RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 1351229-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 140900Z MAY 20 MID4699851U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 20-12// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 201201: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. 3. SOP CHANGES SUMMARY - APRIL As of 30 April 2020, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited references. Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. The most current policy updates can be accessed from the COVID-19 Resources (CHINFO Navy Live Blog) link on the NPC Homepage. OSD Memo dtd 20 Apr 2020 Subj: Modification and Reissuance of DoD Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Travel Restrictions. This is the Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Memo on Modification and Reissuance of Department of Defense (DoD) Response to Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) Travel Restrictions. The policy will be reviewed every 15 days to determine if travel restrictions need to be modified earlier than June 30, 2020. ALNAV 049/20 Modification to ALNAV 044/20 Reissuance of Department of the Navy Travel Restrictions in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019. ALNAV 049/20 supersedes ALNAV 044/20. ALNAV 049/20 provides an update and guidance to Department of the Navy (DON) personnel and commands on domestic and international travel restrictions and is subject to additional guidance provided by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). A. Ops Alerts 1. Ops Alert 023-20 Procedure Update: CYCLE 247 E-4 ENLISTED ADVANCEMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) VERIFICATION GUIDANCE AND UPDATE Per NAVADMIN 121/20 and OPS Alert 020-20, it is in the best interest and safety of our Sailors to NOT administer the E-4 exam. Calculation of Final Multiple Score (FMS) will be dependent on the accuracy of the EAWs. To expedite the fleet finalization process, over 9,000 invalid Cycle 247 E-4 pending EAWs will be marked “Complete”. In an effort to sanitize the EAW verification process, invalid EAWs were identified and status updated to “Complete”. These EAWs included Sailors who were not yet designated, Sailors who were no longer on Active Duty, Sailors who are no longer an E-3 (Reduction in Rate (RIR) or advanced), and Sailors who have been designated in one of the 20 auto-advance ratings. Each "Complete" EAW will be tagged with one of the following four statements so the reason for the action taken will be understood: NON RATED - Closed by system member shows as NON -RATED AEF-ATF-NUC - Closed by system member will be advanced automatically NO LONGER E-3 - Closed by system member was Advanced or reduced in rate NO LONGER ON AD - Closed by system member released from active duty A final list of the number of EAWs that remain pending for each command will be published to assist fleet commands in completing required EAW finalization actions. To accurately process the E-4 results, all candidates must have a completed EAW showing correct candidate eligibility. After the worksheet has been verified, click "I hereby verify the information contained hereon and certify it to be correct." Next, click "Final ESO Verification of Eligibility" and select the final eligibility status of the candidate from the pull down that appears. ESOs can override Member's Eligibility Status at the top of the worksheet and any inaccurate Eligibility Checks. Once the member's final eligibility is determined, complete the worksheet by selecting "Complete Advancement Worksheet.” If a worksheet is in a “Complete” status, but needs additional changes prior to 21 May 2020, ESOs can open the worksheet by unclicking “Final ESO Verification of Eligibility.” After corrections are made, follow the process to verify and complete the worksheet again. 2. Ops Alert 022-20 Strike-Through Authorized for New Accession Student Orders A single line strike-through has been authorized for LifeSkills Course of Instruction at I-STOP Training Support Center Great Lakes in orders for CS/MC/AG/Ceremonial Guard/Premier Bands D.C./Annapolis/ Constitution and Arizona accession Sailors. This will ensure processing of gains, per diem, travel request, and submission of travel claims in a timely manner. 3. Ops Alert 021-20: Updated NPPSC 1300/1 Application for Transfer & Advances Refer also to: Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Enhanced PCS Full Rollout Flyer: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/organization/npc/publicaffairs/news/Documents/GTCC_flyer.pdf NAVADMIN 297/19 GTCC Use During Permanent Change of Station Travel - Phase 2 Two NPPSC 1300/1 has been updated to align with Government Travel Charge Card procedures. Government Travel Charge Card is authorized for use in accordance with latest NAVADMINs. This program is continuously evolving, so it would be prudent to reference NAVADMINs when assisting Sailors with this option. If a service member is using a Government Travel Charge Card, advances are NOT authorized. The only exception to this policy is when a service member is traveling non-concurrently from dependents. In such circumstances the advances authorized are for dependent entitlements only (Dependent Mileage, Per Diem, Dislocation Allowance). Ensure that if service members are requesting to utilize the Government Travel Charge Card, they are contacting their APC to place the card in “Mission Critical” status. 4. Ops Alert 020-20: Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) Way Ahead for Cycle 247 E4-E6 (Active Duty) Refer also to NAVADMIN 121/20 a. Command ESOs will be given 10 working days, from 21 May 2020 through 3 June 2020, to administer Cycle 247 E-5 and E-6 substitute exams. The cycle 247 E-4 exam has been canceled, but ESOs must adjudicate all E-4 EAWs by 21 May 2020. b. There are approximately 20,000 Cycle 247 E-4 NWAEs that were not administered due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The E-4 NWAE was rescheduled for 21 May 2020, however, execution of the exam in May presents high risk to the force. The Navy has determined that it is in the best interest and safety of our Sailors to NOT administer the E-4 exam. Since Cycle 247 E-4 exams have been cancelled, Final Multiple Score (FMS) rank-ordering will be dependent on the accuracy of the Enlisted Advancement Worksheets (EAWs). It is vital that EAWs are validated and completed by ESOs by 21 May 2020. 5. Ops Alert 019-20: Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) Way Ahead for Cycle 106 E4-E7 (SELRES) Refer also to NAVADMIN 121/20. Command ESOs will be given the month of July 2020 to administer Cycle 106 E-4 - E-7 late exams. Command ESOs are authorized to administer Cycle 106 E-4 through E-7 exams from 1-31 July 2020 since testing for SELRES is dependent on drill weekends, available test sites and candidate availability. a. SELRES E-7 candidates are highly encouraged to participate in the Cycle 106 exam at the earliest possible date in July 2020 to ensure selection board eligibility results can be posted prior to the board convening date. b. Due to Cycle 106 exam delays, all SELRES E-7 candidates will have an additional three weeks to submit a Letter to the Board (LTB). The new due date for LTB submissions will be 18 May 2020, which correlates to the original convening of the Reserve E-7 board. 6. Ops Alert 018-20: COVID-19 Contract Clause for Short Term Extensions (STEs) Refer also to PPIB 20-08, Transaction Service Centers (TSC) and Personnel Support Detachments (PSD) should review this process and policy change that has been authorized for short-term extensions in the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) for both Active and Reserve Personnel. Refer also to NSIPS What's New for You (https://www.nsips.navy.mil/nsipsclo/jsp/index.jsp) COVID-19 related extensions are to be used if a Service member is executing an extension in accordance with NAVADMINs 071/20, 089/20 and PPIB 20-08. Due to the uncertainty regarding the duration of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the mandated all stop on PCS travel, and the resulting effect on the U.S. economy, the incentives and extensions will help provide some stability to the Navy. 7. Ops Alert 017-20: Updated Training Requirement for Awarding the CPPA NEC A16A The Records Management in the Department of the Navy (DON) (DOR-RM-010-1.2) course has been relocated from Navy eLearning to the Total Workforce Management Services (TWMS) system. The NEOCS Vol II and MILPERSMAN 1000-021 currently allow for the awarding of NEC A16A to enlisted personnel assigned as the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator using two methods: (1) Attending the CPPA C-School (A-500-0035) or (2) CBT (CPPA Training Course, DON Annual Privacy Training, and Records Management in the DON). NETC has relocated the Records Management in the DON: Everyone’s Responsibility (DOR-RM-010-1.2) from Navy eLearning to the Total Workforce Management Services (TWMS) online system. Locating the course in TWMS will require you to log in, click on the Online TWMS tab, and search for Course Number 627356 or Course ID DOR-RM-010-1.2. Once completed, Sailors can then print out the certificate or save as a PDF file for inclusion into their NEC request package to PERS-4013. 8. Ops Alert 016-20: Navy-Wide Advancement Examination (NWAE) Outstanding Discrepancies and Outstanding Cycle 247 E-6 and E-5 Answer Sheets All CY105 and CY244 remaining discrepancies have been placed in NETPDC INVAL due to no command response to posted discrepancies. For NWAE Cycles 246, 247 and 106, please review your discrepancies in the Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS), https://prod-neas.ncdc.navy.mil/LoginWebBatch.aspx and take the appropriate action to correct. There are still numerous outstanding NWAE E-6 and E-5 answer sheets for Cycles 247 (Active) and 106 (Reserve) that have not yet been submitted. Action Required: Review all your exam discrepant records and take immediate appropriate action to correct. Submit all completed answer sheets on hand for Cycles 247 (Active) and 106 (Reserve). 9. Ops Alert 015-20: Transfer of New Accession Students on Current Orders to Next Training Location Updated Memo, NETC N3 Supply Chain Guidance Memorandum (SCGM) #19-008-2, Ser 1320, 09 Apr 20, Subj: Transfer of New Accession Students on Current Orders to Next Duty Location, will allow a temporary 60-day pen-and-ink change vice the original 30-day delay authorization due to COVID-19 pandemic. The training pipeline is experiencing training delays resulting in Sailors reporting past their original Report NLT (date). As a result, Recruit Training Command and/or Service School Command may modify orders via pen-and-ink for no more than 60 days past the original Report NLT (date) vice 30 days. This temporary change is in support of the COVID-19 outbreak and will remain in effect until further notice. 10. Ops Alert 014-20: Advances for Evacuations NPPSC 1300/1 Application for Transfer and Advances is the only form authorized for use in requesting advances. This Ops Alert is to provide guidance on what should be filled out for military and civilians requesting advances. NPPSC 1300/1 will be used to request advances for evacuations. The following blocks should be filled out when requesting an advance: Blocks 1-4 Blocks 14-21 Block 25 Block 28 Block 29-31 Submit NPPSC 1300/1 to Travel Processing Center submission box along with the following KSDs: Evacuation Orders Lodging Confirmation Receipt w/daily lodging cost B. MPAs and PPIBs 1. MPA 16-20 COVID-19 Special Leave Accrual (SLA) Authorization (Refer also to PPIB 20-10) The text of the Under Secretary of Defense's Memorandum dated April 16, 2020 is the content of the MPA. An abbreviated synopsis is included below. In recognition of the impact of the Department's response to COVID-19 on Service members' ability to take leave and properly manage their leave balances, effective March 11, 2020 through September 30, 2020, Service members performing active service are authorized to accumulate annual leave in excess of 60 days (not to exceed 120 days) as shown on the end of month September 2020 Leave and Earnings Statement. Such members are further authorized to retain such unused leave until the end of Fiscal Year 2023 (i.e., September 30, 2023). Additional and supplemental reporting guidance will be issued in September 2020 via the annual SLA reporting Military Pay Advisory (MPA). 2. PPIB 20-11 Hardship Duty Pay - Restriction of Movement (HDP-ROM) Payment Procedures REDUX HDP-ROM payment authorization, announced in Asst Secretary of Defense Memorandum dated March 13, 2020 Creating a New Entitlement Called Hardship Duty Pay - Restriction of Movement (HDP-ROM), was effective January 11, 2020. Centralized Navy payment procedures were announced in: MPA 14-20 Hardship Duty Pay - Restriction of Movement (HDP-ROM) PPIB 20-07 General Guidance for Hardship Duty Pay - Restriction of Movement (HDP-ROM) To preclude unnecessary delays in posting HDP-ROM payments to members’ pay accounts, it is imperative that commands follow the payment procedures outlined in MPA 14-20 and PPIB 20-07. The most common errors causing delays in processing HDP-ROM payments are the following: a. Command Letter Template/Format. To ensure all of the required information necessary to post HDP-ROM payments to the Master Military Pay Account, commands can obtain a template of the command authorization letter by contacting MNCC at askmncc.fct@navy.mil. Refer also to example below. i. Incorrect SSNs. Since military pay is driven by the member’s SSN it is imperative to indicate the correct SSN for each member listed on the command authorization letter. ii. Inclusive Dates/Number of Days. The number of days listed on the command authorization letter must match the “inclusive days” listed. An example is: April 16, 2020 to April 30, 2020 = (15 days) of entitlement. Acceptable Example Memo Format is provided below: From: Commanding Officer To: Encl: (1) Copy of DD Form 577 (Command Approving Official (AO)) Subj: HARDSHIP DUTY PAY- RESTRICTION OF MOVEMENT (HDP-ROM) REQUEST ICO 1. The following information is provided to request HDP-ROM: Name of eligible Service member: Service members social security number (SSN): Exact lodging dates and number of days lodging was utilized: Approved amount not to exceed $1,500.00 per month, a flat rate of $100.00 for each day should be annotated. Example: if a member were authorized 8 days the letter should authorize $800.00; 7 days the Command would authorize $700.00, etc. 2. Point of contact information from the Command to include phone numbers and emails. A copy of the DD form 577 of Command Approving Official (AO), this must be the person who signs the Command Memo The complete package will be scanned, encrypted, and emailed to the secured email address: askmncc.fct@navy.mil. 3. PPIB 20-10 Special Leave Accrual Authorization due to COVID-19 Travel Restrictions 4. PPIB 20-08 New Contract Clause Added To Short Term Extensions in NSIPS COVID-19 Related Extension Clauses have been added to the Contract Clause pick list on the Exceptions panel for Extensions. 076 will be used for active duty extensions. 077 will be used for reserve extensions. COVID-19 Related Clauses will be used if a Service Member is executing an extension in accordance with NAVADMINs 071/20 and/or 089/20. COVID-19 related extensions become binding upon execution and may not be thereafter canceled, except as provided for in MILPERSMAN 1160-040. The provisions of the SRB program and the execution of the extension of enlistment may affect entitlement to monetary benefits for a subsequent reenlistment. C. NAVADMINs 1. NAVADMIN 099/20 Mobilization Processing of Navy Reserve Personnel in Support of COVID-19 Response Operations This NAVADMIN directs alternate mobilization processing for Sailors of the Ready Reserve ordered to Active-Duty in support of Navy Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic response. The Navy Reserve is supporting response to the COVID-19 pandemic by activating Ready Reserve Sailors in support of assigned missions. Due to the dynamic, urgent and widespread nature of this crisis, some initial Selected Reserve (SELRES) activations were voluntary. To facilitate additional Combatant Commander (CCDR) and/or Service demand on the Reserve Components (RC) of the armed forces, the Department of Defense anticipates involuntary mobilization of RC forces for COVID-19 response. These mobilizations will be in addition to ongoing mobilizations in support of CCDRs globally. 2. NAVADMIN 105/20 Expanded Opportunity for Retention on Active-Duty in a Retired Status for Active-Duty Officers with Pending Statutory Retirements due to the uncertainty regarding the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic and the need to maintain operational, Sailor, and family readiness, this NAVADMIN will help provide additional stability to both the Navy and families. The Navy is accepting applications from active-duty and full- time support (FTS) officers in the rank of Captain or below with a statutory retirement date between now and 1 December 2020 who desire to be retained on active-duty in a retired status (often referred to as retire/retain). Statutory retirements include retirements required by law for age, years of commissioned service, years of active service, or pursuant to twice failure of selection to the next higher grade. The period of retention, if granted, would extend through 31 December 2020, or earlier if requested, and is only applicable to retention at the current command of the officer. Officers granted retire/retain are not eligible for permanent change of station (PCS) orders. 3. NAVADMIN 108/20 Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program Update April 2020. This NAVADMIN announces revised selective reenlistment bonus (SRB) policy for Active Component (AC) and Full-Time Support (FTS), superseding NAVADMIN 272/19, Selective Reenlistment Bonus and Pay for Performance Pilot Update December 2020. Sailors must now reenlist within 365-days of their end of active obligated service (EAOS) (as opposed to 270-days required in NAVADMIN 272/19), except in the case of Nuclear-trained Sailors who can reenlist at any point in the reenlistment zone, per guidance in OPNAVINST 1160.8B, Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program. 4. NAVADMIN 113/20 Restriction of Movement (ROM) Guidance Update This NAVADMIN supersedes NAVADMIN 083/20, Restriction of Movement Guidance and acknowledges that operational unit commanders may have to execute a Restriction of Movement (ROM) period prior to introducing new members to the crew or prior to taking a unit overseas or underway. It also designates additional responsibilities for Transient Personnel Unit (TPU) Commanding Officers and clarifies use of Hardship Duty Pay (HDP)-ROM as a source of funding for ROM. This NAVADMIN clarifies the definition of ROM, provides amplifying guidance, and delineates responsibilities for execution of ROM. 5. NAVADMIN 114/20 Policy Guidance Update for Identification Card Services for COVID-19. This NAVADMIN provides an update to temporary guidance for Navy personnel who require Common Access Card (CAC) and Uniformed Services Identification (USID) Card services during the COVID-19 emergency. This NAVADMIN supplements NAVADMIN 097/20 Common Access Card Issuance Policy for COVID-19 but does not cancel it. 6. NAVADMIN 121/20 Supplemental Number Two for E4 - E7 February 2020 (Cycle 106) Selective Reserve and March 2020 (Cycle 247) E4 - E6 Active-Duty, Full-Time Support and Canvasser Recruiter Navy-Wide This NAVADMIN cancels and replaces NAVADMIN 069/20, Supplemental for E-4 through E-7 February (Cycle 106) Selective Reserve and March 2020 (Cycle 247) E4 Through E6 Active-Duty, Full-Time Support and Canvasser Recruiter Navy-Wide Advancement Examinations. The following applies only to Active Duty and Full-Time Support (FTS) Sailors: a. E-7 candidates. These Sailors were able to take their exams before COVID-19 mitigation measures were implemented. The selection board eligibility list was published on MyNavy Portal at https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/navy-advancement-center/my-eso. Additional guidance will be promulgated in a future NAVADMIN, which will detail a revised selection board schedule for all chief petty officer boards. b. E-5 and E-6 candidates. Regular March exams were administered before COVID-19 mitigation measures were implemented. However, approximately 5,000 substitute exams have not been administered. As such, command ESOs will be given 10 working days from 21 May 2020 through 3 June 2020, to administer substitute exams for these Sailors. ESOs must clearly publish and communicate exam administration schedules so Sailors are made aware of testing dates and administration sites in advance of this testing window. Following the completion of substitute exams, ESOs must expeditiously mail all answer sheets to the Navy Education and Training Professional Development Center (NETPDC). c. E-4 candidates. There are approximately 20,000 exams that were not administered due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. NAVADMIN 069/20 rescheduled the E-4 exam to 21 May 2020, however, execution of the exam in May presents high risk to the force. Due to the large number of Sailors eligible to participate in this exam and the added difficulty of administering the exam to all of these Sailors while implementing FHPG measures, the Navy has determined that it is in the best interest and safety of our Sailors to NOT administer the E-4 exam. As an alternative, those Sailors who were eligible to take the Spring E-4 Cycle 247 exam will have the opportunity for advancement using the rank-order method, a performance-based system that will use current standard Final Multiple Score (FMS) factors without inclusion of an exam score. With the elimination of the exam score the Performance Mark Average will be the dominant factor in determining advancement. The following applies only to Selected Reserve (SELRES) Sailors: E-4 through E-7 candidates. Approximately 83% of all Cycle 106 exams were administered during the NWAE in February 2020. However, close to 3,000 late exams were not administered due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. As such, command ESOs are authorized to test from 1-31 July 2020 since testing for SELRES is dependent on drill weekends, available test sites and candidate availability. Following the completion of late exams, ESOs must expeditiously mail answer sheets to NETPDC. 7. NAVADMIN 129/20 Guidance on Evaluation of Deployability, Temporary Limited Duty, and Referral to the Disability Evaluation System (DES) During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic. This NAVADMIN announces interim policy guidance pertaining to deployability evaluation, temporary limited duty and Disability Evaluation System (DES) processes. The NAVADMIN amplifies interim guidance, which directs limiting medical and dental care to only acute and emergent care patients to optimize medical readiness during this COVID-19 pandemic. 8. NAVADMIN 132/20 Force Management Operational Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak. This NAVADMIN announces the continued efforts of the Navy to mitigate the effects of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and maintain operational, Sailor and family readiness. Due to the uncertainty regarding the duration of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the mandated all stop on permanent change of station travel outlined in NAVADMIN 116/20, Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 4, and the resulting effect on the U.S. economy, the Navy is implementing additional personnel policy actions to maintain our maritime superiority. This NAVADMIN complements personnel policy outlined in NAVADMIN 089/20, Voluntary Extensions for Active Component Navy Members with Approved Separation or Retirement Dates, and expands monetary and non-monetary incentives to retain and distribute Sailors in support of operational requirements during this challenging time. See below topics addressed in this NAVADMIN, especially supplemental information to NAVADMIN 108/20, Selective Reenlistment Bonus Program Update April 2020. a. High Year Tenure (HYT) Waiver Expansion. b. Sea Duty Incentive Pay (SDIP) Expansion. c. Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Update. NAVADMIN 108/20 announced changes to the SRB program, allowing Sailors to reenlist up to 365 days before their end of active obligated service instead of 270 days. On 30 April 2020, 22 new skillsets were added and are now SRB eligible and 123 skillsets had the SRB bonus amounts increased. In an effort to publish these changes to the Fleet in the most timely manner possible, updates are made directly to the SRB website which can be found by visiting https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/pay-and-benefits, then clicking on the *SRB* tab. For technical questions or clarification, Command Career Counselors, not individual Sailors, are encouraged to contact BUPERS-328 at (901) 874-3215 or (901) 874-3915/DSN 882 or via e-mail at mill_incen_pays@navy.mil or to contact the SRB Help Desk at (901) 874-2526/DSN 882. d. Reserve and New Accession Training (NAT) Opportunities. D. MPM Revision Update MPM Quarterly Change Report – 70 was published 09 April 2020. There are 24 articles in the Quarterly Change Report. The Quarterly Change Report - 70 is accessible at: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Documents/MPM%20QRTLY%20SUMMARY%20CH-70.pdf As of 01 May 2020, three Change 71 articles have been updated/issued/cancelled and are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx. 4. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN