 MID600117190585U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 AIG 4730 INFO DFAS CLEVELAND OH BT UNCLAS MSGID/GENADMIN/DFAS-CLEVELAND OH JFL// SUBJ: NAVY FIELD USER DEFENSE WORKLOAD OPERATIONS WEB SYSTEM (DWOWS) CASE SUBMISSION// REF/A/MSG/R011825ZMAR23// AMPN/REF A IS MPA 05/23 DISCUSSES DWOWS COMPUTATION REQUIREMENTS.// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 02/24// POC/JENNIFER DUBBERT/DIRECTOR, OPERATIONAL CONTROL/MPO-CL CODE JFLJ/ JENNIFER.A.DUBBERT.CIV@MAIL.MIL// RMKS/1. The purpose of this message is to provide updated case submission Requirements for DWOWS as well as required computation worksheets (if applicable). 2. Information required when submission of DWOWS case for individual members are as follows: A. SSN for member that case is being submitted on behalf of. B. Name of member that case is being submitted on behalf of. C. Ensure correct System is selected for the DWOWS case from drop down menu. D. Ensure correct Case Type is selected for the DWOWS case from drop down menu. DWOWS will automatically assign the "Department" and "Assign to" based off the information entered. 3.Information required when submission of DWOWS case for Mass Transaction (11 or more members) are as follows: A. SSN: All 0s (Ex: 000000000) for mass entitlement transactions. B. Name: Name of Command, Format ID being requested, example: "Eisenhower HFP/IDP 23-FID MASS TRANS". C. System: Navy Active Duty. D. Department: JLFA. E. Assign To: PSC Brown, Jarrod. F. Receipt Type should reflect Command ADSN. 4. Computation worksheets requirements: A. Separation of calendar year (CY) and fiscal year (FY). Example, if a request is submitted through DWOWS to post a Period of BAH from 1 Sept 2022 - 28 Feb 2023, the following Periods of calculation will be included in the DWOWS case: BAH/1 Sep 2022 - 30 Sep 2022 (30 Sep is the end of the FY) BAH/1 Oct 2022 - 31 Dec 2022(1 Oct start of the FY/31 Dec end of CY) BAH/1 Jan 2023 - 28 Feb 2023 (1 Jan starts new CY) B. Ensure correct rates and yearly adjustments are included in calculations. C. Calculations required for each entitlement being requested. D. Signed by individual performing computations as well as an auditor. E. Signatures can be digital or wet signature. F. Computations must adhere to directions on second tab of the worksheet. 5. DFAS-CL is not responsible to determine a members entitlement. DWOWS case should clearly state what actions need to be made within DJMS, including supporting documents and signed computation worksheet as per MPA 05/23. 6. It is the Navy Field Users responsibility to follow up on cases, after submission, to review comments on the case. 7. You can download a copy of the updated DFAS computation sheet by going to https://www.milsuite.mil/book/docs. Directions on how to use the computation form can be found on the second tab of the computation sheet. 8. Requests to post entitlements or deductions, which do not include the calculations on the updated computation sheet as stated in this MPA, will be suspended for five days to allow update of submission. If after five days the information or computation sheet is not updated, case will be closed with annotation of incorrect submission. 9.Request widest dissemination. //