R 021515Z APR 24 MID120001003695U FM DFAS CLEVELAND OH TO AIG 4676 AIG 4678 INFO DFAS CLEVELAND OH BT UNCLAS MSGID/GENADMIN/DFAS-CL CLEVELAND OH/JFL// SUBJ/NEW MINIMUM THRESHOLD FOR CONUS COLA EFFECTIVE 1 APRIL 2024// MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 05/24// POC/RECHELLE WILLIAMS/DFAS-CL/JFLQ/RECHELLE.R.WILLIAMS.CIV@MAIL.MIL// REF/A/DOC/THE NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024// AMPN/REF A AUTHORIZES FUNDING LEVELS AND PROVIDES AUTHORITIES FOR THE U.S. MILITARY AND OTHER CRITICAL DEFENSE PRIORITIES// RMKS/1. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024 (FY 2024 NDAA) lowered the minimum threshold the DoD uses to determine eligibility for the Continental U.S. Cost-of-living Allowance (CONUS COLA) to more members stationed in additional high cost areas and to pay more to those stationed in existing CONUS COLA locations. 2. Per Ref A, Effective 1 April 2024, the DoD will pay CONUS COLA to Service members assigned in areas with cost of living that exceeds 107 percent of the average CONUS cost-of-living. The previous threshold was 108 percent of the CONUS average. 3. Members stationed in areas that will quality for CONUS COLA that previously did not, or in areas that will qualify for a higher CONUS COLA payment, will see changes in their 15 April 2024 paycheck. 4. Newley added COLA locations are: West Point, NY Boston, MA Sacramento, CA Boulder, CO Seattle, WA 5. CONUS COLA is a taxable allowance. CONUS COLA is only payable when costs at a location exceed average CONUS costs by an established threshold percentage, now 107 percent. Rates can increase, decrease, or remain the same. Additional information on the CONUS COLA program can found on the following site: https://www.travel.dod.mil/Allowances/CONUS-Cost-of-living-Allowance/. 6. Request widest possible dissemination.//