RAAUZYUW RUCCBWF0001 1301300-UUUU--RHMCCSUU. ZNR UUUUU R XXXXXXZ XXX 19 FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 19-01// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 190101: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/ Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. A quick launch link (SOPs Updates) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. 3. SOP CHANGES SUMMARY - DECEMBER 2018 As part of the update process, all 2018 NAVADMINs thru 322/18, less NAVADMINs 270/18, 266/18, 264/18 and 242/18, which had not been issued before the preparation of this update, all 2018 PPIBs (thru 18-22), all 2018 MPAs (thru 41-18), NPPSC OPS Alerts and other Pay/Pers community feedback/ updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. A. NPPSCINST 1000.1D Transaction Online Processing System Guidelines was approved 03 Jan 2019 The revision superseded NPPSCINST 1000.1C, issued 16 Nov 2016, and provided updated, current TOPS guidance to the PAYPERS community and especially CPPAs. Specifically, paragraph 6.c identifies additional, expanded CPPA responsibilities. CPPA CBT has been updated to reflect the newly issued instruction. B. Last month’s SOP Update and a November Ops Alert highlighted CO, NPPSC ltr Ser 5000 Ser N00/545 of 26 Nov 2018 Subj: 30 Day Late Letter for Pay and Personnel Transactions Cancellation. The PAYPERS SOPs and the CPPA CBT have been updated to remove the 30-day Late Letter requirement. C. What's New for You - NSIPS Updated On-line SAAR Process Changes to the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) System Access Account Request (SAAR) process for new users requesting access to NSIPS or for current users requesting additional roles in NSIPS; process became effective December 17, 2018. There is no change to the policy that all NSIPS users with the exception of self-service users are required to request account access within NSIPS by completing a Navy SAAR-N (OPNAV 5239/14). The change is that the SAAR-N must now be uploaded into NSIPS by the initiator. There is no longer a need for initiators to e-mail a copy of their SAAR-N to the NSIPS Access Manager (NAM) and/or Super Functional Area Manager (FAM). Once access to NSIPS is granted via the SAAR-N form, the user must complete the NSIPS On-line Access Process to gain user access for specific roles within NSIPS. The What’s New for You NSIPS Updated On-line SAAR Process outlines the steps for completing the NSIPS On-line Access Request. Steps have changed from the previously communicated What’s New for You #2 NSIPS 1.4.11, New On-line SAAR Process, so please refer to the updated document. D. NAVADMIN 319/18 POLICY REGARDING CAREER SEA PAY ENTITLEMENT Based on a recent policy review, NAVADMIN 319/18 revises NAVADMIN 143/18, ANNUAL REVIEW OF CAREER SEA PAY ENTITLEMENT FOR SHIP-BASED STAFFS AND UNITS and announces changes to the Career Sea Pay (CSP) policy as established in OPNAVINST 7220.14, CAREER SEA PAY AND CAREER SEA PAY PREMIUM. The following revisions have been made and changes will be incorporated into the next update of OPNAVINST 7220.14: 1. Yard Patrol Craft are designated to the special boats and expeditionary unit’s subcategory. 2. The qualifying nautical miles (nm) from homeport for the CSP daily rate for all non-Category A vessels has been reduced from 50nm to 25nm. 3. Landing Craft Utility (LCU) are required to be underway, making way for at least 4 hours’ vice 6 hours to qualify for the CSP daily rate. E. ESO/NEAS: Last month’s SOP Update highlighted What's New for You - NSIPS Release Overview and Enhancements made to Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) Prior to Pilot in Spring of 2019. Note: Commands will continue to use the current manual paper EAW (NETPDC 1430/3) as the official document for advancement eligibility until directed otherwise. In addition, the following ESO interest NAVADMINs were issued in the month of December. 1. NAVADMIN 318/18 MARCH 2019 (CYCLE 243) NAVY-WIDE PETTY OFFICER (E4-E6) ADVANCEMENT EXAMINATIONS FOR ACTIVE DUTY, FULL-TIME SUPPORT AND CANVASSER RECRUITER SAILORS This NAVADMIN announces the March 2019 (cycle 243) Navy-Wide Advancement Examination for advancement in rate of Active, Full-Time Support and Canvasser Recruiter Sailors. Note: For candidates taking E-6 exams, calculate reporting senior cumulative average PMA, as outlined in NAVADMIN 312/18, using all evaluations in the current paygrade of the candidate with the ending date that falls within 01 March 2016 to 28 February 2019. 2. NAVADMIN 316/18 ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT WORKSHEET This NAVADMIN announces the deployment and pilot of the Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). EAW transitions the manual paper advancement worksheet to an automated process that leverages authoritative data and displays advancement eligibility factors for all E-4 through E-7 candidates. Urgent Note: Commands with access to the NSIPS web are directed to establish their command EAW hierarchy by 15 January 2019 in preparation for the January through March 2019 pilot followed by the full EAW implementation in June 2019. The NSIPS web-afloat implementation timeline is dependent on the ship modernization process and availability of afloat units to receive and deploy the release package. 3. NAVADMIN 313/18 PROFESSIONAL MILITARY KNOWLEDGE ELIGIBILITY EXAM BUSINESS RULES This NAVADMIN establishes the business rules for the Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE). In line with NAVADMIN 085/18, PROFESSIONAL MILITARY KNOWLEDGE ELIGIBILITY EXAM, PMK-EE was created as part of the Sailor 2025 initiative to provide greater emphasis on PMK and to separate it from rating knowledge. This is an initial step toward electronic advancement exams and eventually, individually tailored rating exams, unique to the Navy Enlisted Classifications held by a Sailor. PMK-EE will serve as an additional eligibility requirement for advancement to paygrades E-4 through E-7. PMK-EE is currently available via MyNavyPortal or Navy e-Learning. Anticipated delivery of a PMK-EE mobile application, which will allow Sailors to take the exam on a personal smart phone, is July 2019. 4. NAVADMIN 312/18 ADVANCEMENT POLICY UPDATE This NAVADMIN announces changes to enlisted advancement policies within BUPERSINST 1430.16G, ADVANCEMENT MANUAL FOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL OF THE U.S. NAVY AND U.S. NAVY RESERVE, with the goal to reward talented Sailors who show sustained superior performance. This aligns with Sailor 2025 talent management initiatives by making changes to the current final multiple score (FMS) advancement process that add greater weight to performance measures. F. Extensions and Reenlistments 1. NAVADMIN 305/18 SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS UPDATE NOVEMBER 2018 AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A PAY FOR PERFORMANCE PILOT (CORRECTED COPY) This NAVADMIN corrects policy for Combat Zone Tax Exclusion (CZTE) and Early Promote (EP) Sailors and announces revised selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) award levels and reenlistment policy for active component (AC) and full-time support (FTS) and supersedes NAVADMIN 302/18. It updates the SRB program by adding award levels for 19 skills in 10 ratings, increasing award levels for 35 skills in 12 ratings, decreasing award levels for 59 skills in 27 ratings, removing award levels for 11 skills in 7 ratings and announces the implementation of a pilot program incorporating a pay for performance element into the SRB program, in which eligible Sailors can receive an additional 0.5 multiple or *kicker* in their SRB multiple if they meet specific criteria. This NAVADMIN also realigns the reenlistment window allowing Sailors who are eligible for combat zone tax exclusion and Sailors who received an early promote in block 45 of their most recent regular periodic evaluation to reenlist within 180 days of their end of active obligated service (EAOS). 2. NAVADMIN 302/18 SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS UPDATE DECEMBER 2018 AND THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A PAY FOR PERFORMANCE PILOT 3. This NAVADMIN superseded NAVADMIN 119/18, SELECTIVE REENLISTMENT BONUS UPDATE MAY 2018. Subsequently NAVADMIN 302/18 was superseded by NAVADMIN 305/18 (see above). G. NAVADMIN 294/18 NAVY GUIDANCE FOR SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL DUE TO IMPACT OF HURRICANE FLORENCE 1. In line with DOD INSTRUCTION 1327.06, LEAVE AND LIBERTY POLICY AND PROCEDURES, and MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1050-070, SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL, duty in support of humanitarian and emergency assistance for hurricane Florence is designated as qualifying events for special leave accrual (SLA). Commanding Officers (CO) and Officers in Charge (OIC) may approve SLA for Navy members whose leave was canceled between 14 September 2018 and 30 September 2018 due to hurricane Florence. SLA approval for this event is limited to the amount of leave that was canceled or disapproved, up to a maximum of 14 days. SLA approved for this event will expire 30 September 2020. H. Ops Alert Updates 1. OPS ALERT - ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) ROLES IN NSIPS BLUF: Your immediate action is to set up EAW roles for your command(s) by initiating the System Access Authorization Request-Navy (SAAR) process for EAW. DISCUSSION: Action required! A Pay and Personnel Modernization (PPM) capability is now available for Education Services Officers in support of the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS). The Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) transitions the Navy's manual paper Advancement Worksheet (NETPDC 1430/3) process to an automated process within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). The system will leverage authoritative data and display a dashboard of advancement eligibility factors. On-line workflow will link all NEAS stakeholders who support individual Sailor advancements to establish a more streamlined and accurate eligibility verification process. BOTTOM LINE: Your immediate action is to set up EAW roles for your command(s) by initiating the System Access Authorization Request-Navy (SAAR) process for EAW from the NSIPS menu, New Users link. Information regarding the six EAW administrator roles can be found at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/Advancement/Pages/EAW.aspx. Additionally, refer to NAVADMIN 316/18, What's New for You - NSIPS Updated On-line SAAR Process and What's New for You - NSIPS Release Overview for 15 January 2019 deadline to establish command EAW hierarchy in NSIPS and new functional changes in NSIPS that were released on weekend of 17/18 November. 2. OPS ALERT - ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) DEPLOYMENT AND PILOT GUIDANCE MESSAGE Please review the 03 Jan Ops Alert’s attached updated EAW Roles SMART SHEET to gain access to EAW under the EAW Role - ESO (Regional/PSD/NOSC). Additionally, pass this on to the commands you service. ESOs must go to the New Users (NSIPS, ESR, CIMS, WEB Ad Hoc) link on the NSIPS homepage, select Command Level Access, then select the appropriate user role from the attached list. Refer to NAVADMIN 316/18, What's New for You - NSIPS Updated On-line SAAR Process and What's New for You - NSIPS Release Overview for 15 January 2019 deadline to establish command EAW hierarchy in NSIPS and new functional changes in NSIPS that were released on weekend of 17/18 Nov, as required. Urgent Note: Commands with access to the NSIPS web are directed to set up their command EAW hierarchy by 15 January 2019 in preparation for the January through March 2019 pilot followed by the full EAW implementation in June 2019. The NSIPS web-afloat implementation timeline is dependent on the ship modernization process and availability of afloat units to receive and deploy the release package. 3. OPS ALERT - BLANK NAVPERS 1070/602 (pdf documents in OMPF) The following guidance was provided by Jim Giger: Documents (NAVPERS 1070/602, DD 214, etc.) are in the OMPF, but users continue to have issues viewing PDF documents of various types in ERC, OMPF CV, and OMPF My Record. A work around to view documents: a. Select the document the user wants to view b. Select the print function c. When IE gives the user the option to open or save the document, users should save the document to their computer d. Open the saved document from their computer; if PDF viewer opens the document in a portfolio, users will need to select the document in top section of the viewer, then click on the open button on the lower section of the viewer. 4. OPS ALERT - MILPERSMAN 1320-306 ESTIMATED DATE OF DETACHMENT CHANGES BLUF: Effective immediately, all PSD's can grant transfer dates that fall after the month that the orders direct the members to transfer when requested by member and approved by member's command. SOP's will be updated once the MILPERSMAN is published. MILPERSMAN 1320-306 will be updated to remove the requirement of a service member transferring in the month indicated. DISCUSSION: Previously, orders were structured around line of accounting for the month and FY. This has changed, and orders are now structured/funded based on the DTG. The previous requirement of a member transferring in the month that is directed is no longer a requirement. The member must still report by the Report Not Later Than (RNLT) as directed on the orders but are able to transfer up until that point. A member will not be able to transfer before the transfer month that is directed. All other order requirements remain the same. 4. MILPERSMAN updates, cancellations, consolidations and/or new issuances. The changes are detailed below. Article issuances/consolidations and/or cancellations that have been updated since the November SOP Monthly Summary include the following three articles: Article Number Article Title Change Summary Effective Date 1070-270 Dependency Application CH-65 20-Dec-18 1300-308 Overseas Tour Lengths and Types CH-65 26-Nov-18 1306-937 Culinary Specialist Executive CH-65 14-Dec-18 Services Program Note: MPM 1070-270 Para 1a, separated Dependency Application (DA), NAVPERS 1070/602, from Record of Emergency Data (RED), DD 93 for RED. Article was revised throughout and should be reviewed in its entirety. As discussed in December Ops Alert regarding same subject, MILPERSMAN 1320-306 will be updated to remove the requirement of a service member transferring in the month indicated. The Updated/New/Cancelled Articles link now provides a summary of the article changes. PAYPERS Community Users are highly encouraged to review updated articles that pertain to their processes and transactional roles/responsibilities for any new requirements. 5. CPPA UPDATE: PERS 2 has completed minor administrative updates to the handbook for the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA). Refer to the NPC CPPA Resources page at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/paypers/cpcresources/Pages/default2.aspx. Locate the link to the "CPPA Handbook" in the top right-hand corner of the page, under "User Aids." Please send your feedback regarding the CPPA Handbook to PERS – 21 Talent Management. 6. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil.// BT #0001 NNNN