RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 1071247-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 171246Z APR 19 FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 19-08// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 190801: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/ Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. A quick launch link (SOPs Updates) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. 3. SOP CHANGES SUMMARY - MARCH 2019 As part of the update process 2019 NAVADMINs thru 078/19, PPIBs (thru 19-07), MPAs (thru 03-19), NPPSC OPS Alerts and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. The following reflects the most significant impacts. A. NSIPS Smart Sheet Update No 1 - March 2019 Retirements and Separations (R&S)- Sailor Self-Service User Manual The Retirements and Separations - Sailor Self-Service User Manual is posted to the NSIPS Splash Page under “What’s New for You”. It is a 54-page document that captures the first end to end process that has integrated and streamlined the retirement and separation business process for officers, enlisted, active, and reserve personnel into the NSIPS environment. As part of this new automated R&S process, the Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) and the Service Member have the ability to electronically complete and route the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD-214) form, and for data to be sent electronically to Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). The ability to create the Service Member’s checklist to track tasks associated with the R&S process is another feature of this automated process. Users will find the R&S sailor self-service functionality on the Main menu within NSIPS at: https://nsipsprod-sdni.nmci.navy.mil 4. Ops Alert Updates: A. Subject: Ops Alert - BUPERSINST 1900.8E Change Transmittal 1 BLUF: BUPERSINST 1900.8E Change Transmittal 1 DISCUSSION: 1. The change defines that RC personnel ordered to active duty for a contingency operation greater than 30 days will be issued a DD 214. Originally it stated: ". . .regardless of the number of days served on active duty." 2. Block 11. Primary Specialty. The change allows the Navy Officer designator code (DESIG) held or previously held to be entered in addition to the NOBC and AQD. BOTTOM LINE: Ensure PSD staffs are aware and familiar with the new changes. B. Subject: Ops Alert - EAW is Going Live BLUF: EAW Pilot DISCUSSION: NAVADMIN 316/18 directed all commands with access to NSIPS to set up their command EAW hierarchy by 15 Jan 2019. To date only 25% of anticipated ESO user roles have been requested. Effective 03 Jun 2019 EAW will go live. . .no more paper worksheets. All E-4 through E-6 Worksheets will be released to ESOs for Reserve Advancement Cycle 105 and Active Duty Advancement Cycle 244. All PSD ESOs shall engage in a full court press to obtain the required NSIPS EAW user roles and require command ESOs to do the same. BUPERSINST 1430.16G states command ESOs are designated in writing and must meet minimum requirements as stated in the same instruction. When PSD NSIPS NAMs are granting command ESO user roles, collateral duty letters may suffice as they are designated as the ESO and signed by the Commanding Officer. BOTTOM LINE: PSD ESOs and command ESOs aggressively engage in the EAW pilot soonest. The NPPSC POC for EAW is Wes Edelo at wesley.edelo@navy.mil or 901-874-3635. This Ops Alert follows multiple notifications of the EAW Pilot and its procedural requirements/implications over the last several months. A recap of those notifications is provided below: November 2018 SOP Update highlighted What's New for You - NSIPS Release: Overview and Enhancements made to Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) Prior to Pilot in Spring of 2019. In addition, the following ESO interest NAVADMINs and Ops Alerts were issued and reported in the month of December 2018. 1. NAVADMIN 316/18 Enlisted Advancement Worksheet This NAVADMIN announces the deployment and pilot of the Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). EAW transitions the manual paper advancement worksheet to an automated process that leverages authoritative data and displays advancement eligibility factors for all E-4 through E-7 candidates. Urgent Note: Commands with access to the NSIPS web are directed to establish their command EAW hierarchy by 15 January 2019 in preparation for the January through March 2019 pilot followed by the full EAW implementation in June 2019. The NSIPS web-afloat implementation timeline is dependent on the ship modernization process and availability of afloat units to receive and deploy the release package. 2. Subject: Ops Alert - Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) Roles in NSIPS BLUF: Immediate action is required to set up EAW roles for your command(s) by initiating the System Access Authorization Request-Navy (SAAR) process for EAW. DISCUSSION: Action required! A Pay and Personnel Modernization (PPM) capability is now available for Education Services Officers in support of the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS). The Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) transitions the Navy's manual paper Advancement Worksheet (NETPDC 1430/3) process to an automated process within the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS). The system will leverage authoritative data and display a dashboard of advancement eligibility factors. On-line workflow will link all NEAS stakeholders who support individual Sailor advancements to establish a more streamlined and accurate eligibility verification process. BOTTOM LINE: Your immediate action is required to set up EAW roles for your command(s) by initiating the System Access Authorization Request-Navy (SAAR) process for EAW from the NSIPS menu, New Users link. Information regarding the six EAW administrator roles can be found at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/career/enlistedcareeradmin/Advancement/Pages/EAW.aspx. Additionally, refer to NAVADMIN 316/18, What's New for You - NSIPS Updated On-line SAAR Process, and What's New for You - NSIPS Release Overview for 15 January 2019 deadline to establish command EAW hierarchy in NSIPS and new functional changes in NSIPS that were released on weekend of 17/18 November. 3. Subject: Ops Alert Update - Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) Deployment and Pilot Guidance Message Please review the 03 Jan Ops Alert’s attached updated EAW Roles Smart Sheet to gain access to EAW under the EAW Role - ESO (Regional/PSD/NOSC). Additionally, pass this on to supported commands. ESOs must go to the New Users (NSIPS, ESR, CIMS, WEB Ad Hoc) link on the NSIPS homepage, select Command Level Access, then select the appropriate user role from the attached list. Refer to NAVADMIN 316/18, What's New for You - NSIPS Updated On-line SAAR Process, and What's New for You - NSIPS Release Overview for 15 January 2019 deadline to establish command EAW hierarchy in NSIPS and new functional changes in NSIPS that were released on weekend of 17/18 Nov, as required. 4. Ops Alert Subject: Updated EAW RSCA PMA Calculator BLUF: RSCA PMA Calculator Updated DISCUSSION: An updated RSCA PMA Calculator has be posted to MyNavy Portal, the NPC Advancement Page and NEAS Web, replacing the first version to correct a potential calculation problem. Ensure you are using the "V2" version when calculating E6 Reporting Senior Cumulative Average/ Performance Mark Averages (RSCA/PMAs) for the upcoming spring advancement cycle. Note para 2.g of NAVADMIN 318/18. “For candidates taking E-6 exams, calculate reporting senior cumulative average PMA, as outlined in reference (c), which is NAVADMIN 312/18, using all evaluations in the current paygrade of the candidate with the ending date that falls within 1 March 2016 to 28 February 2019.” C. Subject: Ops Alert - Authority to Sign NPPSC 1160/1 Reenlistment Requests BLUF: Authority to Sign NPPSC 1160/1 Reenlistment Requests DISCUSSION: After discussing this with PERS-81 it has been determined that the reenlistment request form can be signed by the member's department head as long as the member is recommended for retention on their latest EVAL by the CO or Delegated Reporting Senior per MPM. Previously, only the Commanding Officer’s signature was accepted on the NPPSC 1160/1, however, after receiving multiple requests to delegate this responsibility to the command department heads, it was determined that PSDs could accept the Reenlistment Request with DH signature. Reenlistment SOP Step 4.3 –Receive approved Command Career Request-Reenlistment has already been updated with this change. BOTTOM LINE: Effective immediately, PSDs can accept the Reenlistment Request form, NPPSC 1160/1, signed by the service member's department head as long as the member is recommended for retention on their latest EVAL by the CO or Delegated Reporting Senior. Ensure that the current EVAL recommending the member for retention is included in TOPS transaction for retention/audit purposes. Additionally, the same exception regarding DH signature applies to the Extensions request NPPSC 1160/1 provided the extension meets the criteria of MPM 1160-040 paragraph 5: Commanding Officer (CO) and Officer-In-Charge (OIC) Extension Authority. D. Subject Ops Alert - TRAVEL CLAIM REFORM BLUF: TRAVEL CLAIM REFORM DISCUSSION: Effective 1 April 2019, the DLA statement and travel checklist are no longer required as key supporting documentation. We wanted to clarify the travel claim reform initiative. The driving force to improve travel claim processing is to ensure Sailors are being paid. Referencing the CO's email dated 27Feb19, leaning toward yes to ensure the Sailor is paid. For example, although the DLA statement (7200/1) is not required to pay DLA and is submitted with the travel claim, but Block 5 is not marked and annotation in Block 10d for license plate information is missing. DLA should still be paid to the member. This is not a reason to return the travel claim or not make the payment. BOTTOM LINE: The first three areas "APPROVED" are the DLA statement (7220/1), traveler checklist requirement (1300/2), and reducing the 100% audit requirement: -The DLA statement is no longer a KSD. All of the required information from the DLA form must be listed on the 1351-2. Block 5 marked DLA and/or Dependents and license plate numbers must be listed in Block 10d. -Although the PCS checklist is not a KSD, it is a good tool for the Sailor, CPPA and travel office to use as a guide for required documents for processing travel claims. However, not having the checklist will "not" be the only reason to return a travel claim. If all required documentation is provided except for the checklist the travel office (should or will) go forward with the processing of the claim. -Current standards are for 100% audit of all travel claims. At this time each travel office can request to reduce the audit percentage for specific travel examiners with an accuracy rate of 96% or greater to 10% audit requirement. The reduced audit requirement is not mandatory but a tool to increase production and stay within a reasonable risk. Before changes will be made you must provide data (Examiner Accuracy Report or other measurable report) to reflect the travel examiners accuracy rate. This report will cover a three-month average for the travel examiner. However, all claims over $2,500 entitlement (Total of all entitlements paid on "calculations" tab in WINIATS) must be audited, no exceptions. Travel examiners with less than 6 months of experience at a NPPSC travel office will not have an audit requirement less than 100%. Accuracy Audit Requirement Above 95% 10% 90-95% 50% Below 90% 100% E. Subject: ESR Data Request BLUF: MNCC's ESR Pilot Program DISCUSSION: MNCC has made a significant dent in ESR entry processing. They have cleared the ESR backlog for TSCs Memphis and Norfolk and are looking to take on the rest of the ESR backlog for all PSDs in our network. In order to do this in the most efficient and logical means possible, they need to know your ESR backlog status (how many entries pending and how old) for each of the remaining PSDs in order to determine the best way to move forward. To be clear, this request is for ESR entries ONLY, not E-SUB (E-SUBs still remain the responsibility of the servicing PSD). Request that PSDs provide ESR backlog inputs no later than 1600, 22 Mar 2019 (central time) to Mr. Timothy Hunter at timothy.hunter@navy.mil. BOTTOM LINE: Please provide how many ESR entries are pending and how old your backlog is (e.g., 750 entries, Aug 2018) so that MNCC can assist. 5. PACT Advancement Checklist/Form NCC (SCW/EXW/SW/AW) Joe Seiler provided a draft checklist/form for PSDs/CPPAs to use when rating and advancing PACT Sailors. The checklist/form is provided as a tool to assist users. 6. RED and DA Training RED/DA training was posted to the Personnel Specialist Facebook page. The training is provided as a tool to assist users. 7. MPAs A. MPA 01-19 Reminder of Interim Procedures The purpose of this notification is to remind field offices to process reserve personnel leave carryover in accordance to the guidelines within the referenced pay advisory (MPA 07/12 Interim Procedures for Leave Carryover for Reserve Personnel). The separating PSD will advise DFAS-CL the number of days carried over via the Defense Workload Operations Web System (DWOWS) and ensure that the correct data fields are completed based on the type of funds the member is authorized. B. MPAs disseminated in the month of March with particular relevance but with no direct SOP impact include: 1. MPA 02-19 DJMS-AC Update Schedule for Mid-Month (MM), Month End Restructure (MER), and First Update for the Work Months of Apr, May and Jun 2019 2. MPA 03-19 DJMS-RC Update Schedule for the Work Months of April, May, and June 2019 8. NAVADMINs A. NAVADMIN 059/19 MyNavy Portal Advancement Dashboard Launch This NAVADMIN announced the release of the E4-E6 Enlisted Advancement Dashboard in MyNavy Portal (MNP). The E4-E6 Advancement Dashboard is a web-based dashboard on MNP located on the Advancement and Promotion Career and Life Event (CLE) page. It provides E4-E6 candidates a detailed view of their eligibility status for advancement with instructions and documentation to prepare for the advancement process. Enlisted Sailors now have a more transparent view into the advancement process and increased ability to self- service resources to study for the Navy-wide Advancement Exam. The E4-E6 Advancement Dashboard provides access to the following self- service capabilities: 1. A view into eligibility status based on MyRecord and their Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) 2. Ability to calculate their final multiple score 3. Ability to auto-populate Advancement Exam checklists and a timeline of action items for advancement 4. Guidance for obtaining study materials, frequently asked questions and knowledge management articles related to advancement information 5. Ability to review and understand advancement eligibility 6. Ability to submit inquiries through the service request feature on MNP An expansion to the Advancement Dashboard to cover E7-E9 candidates will follow. More features will be rolling out as the EAW becomes available in fall of 2019 and the Professional Military Knowledge Exam is automated. This NAVADMIN is supported by: • MNP FAQs (March 2019) • MNP Quick Tour (March 2019) Both documents were previously included in the February SOP Monthly Summary. B. NAVADMINs disseminated in the month of March with particular relevance but with no direct SOP impact include: 1. NAVADMIN 060/19 Order to Update Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System Personal Contact Information 2. NAVADMIN 063/19 Update On Available Secure Access File Exchange Services NAVADMIN 063/19 is a follow-up to NAVADMIN 283/18, Loss of AMRDEC SAFE. The Army reactivated its Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) SAFE website, which offers online exchange of large data files between Department of Defense, other governmental, and civilian agencies, to include Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI). AMRDEC SAFE may be used for this purpose immediately. This is expected to be available for six months as replacement options are identified. Note the banner caution on the NPC Homepage: AMRDEC-SAFE is no longer an authorized method of delivery for Letters to the Board (LTB). Authorized methods for selection board communications are USPS, encrypted email, FAX, and hand-delivery. LTB should be sent as early as possible for on-time delivery. Overnight delivery should not be used due to on-base routing. 9. MPM Updates: In addition, there were MILPERSMAN updates, cancellations, consolidations and/or new issuances. A. MPM Change 66 Update has been initiated. As of 03 Apr 2019, ten Change 66 articles have been updated/created/cancelled and are posted below and are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx B. The most significant update of the last month was MPM 1000-021 Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA) Program, which was updated 25 Mar 2019. The updates included: Para 2, updated CPPA description Para 3 and 4, updated training requirements and systems required to perform CPPA duties Para 5, added CPPA resources Para 6, updated CO responsibilities Updates were extensive so article should be read in its entirety. 10. CPPA UPDATE: PERS 2 has completed minor administrative updates to the handbook for the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA). Refer to the NPC CPPA Resources page at http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/paypers/cpcresources/Pages/default2.aspx. Locate the link to the "CPPA Handbook" in the top right-hand corner of the page, under "User Aids." Please send your feedback regarding the CPPA Handbook to PERS – 21 Talent Management. 11. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil.// BT #0001 NNNN BT #0001 NNNN