RAAUZYUW RUCCBWF0001 1301300-UUUU--RHMCCSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 191322Z JUN 20 ZYB FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 20-16// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 201601: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. As part of the update process 2020 NAVADMINs thru 163/20, PPIBs (thru 20-15), MPAs (thru 17-20), NPPSC OPS Alerts, NSIPS Upgrades/Releases/WNFY/Smart Sheets and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. As of 31 May 2020, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited reference. Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. Refer also to ALNAVs for COVID-19 impacts and updates on Department of the Navy Operations. The most current policy updates can be accessed from the COVID-19 Resources (CHINFO Navy Live Blog) link on the NPC Homepage. NAVADMIN 155/20, U.S. Navy COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance. To increase probability of a COVID-free mission ready crews, units will adhere to the following standardized operational guidance. Fleet, TYCOM, and operational commanders may issue more specific guidance to units within their respective areas of responsibility. This guidance builds on NAVADMIN 113/20 Restriction of Movement Guidance Update and NAVADMIN 116/20, Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 4, while citing additional guidance. 3. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: A. MyNavy Sailor to Sailor May 2020 Newsletter https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MAY-2020 Highlights in this month’s edition include: Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to COVID-19 Update 4 Navy Wide Advancement Exams Updates Navy Authorizes Retiring Officers to Stay Until December Sexual Assault and Prevention is an Ongoing Effort Navy Initiates Temporary Changes for ID Card Offices The Navy Future Civilian Workforce by Honorable Gregory J. Slavonic, Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs MilGears – Powered by COOL: Personalized Credentials for Sailors Self-Care for Those Supporting Others Financial Advice for your Sailors and their Stimulus Check Contacting the Navy College Virtual Education Center (NCVEC) During COVID-19 B. What’s New For You NP2 MyPCS Mobile Travel Entitlements Calculator https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MAY-2020 The new Travel Entitlements Calculator on MyPCS Mobile was deployed 15 May 2020. Please refer to linked What’s New for You for information on how to use this new tool to help make our Sailors PCS moves easier. There is also a section on Page 5 explaining the capabilities that a Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA) has within MyPCS. C. MyNavy HR Smart Sheet Authoritative Data Environment (ADE) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MAY-2020 D. NDAWS User Guide https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MAY-2020 As of 18 May 2020, NDAWS is performed through BOL and changes the way that awards are routed, signed, and uploaded in OMPF. The user guide has been linked for reference. Future awards will be entered through the new system. Below are some facts pertaining to the new system: Awards signed before 18 May 2020 will require the 1650 and citation to be mailed or emailed to PERS-312. NDAWS authorities no longer have access to enter awards. Rules that must be followed: There is no saving an award for later, once the award is started it must be finished. Commissioned Officers or Civil Service are the only authorized personnel to recommend personal awards. All fields with asterisk must be filled in DoD ID numbers are now used instead of SSN DO NOT enter classified information Joint awards cannot be processed and will have to be mailed to PERS-312 Items of concern: Queue sharing gives the shared personnel the same access to the persons account who shared. Queues that are shared stay shared even if member transfer. They have to be removed manually. Steps for entering awards Log into BOL Click on Navy Personnel Command document Services Start Personal Award Recommendations Enter Data Suggestions/Recommendations: Google Chrome has the best results SEL, LCPO, or LPO route 1650 or word document to OIC or Director with completed information. Once award has been entered into NDAWS through BOL, the OIC or director emails the citation to the NPPSC Admin box for processing. E. Ops Alerts 1. Ops Alert 030-20 Passport Processing during COVID-19 Pandemic Refer to Memorandum from the Department of Defense (DOD) dated 20 May 2020 Subj: Passport Processing During COVID-19 Pandemic for new guidelines and timelines for Passport and Visa application processing during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Department of State (DOS) passport processing facilities have been closed due to force protection measures during the COVID-19 outbreak. With the recent re-openings, new procedures have been provided on processing applications for official (or “no fee)” Passports and Visas. The procedures provided in the memorandum apply to service members, DOD Civilians, and their families in connection with permanent change of station (PCS) execution. Also, new guidelines have been provided for Passport and Visa applications for Temporary Duty Travel (TDY) and expedited processing due to extenuating circumstances. Refer to the following Enclosures, as applicable (link below): https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MAY-2020 2. Ops Alert 029-20 Travel Advance and Advance Per Diem To ensure we are processing Travel Advance and Advance Per Diem Requests in a timely manner, CPPAs must submit Travel Advance requests completely and accurately. Below are actions CPPAs can take to prevent delays in the timely processing of Travel Advance Requests. a. Submit minimal attachments in TOPS. (2 max) b. Submit all required KSDs in regard to the Travel Advance. (DO NOT submit documents that are not pertaining to the Travel Advance) c. Use DODID as required in the Naming Convention (Last Name, First Name, DODID, Transfer Date/Per Diem) d. Provide full SSN on NPPSC 1300/1 e. Submit request 60 days in advance. Early submission helps to avoid delayed payments. f. Include TDY dates on NPPSC 1300/1. g. Documents must be legible (Typed if Possible). Verify the following KSDs are submitted with request: Request Form NPSSC 1300/1 (Rev. 04-2020) PCS Orders and Order Modifications Certificate of Non-Availability (CNA) (if commercial lodging is requested) Lodging Reservation with daily lodging cost/Other reimbursable receipts SATO endorsement (if traveling from OCONUS), or rental car reimbursement is requested 3. Ops Alert 028-20 Erroneous Recoupments of Enlistment Incentive Bonuses N130 has identified an issue with erroneous recoupment of Enlistment Incentive Bonuses. Beginning in FY18, N130, along with DFAS-CL, NPPSC, PERS, and NRC, made changes to the Enlistment Bonus Program. Bonuses paid upon graduation from boot camp are considered earned. A Rate bonus, based upon graduation from specific training pipelines, such as NUC’s and SEALS, remain unchanged in their treatment with regard to recoupment as listed in DoD FMR Volume 7A, Chapter 2. Refer also to: MPA 17/19 Selective Enlisted Bonus (SEB) Processing of Multiple Installments Guidance CNRC_EB_LRP GENADMIN: DTG CNRC 290400Z FEB 20 Subj: Active Component Enlistment Bonus (EB) and Enlistment Loan Repayment Update (Effective 29 February 2020) (link below) Erroneous Recoupment Point Paper (link below) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MAY-2020 4. Ops Alert 027-20 Required Key Supporting Documents (KSDs) for Family Separation Allowance-Ships (FSA-S) In an effort to streamline the processing of FSA-S, the required KSDs have been minimized. The KSDs required to process FSA-S are as follows: A cover letter signed by the CO, certifying that personnel listed in enclosure (1) are eligible for FSA for a period of time. The cover letter shall list a beginning date for the FSA eligibility, and the end date will be open ended if a specific date cannot yet be determined. The end date terminating FSA should be submitted by the command as soon as it is known in order to prevent overpayment. Enclosure (1): A listing of FSA eligible ship's company personnel. Break out TAD personnel separately. Enclosure (2): DD Form 1561, Statement to Substantiate FSA Payment, from each eligible crewmember, signed by the crewmember after completing certifying questions, and then signed by the Certifying Officer. Enclosure (3): DD Form 577, Certifying Officer authorization, for the person signing all the DD Form 1561s. Note: This is only needed if the CO does not sign all DD 1561s. Copies of the TAD orders for riders only. These are the minimum KSDs to certify payment. All other documents are available in the OMPF for audit purposes. 5. Ops Alert 026-20 Guidance on the Use of the TU04 Transaction TU04 is needed when reenlistment dates are within 20 days of current EAOS in order to match the two dates to ensure pay allowances and allotments are continued for a maximum of 60 days from the date of separation. Before releasing the TU04 the members pay account should be reviewed in MMPA (JJAA) to determine if the account has already been staged for the reenlistment due to an SRB pre-certification and is already reflecting the R7/33/NT lines. In such cases a TU04 is not necessary. 6. Ops Alert 025-20 Navy Wide Advancement Exam Destruction for Cycles 106 (SELRES) and 247 (Active Duty) Per prior Ops Alert 019-20, ESOs are authorized to administer Cycle 106 (SELRES) E4 through E7 late exams from 1-31 July 2020. Destruction of all Cycle 106 NWAEs should start no earlier than 1 Aug 2020 and be completed as soon as possible in accordance with BUPERSINST 1430.16G. Refer also to NAVADMIN 121/20. Per Ops Alert 020-20, ESOs are authorized to administer Cycle 247 (Active Duty) E-5 and E-6 late exams from 21 May to 3 June 2020. Destruction of all Cycle 247 E-5 and E-6 NWAEs should be completed soon after this timeframe in accordance with BUPERSINST 1430.16G. Also, the Navy has determined that it is in the best interest and safety of our Sailors to not administer the E-4 NWAE for Cycle 247 (Active Duty). Destruction of all E-4 NWAE exams received for Cycle 247, along with any associated completed Cycle 247 E-4 answer sheets, should be completed as soon as possible in accordance with BUPERSINST 1430.16G. Refer also to NAVADMIN 121/20 Note: Administration of Cycle 107 (SELRES) NWAEs has been delayed from August 2020 until September 2020 to allow late exams from Cycle 106 (SELRES) to be processed. It is critical that Cycle 106 exams are administered during the authorized 1-31 July 2020 period and resulting answer sheets are shipped to NETPDC as soon as possible in order for cycle processing to be completed prior to the commencement of Cycle 107 administration processes. What this means to you: ESOs shall use every precautionary measure to accomplish the destruction of all Cycle 106 (SELRES) and Cycle 247 (Active Duty) NWAEs and any completed Cycle 247 E4 answer sheets in accordance with BUPERSINST 1430.16G. 7. Ops Alert 024-20 New Guidance on Separation Health and Physical Examinations during COVID 19 Pandemic BUMED is utilizing a new separations forms management platform, WebWave II, for SHPE. When a Sailor is unable to schedule a separation physical due to MTF restrictions on appointments for routine medical care during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID 19) pandemic, then they are authorized to obtain a virtual SHPE via the BUMED portal/process. Refer to letter template with Enclosures for virtual portal/process procedures at the following link: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/2020/ 024-20%20%20BUMED%20GUIDANCE%20ON%20SHPE%20DURING%20COVID-19%20PANDEMIC.msg In this process, the Physical Exam portion will not be performed. The Physical Exam may be deferred to a later date when the MTF reopens for routine care, or the member will be able to request an exam within 365 days of separation with the VA to evaluate any service connection for new, previously not evaluated/examined, conditions. The Virtual SHPE process will serve as documentation to report any new medical conditions that may have arisen since the member's last military medical exam to assist in that VA claim. Additionally, it will serve to triage those new conditions for urgent/emergent evaluations which may affect the Service Member’s ability to separate on time. If any urgent referrals are needed, they will be placed through the appropriate channels to ensure care is provided and an updated separation recommendation can be made. 8. Ops Alert 023-20 Cycle 247 E-4 Enlisted Advancement Worksheet (EAW) Verification Guidance and Update Cycle 247 E-4 pending EAWs needed to be validated and completed by ESOs by 21 May 2020. F. MPAs and PPIBs 1. MPA 17/20 Retroactive Housing Allowance and PCS Move Adjustments in DJMS-AC System The purpose of this message is to provide guidance on how to reduce the high money amount at Mid-Month (MM) and at End of the Month (EOM) for a scheduled pay date, caused by CONUS or OUTCONUS Housing Allowances (FID 68, 43, 45) and PCS Move (SG03/SH03) transactions. Review the Audit Control Process within the message to prevent unnecessary overpayments created by retroactive housing allowances and PCS move adjustments. See also PPIB 20-14 below. 2. PPIB 20-13 Authorized Departure for Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19 - Termination of Departure Authority. The content of the PPIB is the text of the Under Secretary of Defense's Memorandum dated April 16, 2020 listed as reference (a) of the PPIB. Link to USD Memo: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MAY-2020 See also NAVADMIN 159/20 below. 3. PPIB 20-14 Retroactive Housing Allowance and PCS Move Adjustments in DJMS-AC. As identified in MPA 17/20, the main cause of a high money amount posting to a member's MMPA and calculating an erroneous Mid-Month payday is due to retroactive housing allowance adjustments and retroactive PCS moves due to the posting of the SG03 and SH03 FIDs in DJMS without verification of an adjudication of pay. In addition to the recommended procedures outlined in paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of MPA 17/20, DFAS advises that Navy Pay/HR Offices review the positing of the housing allowance and/or PCS moves and look for any related debt(s), which may have posted to the DQ fields in MMPA for newly reported personnel. If there is a related debt (DQ), it must be offset prior to the Month-End-Restructuring (MER) update to avoid further overpayment due to non-entitlement of additional housing allowance. Recommended corrective action to preclude erroneous payments and subsequent overpayments: Local Navy Pay/HR Offices are advised to process a DQ20 transaction to preclude additional and erroneous double posting of housing allowances. Field Pay/HR Offices can obtain a listing of all potentially affected service members under their ADSN by contacting DFAS Cleveland. DFAS-CL POCs are Lindsey Anderson, Analyst, lindsey.d.anderson2.civ@mail.mil and MCPO Paul Smith, paul.a.smith186.mil@mail.mil. Please be cognizant of the regularly scheduled Mid-Month (MM) and End of Month (EOM) updates when processing the DQ20 FIDs. 4. PPIB 20-15 Extending the Authorized Departure (Ad) Authorization through July 11, 2020. Refer to NAVADMIN 164/20 below. G. NAVADMINs: 1. NAVADMIN 164/20 EXTENDING THE AUTHORIZED DEPARTURE (AD) AUTHORIZATION THROUGH JULY 11, 2020. The Authorized Departure Authority termination date has been extended for 30 days from June 11, 2020 to July 11, 2020. 2. NAVADMIN 160/20 Guidance on Conducting Ceremonies for Retirement or Transfer to the Fleet Reserve Delayed Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic In line with MPM 1800-010, General Guidelines for Conducting Ceremony for Retirement or Transfer to the Fleet Reserve, this NAVADMIN announces interim policy guidance pertaining to command-sponsored retirement ceremonies delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic. 3. NAVADMIN 159/20 Termination of Departure Authority for Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19 Paragraph 3.F of NAVADMIN 116/20, Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 4, announced the authorized departure of dependents as a result of the pandemic. This NAVADMIN announces the termination of that authorized departure authority in line with Under Secretary of Defense's Memorandum dated April 16, 2020. 4. NAVADMIN 152/20 FY-21 Seaman to Admiral-21 Program Announcement This NAVADMIN solicits applications and provides guidance for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Seaman to Admiral-21 (STA-21) Commissioning Program. 5. NAVADMIN 150/20 September 2020 (Cycle 248) Navy-Wide Advancement Examinations for Active-Duty and Full-Time Support Petty Officers (E-4 Through E-6) This NAVADMIN announces the September 2020 (Cycle 248) Navy-wide advancement examinations (NWAE) for advancement in rate of Active-Duty and Full-Time Support (FTS) Sailors. Canvasser Recruiters with special program indicator code *W* will no longer take Active-Duty exams. Canvasser Recruiters will now take Selected Reserve (SELRES) exams, commencing with the September 2020 NWAEs for advancement in rate of SELRES Sailors (Cycle 107) 6. NAVADMIN 145/20 Advancement Eligibility Related to Changes to the Navy-Wide Advancement Exam and Physical Fitness Assessment Schedules due to COVID-19 Mitigation As a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Cycle 1, 2020 physical fitness assessment (PFA), senior enlisted selection boards, and the spring Navy-wide advancement exam (NWAE) schedules were changed as detailed in a. NAVADMIN 071/20, Physical Readiness Policy Update, b. NAVADMIN 072/20, Postponement Of Selection Board Schedule, c. NAVADMIN 121/20, Supplemental Number Two for E-4 through E-7 February 2020 (Cycle 106) Selective Reserve and March 2020 (Cycle 247) E-4 Through E-6 Active-Duty, Full-Time Support and Canvasser Recruiter Navy-Wide Advancement Examinations. The intent of this NAVADMIN is to clarify and update policy with regard to the impact of these changes on enlisted advancement eligibility and commissioning. The following subjects are addressed in the NAVADMIN: NWAE Eligibility High Year Tenure (HYT) Limits PFA Failures Advancement withheld due to PFA Failure(s) Multiple PFA failures and Soft End of Active Obligation of Service (SEAOS) in 2020. Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) Candidates Enlisted Commissioning Programs The guidance outlined in the NAVADMIN is intended to ensure no Sailor is disadvantaged as a result of the COVID-19 mitigations. 7. NAVADMIN 137/20 Publication of BUPERSINST 1610.10E (EVALMAN) Change One This NAVADMIN announces changes to BUPERSINST 1610.10E (EVALMAN). The Navy’s recent assessment into the value of higher education moved from idea to reality as the service now requires officer fitness reports to detail an individual’s educational and learning achievements during a reporting period. NAVADMIN 137/20 shows Navy leadership’s commitment to the idea that career-long military learning is not only job-related technical or tactical training. Navy senior leadership wants this knowledge to be combined with higher education, a commitment to continuous learning, and the resulting critical thinking and analysis skills to build the Navy of the future. Officer fitness reports will detail what each individual has done since their last report to further their education and support a culture of continuous learning. This provides information to selection boards that will place an even greater emphasis on education and learning. File this NAVADMIN with BUPERSINST 1610.10E (EVALMAN) and implement these changes for all future Fitness Reports (FITREPs), effective immediately. H. MPM Revision Update: As of 08 June 2020, five Change 71 articles have been updated/issued/ cancelled and are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx. 4. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN