RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 0451920-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 141919Z FEB 19 FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 19-06// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 190601: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. A quick launch link (SOPs Updates) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. 3. SOP CHANGES SUMMARY -JANUARY 2019 As part of the update process 2019 NAVADMINs thru 027/19, PPIBs (thru 19-02), MPAs (thru 41-18), NPPSC OPS Alerts and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. a. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: 1. Department of Navy Issuance Website Change The OPNAV/SECNAV (Department of the Navy Issuance) website has changed its URL. The new URL is https://www.secnav.navy.mil/doni/default.aspx. The old OPNAV/SECNAV issuance site (doni.documentservices.dla.mil/) is not valid any longer and will generate an error when accessed and will NOT redirect users to the new site location. 2. MPM 1070-270 and 271 Record of Emergency Data (RED) Last month MPM 1070-270 Dependency Application was issued 20 Dec 2018. Para 1a, separated Dependency Application (DA), NAVPERS 1070/602, from Record of Emergency Data (RED), setting DD 93 for RED. Article was revised throughout and should be reviewed in its entirety. This month MPM 1070-271 Record of Emergency Data was issued 20 Jan 2019. This article outlines procedures for initial entry, periodic review, and updating procedures for DD 93 Record of Emergency Data. Emergency data information is no longer recorded on NAVPERS 1070/602 Dependency Application. The article is a new issuance and should be reviewed in its entirety. 3. Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin (PPIB) 19-02 Issue 190201: WINIATS System Access Procedures. This PPIB provides guidance and procedures on how to submit WINIATS system access requests for all Navy shore users who access WINIATS via CEDC (SPAWAR) Charleston, SC. Effective Friday, January 18, 2019 all current users and new requests for WINIATS system access must submit a new designated SAAR-N (OPNAV 5239/14 (Rev 09/2011) with specific wording/format. A copy of the new WINIATS SAAR-N template can be obtained by contacting the following personnel: NPPSC WINIATS Users: George Noneaker, (901) 874-2146, or george.noneaker@navy.mil Non-NPPSC WINIATS Users: Ron Ates, (901) 874-4363, or ron.ates@navy.mil. Users must comply with required actions, which were due NLT Wednesday, 30 Jan 19 per the subject message. Effective Monday, 04 Feb 19 users who have not complied with required actions will lose their WINIATS system access until the required actions are completed. Note: This new requirement does not pertain to any WINIATS/IATS client-server user or any activity of a command which serves as their own PSD/Non-DTS Travel Payment Office. 4.General Interest NAVADMINs a. NAVADMIN 013/19 Deployment of Windows 10 Version 1803 to NMCI: This NAVADMIN announces the rollout of WIN10 version 1803 (v1803) to the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) Secret Internet Protocol Routing Network (SIPRNet) and Non-Classified Internet Protocol Routing Network (NIPRNet) enterprise. It outlines the migration plan and the user responsibilities for the rollout, which have been extensively coordinated with Fleet Cyber Command (FCC)/Commander Tenth Fleet (C10F) and Echelon 2 CIOs. Implementation on OCONUS Navy Enterprise Network, Excepted Networks, and Information Technology for the 21st century will be addressed separately. Leadership engagement is critical to ensure the upgrades to WIN10 v1803 occur on time to improve cyber security and comply with the DoD mandate. b. NAVADMIN 008/19 MyNavy Portal MyRecord Mobile (Beta) App Launch: Navy launched the MyNavy Portal MyRecord Mobile (Beta) App on 04 Jan 19. MyRecord Mobile (Beta) is our first mobile app using commercial grade Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) credentials for security instead of a Common Access Card (CAC) to deliver mobile human resources services to Sailors. MyRecord Mobile (Beta) App is available on the Apple App Store for iPhone and the Google Play Store for Android. This initial release has limited functionality, specifically linked to a portion of personnel and training information from the Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ) of the Sailor, in a read-only mode, as the primary function of the release is to evaluate the CAC-less access. Future releases will rapidly expand access to eventually include the entire Navy pay and personnel record of the Sailor and will allow Sailors to submit changes and conduct all transactions from their personal mobile devices with the same level of security as they expect from their personal banking services. Sailors should check their data on MyRecord Mobile (Beta) for accuracy and contact MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) to make updates or corrections. 5.Ops Alert Updates: a. Subject: New E-Submission Version Has Been Released BLUF: The e-Submission application has been updated. The primary change incorporated into e-Submission version is the capability for a dual status user to enter the PPUIC of his/her PSD UIC where they are employed. DISCUSSION: Dual status employees (civilian or contractor) are those employed at the PSD but are reflected in BUPERS ON LINE (BOL) as being attached to another UIC/RUIC based upon their reserve status. Previously, civilians and contractors actual PSD UIC was not reflected when completing the e-Submission process, and this created issues/errors during the e-Submission process. BOTTOM LINE: Effective immediately, all PSD's need to review the guidance and ensure their Dual status employees are aware of the system change and ensure they enter the PPUIC of the PSD where they are assigned as part of the e-Submission process. b. Subject: Updated EAW RSCA PMA Calculator BLUF: RSCA PMA Calculator Updated DISCUSSION: An updated RSCA PMA Calculator has be posted to MyNavy Portal, the NPC Advancement Page and NEAS Web, replacing the first version to correct a potential calculation problem. Ensure you are using the "V2" version when calculating E6 Reporting Senior Cumulative Average/ Performance Mark Averages (RSCA/PMAs) for the upcoming spring advancement cycle. Note para 2.g of NAVADMIN 318/18. For candidates taking E-6 exams, calculate reporting senior cumulative average PMA, as outlined in reference (c), which is NAVADMIN 312/18, using all evaluations in the current paygrade of the candidate with the ending date that falls within 1 Mar 16 to 28 Feb 19. BOTTOM LINE: Ensure this is passed to your ESOs and Commands you support c. Subject: FY18 Unliquidated AT/ADT Orders Submission throughout PASS from TSC Norfolk Reserve Branch BLUF: Processing Status/Execution of Unliquidated AT/ADT Orders for Payment DISCUSSION: Beginning 08 Jan 19 and for the next couple of months, you will be receiving AT/ADT payments via TOPS from LT Founds of TSC NORFOLK Reserve Branch. These payments are part of a large effort in partnership with U.S. Reserve Forces Command to clear up unliquidated line items from FY18. These orders are coming directly from the Reservists via the NOSCs and RCC and are being submitted or possibly resubmitted for payment. Along the way, we would ask that you quickly research the history of these orders to see if you ever received them and if you did, why were they not paid (i.e. no checklist, PG2 older than 180 days, no endorsement, never received). This information will be gathered at a later date by LT Founds. Note: LT Founds submissions may not include a checklist but that is okay, process them anyway. The checklist is not included in these cases because this is a resubmission SEPCOR. Any questions can be directed to LT Carey Founds at carey.founds@navy.mil. d. Subject: Commissioning Process for NRD Collegiate Programs by FSC Great Lakes BLUF: Over the past year, Functional Service Center (FSC) Great Lakes has incrementally been taking over Officer Strength Gain processes from the Personnel Support Detachments. Effective 01 Apr 19, FSC will take over the strength gain process for the following commissioning programs whose officers attend Officer Development School (ODS): Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC) (Nuclear Power Instructor/12101, Nuclear Power Engineer/12201, and Nuclear Power Instructor/12202) and Health Services Collegiate Program (HSCP) (Medical Corps/21007, Dental Corps/22007, and Medical Services Corps/23007). DISCUSSION: Command Pay and Personnel Administrators (CPPAs) at each Navy Recruiting District (NRD) shall immediately begin taking necessary steps to obtain TOPS access to "FSC Strength Gains Great Lakes UIC 43102" (not PSD Great Lakes). FSC's NAM is PS1 Santiagosuazo, 847-688-2767 x154 and ramon.santiagosuazo@navy.mil. New users will need to send the following documents via encrypted email (requires NMCI access): a. NKO courses (current fiscal year) - CPPA Training Certificate, PII Training Certificate, and Records Management Certificate. These courses can be taken, and course completion certificates obtained from the Navy E-learning Website: https://learning.nel.navy.mil/ELIAASv2p/. b. CPPA designation letter, designating the CPPA for the respective Unit Identification Code (UIC). c. Commanding Officer notification letter (see MILPERSMAN 1000-021). d. SAAR-N Form. Thirty days prior to an affected student's commissioning, the NRD CPPA should send to FSC Great Lakes via TOPS a completed DD-214 questionnaire, any previous DD-214s, DD Form 2587 Verification of Military Experience and Training (prior Reservists only), Reserve Points Capture (prior Reservists only), any previous DD Form 4’s, a DD Form 93 and the Sibling addendum, marriage certificate (if applicable), dependent child birth certificate(s) (if applicable), orders to ODS, Transfer Information Sheet, and documentation of any required screenings (if completed). FSC Great Lakes will send to the NRD CPPA via TOPS, a draft DD 214, and a draft Page 2. The NRD CPPA should have the prospective officer review and approve the draft DD 214 and draft Page 2. If the prospective officer finds any errors in the draft paperwork, the NRD CPPA will return the document(s) via TOPS to FSC Great Lakes for any needed corrections prior to the commissioning date. On the day of commissioning, the officers commissioned will sign the DD 214, the Page 2, and the commissioning documents. The NRD CPPA will submit the member-signed DD 214, Page 2, and commissioning documents to FSC Great Lakes via TOPS. The NRD CPPA must also send by FEDEX all pages of the DD 214 to FSC Great Lakes to complete the DD 214 signature process to the following address: Officer in Charge FSC Great Lakes, ATTN: Officer Accessions 2605 Kansas Street, Building 1405 Great Lakes, IL 60088 Countersigned DD 214 copies for members will be forwarded to Newport, RI, and they will be distributed upon members' arrival at ODS. FSC Great Lakes will forward countersigned Page 2s to PERS and will distribute countersigned DD 214s as appropriate. Points of contact at FSC Great Lakes are as follows: Officer Accessions LPO PS1 Tyler Stacy tyler.j.stacy@navy.mil 847-2767 x223 Officer Accessions LCPO PSC Adam Bailey adam.bailey3@navy.mil 847-688-2767 x129 OIC, FSC Great Lakes LCDR Steve Green steven.j.green@navy.mil 847-688-2767 x142 BOTTOM LINE: There are still other Collegiate Program commissioning’s that are managed by BUMED that PSDs will continue processing (for now). FSC Great Lakes is not taking over that commissioning’s yet. Once FSC Great Lakes has a grasp on the CNRC-managed programs, then they will tackle the BUMED programs. 6. In addition, there were MILPERSMAN updates, cancellations, consolidations and/or new issuances. The changes are detailed below. a. MPM Quarterly Change Report - 65 has been published. There are (50) articles in the Quarterly Change Report. Particular attention is drawn to MPM 1070-270, Dependency Application (DA), which was published 20 Dec 2018. MPM Quarterly Change Report is available at: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/default.aspx b. MPM Change 66 Update has been initiated. As of 06 Feb 2019, (5) Change 66 articles have been updated/new/cancelled and are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx As previously reported, the Updated/New/Cancelled Articles link now provides a summary of the article changes. PAYPERS Community Users are highly encouraged to review updated articles that pertain to their processes and transactional roles/responsibilities for any new requirements. 7. CPPA UPDATE: PERS 2 has completed minor administrative updates to the handbook for the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA). Refer to the NPC CPPA Resources page at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/paypers/cpcresources/Pages/default2.aspx. Locate the link to the "CPPA Handbook" in the top right-hand corner of the page, under "User Aids." Please send your feedback regarding the CPPA Handbook to PERS – 21 Talent Management. 8. MyNavy Portal Release 9: This will be on 14 FEB 2019 and MyRecord and VOLED scheduling features will be available 15 FEB 2019. UPDATE FEB 2019: Included in the February 2019 release are: a. MyRecord Web now features access to the Official Military Personnel File via a link from within MNP and the ability to view C-WAY and security clearance data. b. Voluntary Education Proxy Scheduling allows requests for language testing or educational counseling to be made by staff, supervisors and administrators on behalf of Sailors. This is a feature of the Training, Education & Qualifications Career & Life Event. Other recent enhancements to MNP include: a. eLeave gives CONUS-based Sailors a tool to manage Ordinary Leave actions: (1) submit a request that is routed to chain of command for approval, (2) request a leave extension, (3) check out and check in, (4) cancel a request, and (5) look up leave balance. Other types of leave requests, including those by OCONUS-based Sailors, should be made using Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). b. MyPCS Checklist is a self-service tool that facilitates a tailored experience when preparing for PCS. By answering a comprehensive set of questions, Sailors identify ways in which their unique situations may impact upcoming moves. Based on the answers and the detachment date selected, the checklist outlines required activities, due dates and shows progress in accomplishing tasks. It also includes tips and sources for support. Sailors may download a PDF version of the My PCS Checklist or email a copy to serve as a handy reference. c. MyRecord Web is the first implementation of a new military service record that consolidates all manpower, personnel, training and education information into a single display supporting career and life events. d. Electronic Personnel Action Request (ePAR)/1306 lets Sailors create, update or request a cancellation of a request, with automatic routing to their Command Career Counselor. View "Quick Start" guides under User Info and Aids at the top right. e. MNCC Request/Inquiry is a way for Sailors to get help 24/7 with personnel, pay and training questions from MyNavy Career Center customer agents by phone (833-330-MNCC) or email to askmncc@navy.mil or on MNP at Help & Info > Support Resources > Ask for Help > MNCC REQUEST/INQUIRY. Visit MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) , which matches MNP self-service capabilities with 24/7 customer service support and access to subject matter experts who handle unique and complex situations. Page URL: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/toolbox/Pages/My-Navy-Portal.aspx 9. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil.// BT #0001 NNNN