RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 0101604-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 101603Z JAN 20 MID4450769U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 20-01// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 200101: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/ Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. A quick launch link (SOPs Updates) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. 3. SOP CHANGES SUMMARY - DECEMBER 2019 As part of the update process 2019 NAVADMINs thru 306/19, PPIBs (thru 19-23), MPAs (thru 36-19), NPPSC OPS Alerts, NSIPS Upgrades/Releases/WNFY/Smart Sheets and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. Note: Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail OPS ALERTS are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx This link is also under the Communication short cut menu on the NPPSC SharePoint homepage. All future Ops Alerts will be archived there. A. MNP Year in Review Accomplishments 1. Transformation Accomplishments: We rebranded the Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education Enterprise to MyNavy HR, with the tag line Serving Sailors 24/7, which better aligns with our vision to be an innovative, agile, and responsive team providing unparalleled HR service to the Fleet, our Sailors and their families. Along with the rebranding, we successfully established our third pillar, Enterprise Support, to align all our business and support functions. Since opening in September 2018, MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) has resolved over 375,000 service requests. MNCC also opened a second contact center in Little Creek this past September, which increases the capacity of MNCC and serves as a hub for Sailor education, integrating more than 40 representatives and counselors from the Navy College Virtual Education Center to provide virtual full-service education advice and counseling services to Sailors daily. Navy Recruiting Command converted four Navy Recruiting Districts to Navy Talent Acquisition Groups, leveraging talent and technology to fundamentally alter our approach to customer service, workforce utilization, and organizational structure. They also provided a more modern and mobile friendly software system to ~2,000 production recruiters. We released several apps, mobile technology, and software updates, which have received positive feedback from Sailors and their families. Of note, the MyNavy Family App, MyPCS Mobile, and MyNavy Assignment have been instrumental in improving the lives and careers of our Sailors and their families. 2. Sailor 2025 Accomplishments: We implemented a number of critical new statutory authorities for officer personnel management, such as merit promotion and expanded constructive service credit, continuation, and spot promotions. We expanded the Meritorious Advancement Program to account for 20 percent of total advancement splits between two MAP seasons and automated the MAP process. For Ready Relevant Learning (RRL), we completed the Block Learning phase when the last of 47 ratings began training under the block delivery construct. Additionally, for our second line of effort (Modern Delivery at the Point of Need), we have developed requirements for 20 ratings. For RRL’s third line of effort (Integrated Content Development), we delivered the first modernized course, Operations Specialist (OS) “A” School, and 13 ratings entered Content Conversion ahead of Modernized Delivery. We rolled out the Spouse Licensure Reimbursement Program in June that authorized reimbursement to Service members up to 500.00 for state licensure and certification costs of a spouse arising from relocation due to permanent change of station (PCS). 3. Man the Fleet Accomplishments: We used the Advancement-to-Position Program to fill priority supervisor and journeyman-level billets. This fills critical gaps at sea and rewards proven performers willing to take difficult assignments with a spot promotion. Recruiting Command closed out FY19 by accessing 49,259 Future Sailors (Enlisted and Officer) and contracting 40,756 AC enlisted Future Sailors - the second highest number of annual contracts written in the last 15 years. We exceeded our reenlistment goals by more than 5 percent in all zones. The goals were 55 percent in Zone A, 65 percent in Zone B and 80 percent in Zone C. We closed FY19 with only 13M of the 30B MPN appropriation (less than one tenth of one percent) left unobligated. This execution rate is a historic low for the appropriation and allowed us to maintain six months’ lead-time on PCS orders while also exceeding manpower goals by 1,606 Sailors to lead turn growth and accelerate closing gaps at sea. On the FY19 Agency Financial Report, the MyNavy HR MILPAY segment received only 8 of 300 Control Deficiencies for Navy and received no Material Weakness or Significant Deficiencies. This was a remarkable accomplishment, especially considering the size of the MPN appropriation. NSTC instituted Warrior Toughness (WT) training across the entirety of Recruit Training Command, communicated WT principles to the Fleet, and instructed over 35,000 new Sailors on warrior mindset and principles. We successfully executed NROTC New Student Indoctrination and Sea Trials for 910 NROTC Midshipmen Candidates. We have received significant interest in our NROTC Preparatory Program (NPP). AY 2018/19 was NPP’s initial test year with four midshipman candidates completing the program and receiving NROTC scholarships. For AY 2019/20, 67 midshipmen candidates are enrolled in the NPP, and to date, there are over 100 applicants for AY 2020/21. Navy remains below the DoD goal threshold (5 percent) for the Total Force Non-Deployable rate at 4.28. B. Ops Alert Updates: 1. Ops Alert 039-19: CNIC/NMCI SERVERS AFFECTING TOPS, NSIPS AND WINIATS CONNECTIVITY This Ops Alert is included for numeric continuity purposes only. The connectivity issues addressed are no longer an issue. 2. Ops Alert 040-19: HIGH YEAR TENURE (HYT) CHECK FOR E7 EXAM (CYCLE 246 AND 106) HYT check for E7 Exam candidates in the Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) is using the incorrect date. EAW E7 HYT computation corrections will be applied to future cycles. If HYT is exceeded using the hard-coded Terminal Eligibility Date (TED) of 01/01/2021 in the HYT Check for the E7 Exam candidates in EAW, then recompute HYT in the comments area using 09/01/2020. If not exceeded, select Yes for HYT Waived. 3. Ops Alert 041-19: TOPS OUTAGE ALTERNATE METHODS This Ops Alert is included for numeric continuity purposes only. The connectivity issues addressed are no longer an issue. 4. Ops Alert 042-19: ADVANCE AND PER DIEM REQUESTS This Ops Alert is included for numeric continuity purposes only. The expiration of the Continuing Resolution Authority (CRA) is no longer at issue. 5. Ops Alert 043-19: TOPS WORKAROUND FOR ADVANCES AND PER DIEM REQUESTS This Ops Alert is included for numeric continuity purposes only. The connectivity issues addressed are no longer an issue. 6. Ops Alert 044-19: COMMAND PAY AND PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR (CPPA) AS APPROVING OFFICIAL FOR ALL TYPES OF TRAVEL CLAIMS If an CPPA is appointed as an Approving Official (AO) for "any type" of travel claims, then the DD Form 577 must be completed. 7. Ops Alert 045-19: EAW FOR TRANSFERRING OR TAD NWAE CANDIDATES ESOs and/or Command ESOs shall update the Exam UIC and Exam Results UIC for all Navy Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) candidates who are executing Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders and will no longer be attached to their current permanent duty station (PDS) for any NWAE cycle. This is even more crucial if there are intermediate duty stations between duty stations. ESO or Command ESO access to a candidates EAW is crucial for their participation in an NWAE. An updated and verified EAW is required to participate in the NWAE. If the Exam UIC in EAW is not updated, the gaining ESO will not have access to update/verify a candidate’s EAW. Updating the Exam UIC allows both the transferring and gaining ESOs access to the candidate’s EAW. This is especially crucial when the candidate reports to a school command in transient status, which only allows minimal time for the ESO to verify their EAW prior to the NWAE. Note: For candidates TAD away from their PDS during an NWAE cycle, only update the Exam UIC. Note: EAWs are routed to user roles not specific users. If an EAW is in the Pend CESO status, anyone with a Command ESO user role to that UIC may access and work on that EAW. C. MPAs and PPIBs 1. MPA 36-19 DJMS-RC Update Schedule for the Work Months of January, February, and March 2020 The purpose of this message is to publish the DJMS-RC update schedule identifying the run date, type of update, paydate, and high date paid for the work months of January, February, and March 2020. 2. MPA 35-19 DJMS-AC Update Schedule For Mid-Month (MM), Month End Restructure (MER), and First Update for the Work Months of Jan, Feb and Mar 2020 The purpose of this message is to publish the DJMS-AC update schedule identifying the first update, mid-month (MM), and month end restructure (MER) for the work months of January, February and March 2020. 3. PPIB 19-22 Required Action for All Navy Web DMO/Web MMPA Users - Although the 13 Dec 2019 deadline for action has passed, all delinquent activities should still refer to “Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin 19-22” as required. The only way to initiate a Web DMO/Web MMPA account is through AMPS. Directions are provided in PPIB 19-22. There is also contact information provided for those that require training on establishing AMPS accounts and requesting MMPA or DMO access through AMPS. POCs include, Ms. Anna Masterson, anna.masterson1@navy.mil or Mr. Ron Ates, ron.ates@navy.mil. The PPIB also includes TASO references and e-mail addresses. All Ships should have a minimum of two active MMPA accounts. The Command Readiness Assessment Visit (CRAV) will find PERSO/CPPA programs “Ineffective” that do not maintain this minimum CNSF requirement. D. NAVADMINs 1. NAVADMIN 279/19 Publication of BUPERSINST 1610.10E (EVALMAN) This NAVADMIN announces the publication of BUPERSINST 1610.10E, Navy Performance Evaluation System (EVALMAN). The revision incorporates policy guidance contained in NAVADMIN 141/17, Physical Readiness Program Policy Changes (Corrected Copy), NAVADMIN 304/17, Physical Readiness Program Policy Change, and NAVADMIN 193/19 Active Component Limited Duty Officer and Chief Warrant Officer Fitness Report Officer Summary Groups (Corrected Copy). Refer to NAVADMIN 279/19 for complete Summary of Changes. 2. NAVADMIN 284/19 March 2020 (Cycle 247) Navy-Wide Advancement Examinations for Active-Duty, Full- Time Support and Canvasser Recruiter Petty Officers (E-4 - E-6) This NAVADMIN announces the March 2020 (cycle 247) Navy-wide Advancement Examinations for advancement in rate of Active, Full-Time Support and Canvasser Recruiter Sailors. 3. NAVADMIN 297/19 Government Travel Charge Card Use During Permanent Change of Station Travel – Phase Two This NAVADMIN announces the expansion of the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) pilot program and provides updated policy and guidance for the use of the GTCC during Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel. Expanding use of the GTCC for PCS travel is another PCS move initiative designed to improve the PCS experience for Sailors and their families as part of Navy’s ongoing transformation efforts for a modernized pay and personnel system under Sailor 2025. Effective upon release of this NAVADMIN, all Active-Duty Sailors conducting Continental U.S. (CONUS) or Outside CONUS PCS moves, both single Sailors or Sailors with dependents, traveling concurrently or non-concurrently with dependents, and with 45 days or less Temporary Duty Under Instruction enroute are authorized to use the GTCC in accordance with NAVADMIN 184/19 Government Travel Charge Card Use During Permanent Change of Station Travel. Note: For Sailors choosing to use the GTCC for PCS travel and traveling non-currently with dependents, it is recommended that the Sailor use the GTCC and request a travel advance for dependent travel via the existing process. When traveling non-concurrently, the GTCC may only be used by the Sailor and not their dependents. E. Launch of CPPA CBT courses on Navy e-Learning CPPA Computer Based Training (CBT) courses are now live on the e-Learning site. To access the courses follow the below instructions: Click on https://www.mnp.navy.mil/ Select DOD Email certificate Type in PIN Click “I Agree” Go to the top banner and click on Quick Links Click on Navy eLearning Select a CAC Certificate After reading the DOD Notice and Consent Banner, click on “I Agree” Click on “Login With CAC” Click on “Continue to enter system” Click on Course Catalog Above the Title section, type “CPPA” and “Apply Filters” Select the appropriate course and click “Enroll” F. MPM Revision Update MPM Change 69 Update has been initiated. As of 06 Jan 2019, twenty-nine (29) Change 69 articles have been updated/issued/cancelled and are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx G. Retirements and Separations (R&S) Sailor Self-Service Manual. To assist members in submitting retirements and separations requests using NSIPS R&S functionality, a Self Service guide was developed and posted on NSIPS Splash Page. This guide provides members with R&S overview information, and a step-by-step procedure from submitting the request in NSIPS until validating and signing the electronic Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (eDD214) in BUPERS Online (BOL). How to get to the file: 1. Log in to NSIPS using: https://www.nsips.navy.mil/nsipsclo/jsp/index.jsp 2. Scroll down at the middle of Splash Page until you see: Menu 3. Under Menu click on: Smart Sheets and What's New For You 4. Scroll down until you see: Sailor Self-Service User Guides 5. Click on: "Sailor Self-Service Retirements and Separations User Manual" tab to open the file 4. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil.// BT #0001 NNNN