RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 2891237-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 161237Z OCT 19 FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 19-20// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 192001: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. A quick launch link (SOPs Updates) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. 3. SOP CHANGES SUMMARY - SEPTEMBER 2019 As part of the update process 2019 NAVADMINs thru 231/19, PPIBs (thru 19-19), MPAs (thru 26-19), NPPSC OPS Alerts, NSIPS Upgrades/Releases/WNFY/Smart Sheets and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. Note: Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC email OPS ALERTS are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx This link is also under the Communication short cut menu on the NPPSC SharePoint homepage. All future Ops Alerts will be archived there. Important Note: Be cognizant of PPIB 19-19 Issue 191901: NSIPS Cloud Migration and it’s impact on DJMS-AC Update Schedule reflected in PPIB 19-19 and MPA 23/19 DJMS-AC Update Schedule for Mid-Month (MM), Month End Restructure (MER), and First Update for the Work Months of Oct, Nov and Dec 2019. A. Ops Alert Updates: 1. Ops Alert 29-19 Clarification of the Travel / Evacuation Claims RED/DA (Page 2) Requirements Effective 10 September 2019, Update to Ops Alert 003-19 - The RED/DA (Page 2) no longer required as a key supporting document (KSD) applies not only to PCS claims but all previous travel claims requiring a Page 2 including Evacuation claims. The driving force to streamline the travel claim process is to ensure our Sailors are being paid in a timely manner. Although the RED/DA (Page 2) is not needed as a KSD to process a travel claim, the requirement to verify and update (if required) the RED/DA (Page 2) to support dependent related travel and transportation entitlements still remains. 2. Ops Alert 30-19 Phase Three for MyPCS (Permanent Change of Station) Mobile NAVADMIN 211/19 announced Phase Three of Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Move Improvements offered through MyPCS Mobile. Refer to subject NAVADMIN for details 3. Ops Alert 31-19 EAW Process for PMK-EE Waivers A PMK-EE completion date waiver may be submitted for the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) Cycle 244 (E6, E5 and E4), if a Sailor did not complete their PMK-EE by the 31 August 2019 deadline due to extenuating circumstances. B. MPAs and PPIBs 1. MPA 22-19 Special Leave Accrual (SLA) FY-19 End Processing Information This advisory is being provided in regard to submission of SLA requests and to issue procedures for reporting a member's entitlement to SLA for FY-19. In accordance with MILPERSMAN 1050-070, any leave balance in excess of 60 days on 30 SEPTEMBER 2019 will be lost unless subject to Special Leave Accrual described in paragraph 2 of this MPA. 2. PPIB 19-18 Special Leave Accrual (SLA) FY-19 End of Year Processing Information This PPIB was a reissuance of MPA 22-19 Special Leave Accrual (SLA) FY-19 End Processing Information (above) 3. PPIB 19-19 Issue 191901: NSIPS Cloud Migration NSIPS is in final preparations to migrate to its new hosting location within the Amazon Web Service (AWS) GovCloud. The migration will be taking place 1600 CDT 24 October 2019 to 0700 CDT 29 October 2019. During this time NSIPS will be unavailable to users. Once NSIPS is migrated, access will be restored, and users will be able to access NSIPS Web at the new web address: https://www.nsips.navy.mil. The NSIPS home page, or splash screen (https://nsipsprod-sdni.nmci.navy.mil), will be up during this maintenance period with a message indicating the status of the migration and the new web address. Refer to PPIB 19-19 and MPA 23-19 (below) for cutoff dates pertinent to the off-line schedule of NSIPS due to cloud migration. 4. MPA 23-19 DJMS-AC Update Schedule for Mid-Month (MM), Month End Restructure (MER), and First Update for the Work Months of Oct, Nov and Dec 2019 announcing the DJMS updates for the months of October through December 2019. Refer to PPIB 19 -19 and MPA 23-19 for cutoff dates pertinent to the off-line schedule of NSIPS due to cloud migration. 5. MPA 24-19 DJMS-RC Update Schedule for the Work Months of October, November, December 2019 6. MPA 25-19 Revision to the DJMS-RC Update Schedule for the Work Month of October 2019 7. MPA 26-19 Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) TD Range Changes For DWOWS Case Submission This advisory has been coordinated with DFAS-CL, BUPERS 328, NPPSC and PERS 2. C. NAVADMINS 1. NAVADMIN 212/19 Adobe Flash Player End of Life Notice And Impact Assessment The purpose of this NAVADMIN is to inform the Navy that Adobe Flash will no longer be supported. Navy users must stop using Adobe Flash by 31 December 2020. 2. NAVADMIN 211/19 Permanent Change of Station Move Improvements - Phase Three This NAVADMIN announces Phase Three of permanent change of station (PCS) move improvements offered through MyPCS Mobile and should be read in its entirety. Refer also to previous NAVADMINs regarding prior Phases of the same subject. Ref a: NAVADMIN 161/19 Permanent Change of Station Move Improvements Ref b: NAVADMIN 183/19 Permanent Change of Station Improvements Phase Two Ref c: NAVADMIN 184/19 Government Travel Charge Card Use During Permanent Change of Station Travel Ref (a) announced plans to improve the PCS experience for Sailors and their families. Included in the initial Phase was the launch of MyPCS Mobile, which provides Sailors a personalized PCS checklist on a mobile- enabled website accessible on personal government mobile devices, tablets, laptops and desktops. Ref (b) announced Phase Two which included the rollout of Lean Orders and the PCS Entitlements Calculator. Ref (c) announced the optional use of government travel charge card during PCS travel for a pilot population. 3. NAVADMIN 210/19 Department of Defense Secure Access File Exchange This NAVADMIN serves as notification of a new Department of Defense (DoD) enterprise Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE) capability. DoD SAFE is available at https://safe.apps.mil and offers a no-cost, enterprise-wide method of securely transferring large files. This is the general use replacement for the Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center (AMRDEC) SAFE website. 4. NAVADMIN 220/19 Electronic Submission of Letters to Promotion & Selection Boards thru MyNavy Portal This NAVADMIN announces the introduction of a new application known as Electronic Submission of Selection Board Documents (ESSBD) that is accessible through MyNavy Portal (MNP). ESSBD provides online capability for board eligible candidates to submit pre-formatted letters directly to the president of the board, as authorized by SECNAVINST 1420.3 (series), Department of the Navy Commissioned Officer Promotion Program, and various board specific naval messages (NAVADMIN). This application is a MyNavy HR transformation and Sailor 2025 initiative designed to improve personnel programs and give Sailors more control and ownership over their careers. 5. NAVADMIN 223/19 Changes to Transition Assistance Program This NAVADMIN announces improvements to the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) effective 1 October 2019. These initiatives will improve Service Members preparations to transition from active duty service, whether from an initial tour, following retirement after 20 or more years, or any separation after serving 180 or more days of active duty. In line with NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT and other statutory requirements, TAP is mandatory for active and reserve personnel who serve 180 or more days of consecutive active duty and must be completed prior to release and issuance of Certificate of Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214). The NAVADMIN also provides needed updates to OPNAVINST 1900.2C, Transition Assistance Program. 6. NAVADMIN 230/19 Announcement of Active Duty Enlisted Advancement-to-Position Program Based upon positive Fleet feedback and the overwhelming success of recent pilot programs, this NAVADMIN announces permanent adoption of the Advancement-to-Position (A2P) program for Active Duty Sailors. This NAVADMIN supersedes NAVADMIN 122/19, Announcement of Active Duty Enlisted Advancement-to-Position Program for Recruiters and Recruit Division. The permanent A2P program will fill priority E-6 billets via an advancement incentive and is another step towards a modernized personnel system and future detailing marketplace intended to improve Fleet readiness and manning through better distribution of our talent. Sailors selected for A2P billets will be advanced to E-6 and receive pay commensurate with that pay grade upon reporting to their ultimate duty station after successful completion of any required training enroute, unless advanced sooner via another advancement program. Selected Sailors will receive permanent change of station orders to report to an A2P billet in line with current detailing business rules. Applicants will only be considered for the specific A2P billets to which they have applied. D. MPM Updates 1. MPM Change 68 Update has been initiated. As of 09 Oct 2019, fifteen (15) Change 68 articles have been updated/issued/cancelled and are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx MPM 1630-010 Cancelled. The information in this article is contained in OPNAVINST 5530.14. 4. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil.// BT #0001 NNNN