RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 0801858-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 211858Z MAR 19 FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 19-07// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 190701: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/ Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. A quick launch link (SOPs Updates) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. 3. SOP CHANGES SUMMARY - FEBRUARY 2019 As part of the update process, 2019 NAVADMINs thru 057/19, PPIBs (thru 19-06), MPAs (thru 41-18), NPPSC OPS Alerts and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. a. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: NAVADMIN 033/19 Department of the Navy Issuances (DONI) Website and Naval Forms Online (NFOL): Although this website update was reported in the January SOP Monthly Update, it was formally announced in NAVADMIN 033/19. The URL to the new public DONI website is https://www.secnav.navy.mil/doni, and as of 25 January 2019, is live and operational. All SOPs have been updated to reflect the new url. NAVADMIN 031/19 Meritorious Advancement Program: This NAVADMIN updates NAVADMIN 109/18, FY18 Meritorious Advancement Program, and announces new policy and guidance for the Calendar Year (CY) 2019 Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) for active, full-time support and Canvasser Recruiter Sailors. The ESO/NEAS SOP has been updated to include the updated NAVADMIN. PPIB 19-03 Clearing/Liquidating All Outstanding Travel Advances (OTAs): The purpose of this message is to reinforce policy and provide additional procedures to assist in clearing/liquidating all outstanding travel advances (OTAs) OTAs totaling over $10 million remain unliquidated in the accounting system at the end of each fiscal year. NPPSC/PSD/CPPA/DO/DDO/CO are responsible for processing timely travel settlements in accordance with DoD FMR Volume 9 Chapter 8 to include the liquidation of all OTAs. Timely travel claim processing will reduce the number of OTAs at the end of the fiscal year and avoid overpayment/underpayment of entitlements. Factors causing OTAs include, but not limited to: 1. Members failing to submit travel voucher settlement (DD 1351-2) after the completion of PCS travel. 2. Separating/retiring members with travel advances not filing travel voucher settlements. 3. Clerical errors by travel settlement offices, including not liquidating/offsetting the outstanding travel advances associated with the settlement/claim. To assist the responsible activities and offices, NPPSC supported by BUPERS 705, BUPERS 706 and NPC PERS 52 have developed a detailed supplemental Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), under separate cover, with a primary focus on ensuring that all OTAs are liquidated during the travel settlement process. The Supplemental SOP is to be immediately implemented to correct deficiencies in the current processes/procedures. The MILPCS Travel Claim Settlement SOP and corresponding training have been previously updated to emphasize CPPA verification of all travel advance disbursement in Block 9 of the DD 1351-2. Additionally, the SOP directs the Examiner to verify all prior travel advances in all three WINIATS databases, MMPA RAVC, and EDA, as required Note 1: If traveler indicates travel advances on the DD 1351-2 and no advances were identified in MMPA RAVC or in all three WINIATS data bases, the Examiner will consult with supervisor, traveler and traveler’s CPPA to obtain a voucher or other additional information regarding all Travel Advances. Note 2: If settling a claim where the timeframe covers more than a year additional steps may need to be taken to ensure all advances are liquidated. These steps may include, but are not limited to, review of all three WINIATS databases, review of EDA, or review of other systems which reflect travel payments. If a travel office does not have access to EDA, contact NPPSC Fiscal Department to request assistance to gain access to EDA. PPIB 19-04 MILPCS/TDI Travel Entitlements Pilot: The purpose of this message is to inform relevant communities of the unliquidated MILPCS/TDI travel entitlements pilot commencing 22 Feb 2019. The Navy received notification of findings and recommendations (NFR) related to MILPCS as a result of the FY15 and FY16 audits. Specifically, regarding travel voucher submissions timelines, namely travel vouchers not being submitted within 5 working days per DoD FMR Volume 9 Chapter 8. The Unliquidated MILPCS/TDI travel entitlements working group is conducting a pilot to remediate unliquidated entitlements for MILPCS or TDI travel orders. CPPAs, at pilot commands, shall research the outstanding travel orders. Upon completion of research, the CPPA shall determine the status of each outstanding travel order. The applicable statuses are as follows: 1. Not submitted 2. Submitted/not paid 3. Submitted/paid 4. No entitlement earned If the CPPA determines the status is not submitted, the CPPA shall take the necessary steps to ensure the sailor submits the travel claim and is paid for the relevant entitlements. If the CPPA determines the status is submitted/not paid, submitted/paid, or no entitlement earned, the CPPA shall contact MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) to provide information related to the travel claim. The Travel SOPs/CPPA training tools have been previously updated to emphasize the requirements in DoD FMR Vol 9 Chap 8, including the five working day submission requirement, as well as other requirements based upon the issuance of the following messages highlighting the FY 15/FY 16 audit findings: NAVADMIN 101/16 Military Permanent Change of Station (MILPCS) Travel Voucher Due Within 5 Working Days. PPIB 16-09 Travel Claim Control and Submission Procedures, which addressed issues discovered during the FY15 Navy Audit related to travel claim submission and approval. PPIB 17-01 Review and Approval of Travel Vouchers, which reinforced MILPCS Travel Voucher process review and approval requirements PPIB 18-03 MILPCS Travel Voucher, which reiterated audit findings that were previously identified and communicated persisting audit issues and required remediation. PPIB 19-05 OHA and OCONUS COLA: The purpose of this message is to reiterate and clarify basic entitlement and payment guidelines for Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) and OCONUS Cost of Living Allowance (COLA), specifically, for members who are receiving OHA and OCONUS COLA and are deployed away from their homeport/PDS upon detachment due to PCS transfer.For personnel who were deployed away from their homeport/PDS at the time of PCS detachment and returned to their homeport/PDS to commence execution of a PCS transfer, and who were receiving OHA and OCONUS COLA, gaining commands (CPPAs and PSDs) should take the following action if the dates are different. Report the inclusive period from the (date of SH03) to (date of departure from area of PDS listed on the DD form 1351-2) if the dates are different on the below listed NSIPS FIDs, as appropriate: FID 4303 REPORT-HOUSING ALLOWANCE OVERSEAS (OHA) FID 4503 REPORT-FAMILY SEPARATION OVERSEAS HOUSING ALLOWANCE (FSH COLA) FID 4603 REPORT-COST OF LIVING ALLOWANCE (COLA) The Receipts SOP has been updated to emphasize this entitlement verification. 4. MNP Updates: Advancement & Promotion Career & Life Event - Advancement Dashboard Feature NAVADMIN 059/19 MNP Advancement Dashboard Launch. This NAVADMIN announces the release of the E4-E6 Enlisted Advancement Dashboard in MyNavy Portal (MNP). Advancement Dashboard is the newest feature available on MNP and is part of the content for Advancement & Promotion Career & Life Event. The dashboard is a dynamic, intuitive, web-based capability to give E4 to E6 candidates a detailed, personal view of their eligibility status for advancement, and instructions and documentation to prepare for the advancement process. Specifically, Sailors have the ability to: View eligibility status based on MyRecord and Enlisted Advancement Worksheet information Manually calculate a Final Multiple Score Auto-populate Advancement Exam checklists and timeline for action items Learn where to get study materials, FAQs and other information about Enlisted Advancement Review and understand Enlisted Advancement eligibility Submit MyRecord inquiries through service request feature on MNP Future updates will include support for E7 to E9 candidates. 5. General Interest NAVADMINs: NAVADMIN 045/19 Deployment of Windows 10 Version 1803 to NMCI Update 1 (Update to NAVADMIN 013/19): This NAVADMIN is the second in a series on the Navy Marine Corps Intranet (NMCI) Secret Internet Protocol Routing Network (SIPRNet) and Non-Classified Internet Protocol Routing Network (NIPRNet) transition to Windows 10 (WIN10) version 1803 (v1803). It outlines current status and efforts being taken to resolve remaining challenges. This evolution was extensively coordinated with U.S. Fleet Cyber Command (FCC)/Commander, U.S. TENTH Fleet (C10F), the Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS), and Echelon II Chief Information Officers (CIOs). Continued maximum effort is necessary by leadership at all commands to get the Navy to 100 percent WIN10 v1803 for all NMCI seats by 31 March 2019 in order to improve cyber security, promote standardization across the Naval Enterprise Network, and comply with Department of Defense mandates. Refer to subject NAVADMIN for Individual User Responsibilities, as required. Selective Early Retirement Board Selection NAVADMINs 049/19, 050/19, 051/19 and 052/19: Selective Early Retirement Board Selection results have been posted for individual access through BUPERS Online (BOL) Accounts. 6. Ops Alert Updates: a. Subject: OPS ALERT - NUCLEAR STAR PROGRAM PAY ISSUES BLUF: NUCLEAR STAR PROGRAM PAY ISSUES. DISCUSSION: We are seeing some issues with some Sailors that are participating in the Nuclear Field STAR Program. This is resulting from the member’s NEC not updating correctly and the member not being advanced to E5 after completion of Class "C" School. BACKGROUND: Students that leave the nuclear pipeline are showing up to their ships/boats still holding the student NEC (N91T). The NEC change is being submitted but is not updating, however once submitted, the CeTARS system locks out the schoolhouse and prevents them from re-submitting the request. This is resulting in the Sailors showing up to the fleet still holding the student NEC, which prevents them from re-enlisting or having SDAP started. STAR Re-enlistments: Sailors whose STAR re-enlistments were not processed correctly resulted in them receiving their re-enlistment bonus but not being promoted to E-5. This is fleet-wide and not limited to one geographical area or PSD. Currently we have identified 60 affected personnel. The processing times at each PSD vary so the problem may be larger than what we are seeing based on some of these requests not being processed in the system yet. BOTTOM LINE: PSDs that have members in this program must have a process for tracking these personnel and ensure that both the NEC is being updated and the advancement has posted correctly. PSDs are required to review their trackers and correct any Sailors that have either NEC or Advancement discrepancies, prior to the member transferring. If the NEC has not updated, the command should contact the CeTARS Help Desk for assistance at: 1-800-537-4617 and select option 8. If the advancement has not posted ensure members have completed all requirements and post the advancement. If the member is already at the ultimate PDS, the command should report any issues to the new servicing PSD for correction. b. Subject: OPS ALERT - DD 214 VA DISTRIBUTION BLUF: Legacy (hard copy) Certificates of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214). The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is no longer accepting Copy 3 (VA copy) of legacy DD 214. A PPIB regarding this issue is forthcoming. DISCUSSION: PSDs are receiving returned legacy DD Form 214's from the Department of Veterans Affairs. This is because the VA receives the required military service information from the Department of Defense (DoD) in electronic format via the VA/DoD Identity Repository and no longer require Copy 3. The Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) will be the official distribution source of the Military Services authoritative and certified information for all periods of Active Duty that completed on or after 01 January 2015. BOTTOM LINE: When processing legacy DD 214's, DO NOT MAIL Copy 3 to the VA anymore. Discard Copy 3 IAW Personal Identifiable Information (PII) regulations. If DD 214 data is required by the VA Office, they can access the members Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) via Defense Personnel Records Information Retrieval System (DIPRIS) to retrieve the data they require. To immediately update member's record, submit Copy 2 (OMPF copy) to PERS-312 as soon as the Legacy DD 214 is prepared, signed and distributed. The Separations, Fleet Reserve/Retirement and RC Demob SOPs have been updated to reflect the DD 214 distribution change c. Subject: OPS ALERT - PK TLA PAYMENTS BLUF: Processing TLA entitlements for Sailor’s using PK payments to alleviate financial hardships while being stationed OCONUS is paramount. DISCUSSION: IAW MILPERSMAN 7220-270 - OVERSEAS TEMPORARY LODGING ALLOWANCE (TLA) POLICY, members stationed OCONUS are entitled to TLA while searching of suitable housing (Arrival and Departure). Having the member wait until regular paydays causes them to pay for their lodging expenses out of pocket and may create a financial burden on their family. BOTTOM LINE: When paying TLA entitlements, a PK payment shall be generated to pay the members as soon as possible. DDOs are reminded to be watchful for processing dates for PK payments, specially a few days prior to payday cutoff dates. The TLA SOP has been updated to reflect the partial payment processing of TLA with caution to review MM and MER cutoff dates. d. Subject: OPS ALERT - TIMELY PROCESSING OF ACTIVITY GAINS BLUF: Activity gains are not being processed in a timely manner. DISCUSSION: Activity gains not processed in a timely manner causes detrimental pay issues to our Sailors. IAW PPIB 16-06 the CPPA is directed to "Produce the command activity gain (panel 1) to ensure a timelier recording of member’s reporting for duty. This event (panel 1) will not start any special/incentive pays or allowances associated with this reporting event. It is merely an electronic endorsement which will stop the clock on in-transit prospective gains by generating a NES 200 tac or OPINS G8, as applicable." BOTTOM LINE: All PSDs and CPPAs shall process Activity Gains within 4 working days so commands may reflect accurate FIT/FILL readiness reporting requirements immediately. Do not wait for travel claims or Page 2's. As long as you have credible evidence member has reported aboard and can account for elapsed time, there should be no delay. Additionally, ensure that you are reviewing and updating the Expired PG/EAOS listing in a timely manner as generated on a monthly basis and making the weekly updates as you receive them in TASKERS. Although the Receipts SOP and corresponding training tools already reflected this priority the Receipts SOP has been further updated to emphasize the “four” day requirement. e. Subject: OPS ALERT - SDAP PROCESSING BLUF: There have been numerous reported errors on SDAP processing and posting to MMPA DISCUSSION: Over the past couple of weeks, there have been a number of SDAP transactions that have not processed correctly. There are 3 different reasons for this, listed below: 1) Input Error 2) SDAP posting in NSIPS as released, but not posting in MMPA 3) MMPA rejected NPPSC has been working with PERS, OPNAV, and DFAS on finding a resolution. There is no common denominator. SDAP of various NECs and various levels are being affected. BOTTOM LINE: Upon processing SDAP, ensure to check each and every transaction 24-48 hours later to make sure it posts on MMPA IAW the SDAP SOP. Create a local log of SDAP that has not posted. It is encouraged to check again after 10 days to see if it has posted. In the event it has not, please submit the documents to the SDAP desk for processing via OPINS or DWOWS. Below is the message that the BUPERS 328 SDAP Program Manager will post on the SDAP homepage: "The SDAP processing functionalities recently encountered an error during the period of December 2018 to January 2019 that cause several SDAP transactions to reject. We are advising commands and servicing PSDs to audit all SDAP transactions submitted during the period of Oct 2018 to Jan 2019 to ensure all transactions posted correctly in MMPA. If you see that a transaction was rejected, please contact BUPERS 328 so that we can take action to correct members pay. Please provide start/stop/change memo and ISIC endorsement letter if requested start date exceeds 8 months." Link listed below for SDAP page on NPC: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/payandbenefits/sdap/Pages/default.aspx SDAP POCs: ETNCM (SW/AW) Jeremiah Ledda Assistant ECM/Nuclear SDAP Monitor work: (703) 604-5492 fax: (703) 604-6972 cell: (901) 652-9484 jeremiah.ledda@navy.mil bullnuke@navy.mil PSC(SW/AW/IW) Kisha Granger BUPERS 328 SDAP Program Manager COMM: (901)874-3260 Shaundrielle.granger@navy.mil 7. MILPERSMAN updates, cancellations, consolidations and/or new issuances. The changes are detailed below. a. MPM Change 66 Update has been initiated. As of 07 Mar 2019, eight articles have been updated/created/cancelled and are posted at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx b. MPM 1070-150 Requests for Records Included in the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) was updated 02 Feb. This article was updated to reflect improved Navy business processes/practices using electronic personnel records management. Article revised throughout and should be reviewed in its entirety. Refer CPPAs to the updated article as appropriate. Note: As previously reported, the Updated/Created/Cancelled Articles link now provides a summary of the article changes. PAYPERS Community Users are highly encouraged to review updated articles that pertain to their processes and transactional roles/responsibilities for any new requirements. 8. CPPA UPDATE: PERS 2 has completed minor administrative updates to the handbook for the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA). Refer to the NPC CPPA Resources page at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/paypers/cpcresources/Pages/default2.aspx. Locate the link to the "CPPA Handbook" in the top right-hand corner of the page, under "User Aids." Please send your feedback regarding the CPPA Handbook to PERS – 21 Talent Management. 9. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil.// BT #0001 NNNN