RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 1962044-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 142044Z JUL 20 MID4842174U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 20-20// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 202001: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/ Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. As part of the update process 2020 NAVADMINs thru 189/20, PPIBs (thru 20-18), MPAs (thru 22-20), NPPSC OPS Alerts, NSIPS Upgrades/Releases/WNFY/Smart Sheets and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. As of 06 July 2020, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited references. Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. Refer also to ALNAVs for COVID-19 impacts and updates on Department of the Navy Operations. The most current policy updates can be accessed from the COVID-19 Resources (CHINFO Navy Live Blog) link on the NPC Homepage. 3. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: A. COVID-19 Related Guidance 1. ALNAV 067/20 Cancellation of ALNAV 044/20 AND ALNAV 049/20 ALNAV 044/20 Reissuance of Department of the Navy Travel Restrictions in response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Hereby Cancelled). ALNAV 049/20 Modification to ALNAV 044/20 Reissuance of Department of the Navy Travel Restrictions in response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Hereby Cancelled). Refer to ALNAV 067/20 for most recent guidance. 2. NAVADMIN 173/20 U.S. Navy COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance Version 2.0 This message updates and replaces the original U.S. Navy Standardized Operational Guidance issued in NAVADMIN 155/20, U.S. Navy COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance, which is hereby canceled. Key updates include: Modifies return to work criteria based on increased understanding of the COVID-19 threat; Clarifies post deployment ROM criteria; and, Includes additional bubble to bubble transfer considerations. 3. NAVADMIN 178/20 COVID-19 Testing Ref a: DoD COVID-19 Task Force Memorandum, Testing and Reporting of DoD COVID-19 Screening. Ref b: NAVADMIN 173/20, U.S. Navy COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance Version 2. Ref c: USD P&R Force Health Protection Guidance Supp 10, DoD Guidance for COVID-19 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostic Testing Services. Ref d: USD P&R Force Health Protection Guidance Supp 11, DoD Guidance for COVID-19 Surveillance Screening and Testing. Ref e: NAVADMIN 147/20, Guidance to Commanders on Adjusting Health Protection Conditions and Base Services. This NAVADMIN promulgates Navy’s Sentinel Surveillance Testing (SST) Strategy for COVID-19. It formalizes the process to request DoD testing capacity for Navy forces and the requirement to report the use of those requested tests per Ref a. This NAVADMIN should be used in conjunction with Ref b, as together they support Ref c and Navy’s diagnostic testing approach. It formalizes surveillance testing as directed in Ref d, and provides supplemental guidance to Ref e, paragraph 4.c.4. Testing for COVID-19 has three primary benefits: (1) testing can uncover asymptomatic COVID-positive individuals who could unwittingly spread the virus (2) testing can assist in bounding an outbreak, and (3) surveillance testing can be used to detect disease early (a second wave or resurgence). Testing also reinforces public health mitigation measures and informs our understanding of COVID-19 transmission. 4. NAVADMIN 189/20 Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 6 Ref a: NAVADMIN 168/20, Navy Mitigation Measures in response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 5. Ref b: Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Memo on Transition to Conditions-Based Phased Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions. Ref c: ALNAV 067/20, Cancellation of ALNAV 044/20 and ALNAV 049/20. Ref d: Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Memo on Department of the Navy Implementation of Transition to Conditions-Based Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions. This NAVADMIN cancels reference (a), removes personal leave and liberty outside of the local area as restricted travel, and, in line with references (b) through (d), transitions the stop movement approach to domestic and overseas personnel travel to a conditions-based and phased approach to lifting of travel restrictions. All other guidance from reference (b) remains in effect until further notice. All commands shall continue to take specific actions to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 worldwide and Department of the Navy (DON) Navy Service Members will adhere to Force Health Protection Guidance (FHPG), applicable references cited in the NAVADMIN This NAVADMIN does not cancel or supersede Combatant Commander (CCDR) guidance for forces assigned or allocated to that Combatant Command (CCMD) or within that CCMD Area of Responsibility (AOR). This NAVADMIN is effective immediately and reissues guidance for the Navy that will remain in effect until further notice. B. NETC PCS Waiver Exempt Memo https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 The memo dated 02 July 2020 supersedes memo regarding same subject dated 30 June 2020. Ensure distribution so that PSDs and MNCC are informed of the change. C. U.S. Navy COVID-19 Leaders Handbook https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 The 14 page U.S. Navy COVID-19 Leaders Handbook provides naval leaders at all levels with key information to educate their teams on the COVID-19 threat, provide data informed risk prevention and mitigation procedures, and distills key high level guidance to thrive within the COVID-19 environment. D. COVID-19 WAIVER REQUEST Form https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 ***** Important Update NAVADMIN 168/20 has been superseded and canceled by NAVADMIN 189/20**** As many of you can imagine, there is a high volume of waivers that are being submitted to NPPSC/NPC. In an effort to expedite this process, please ensure waivers are submitted to NPPSC Admin Mailbox at: admin_nppsc.fct@navy.mil NLT 30 days prior to a member’s transfer date. Please review the top of the waiver form for proper email submission. Specifically, the subject line in the correct format as it is described: RANK/RATE LAST FIRST MIDDLE with full official names, in all caps, no commas, no periods, and in that order. The PERS-451 system is designed for this type of entry. CDR DOE ANDREW ZACHARY, Or YN2 JONES ANDREW ZACHARY Additionally, we are requesting entry of the waiver text, from Service Member’s information down through Gaining Command POC. Please cut and paste the text from the waiver form into the body of the email. This will help process waivers exponentially faster. With the large numbers of requests, these small changes save a massive amount of time in processing, thereby allowing the waiver approvals to get back out to the fleet in a more timely manner. This greatly reduces stress on Sailors, commands, and PERS-4 as they are getting thousands of “where’s my waiver?” questions. We are still receiving waiver requests which are not complete. All waiver requests require the gaining command concurrence (State such in the waiver form and that suffices for submission). Do not say “please see attached” but include the information in the waiver. E. MyNavy HR June Sailor to Sailor Newsletter https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 Highlights in this month's edition include: Navy Permanent Change of Station Moves to Restart July 1 NAVSUP Leading Way in 100% Safety Checks for HHG Moves How MyNavy HR's Transformation made COVID-19 Response Possible Navy Selection Boards Set to Restart July 1st Love and Marriage and Men's Health Stress vs. Distress: Recognize the Differences 101 Critical Days of Summer Are Here Navy Announces Call for FY21 Seaman to Admiral Applications Navy Has Plan for New Sailors Needing Uniform Alterations F. COVID-19 Permanent Change of Station Restart Fact Sheet https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic still presents risk to DoD Service members, civilians, and their families. The OSD directed stop-movement order has impacted 42,000 Sailors who had orders between March and July 2020. The Military is taking a conditions-based, phased approach to restarting PCS moves as instructed in memo from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD. In order to maximize fleet readiness, high priority sea duty units will be manned first so that they are ready to preserve maritime superiority and execute national tasking. This means that the order of PCS moves will be based on the impacts to readiness rather than Projected Rotation Dates for those transferring. The priority of assignments starts with operational sea duty and ends with shore duty in the continental U.S. Because of this prioritization, Sailor’s departure dates may either be delayed or accelerated. Navy Personnel Command (NPC) will work with the member, gaining and losing command to evaluate potential hardships and impacts on readiness. G. NDAWS User Guide – included again this month to supplement NAVADMIN 177/20 cited below https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 As of 18 May 2020, NDAWS is performed through BOL and changes the way that awards are routed, signed, and uploaded in OMPF. The user guide has been linked for reference. H. Ops Alerts 1. Ops Alert 035-20 Learning Center - New Accessions "A" School PMK-EE E3 accessions who graduate from “A” School and are time-in-rate (TIR) eligible for advancement to E4 must complete the Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) as a mandatory Active Duty E4 advancement requirement by the cycle deadline date (31 January for the Spring cycle; 31 July for the Fall cycle). This OPS ALERT: Strongly recommends Learning Centers and commands include PMK-EE completion requirements in their INDOC briefs to cover all exam pay grades. Permits these E4 candidates to take the Active Duty Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) only if the PMK-EE E4 is completed prior to the regular E4 NWAE administration date. Questions regarding completion of the PMK-EE requirement should be forwarded to NXAG_N132C@navy.mil. Remains in effect until a long-term solution to address this issue is implemented. 2. Ops Alert 034-20 PCS Restriction of Movement (ROM) COVID-19 Accountability How to account for Restriction of Movement (ROM) during a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). Below are scenarios with regard to PCS ROM that may help you in determining when and how to charge ROM period on the Activity Gain module. While there may be other scenarios, these are the most common you will encounter: Scenario #1 – Sailor reports to command physically for duty (ACC 100 or 350); Command places Sailor in ROM after physically reporting. No period of ROM is reported on activity gain. Use report date and start all pay and allowances effective this date. Scenario #2 – Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders or authorizing official letter has Sailor reporting to a location other than Permanent Duty Station (PDS) as an ‘I’ stop (ACC OTHER THAN 100) for ROM, then service member reports to PDS for duty (ACC 100). ROM period is reported as TDY on panel 4 of activity gain (Using ‘I’ stop UIC). Use PDS report date to start all pay and allowances effective this date. Scenario # 3 – PCS orders directs Sailor to report to PDS for duty (ACC 100). Sailor arrives in geo-location of PDS and informs command via telcon/text msg of arrival, but member did not physically report. PDS command informs Sailor to ROM prior to reporting. Sailor physically reports to PDS command after a period of ROM. Service member ROM period will be accounted for as AD on panel 4. ROM period is reported as TT/AD NTE 14 days of ROM unless extended in writing. Gain Sailor on date he/she physically reports onboard. Use report date to start all pay and allowances effective this date. 3. Ops Alert 033-20 Officer Retire Retain Guidance (including Retention on Active Duty in a Retired Status Fact Sheet attachment, available at below link) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 There are instances where an officer on active duty is permitted to remain on Active Duty in a retired status beyond their statutory retirement date. Navy Personnel Command (PERS-8) has provided guidance to Navy Pay and Personnel Support Center (NPPSC). The current Ops Alert and Retire/Retain Fact Sheet is provided to all PSDs and TSCs on processing procedures for active duty officers permitted to remain on Active Duty in a retired status (retire/retain) beyond their statutory retirement date. Review all approval letters and orders to ensure the active duty officer’s retention date aligns. Officers approved under this authority will have the following statement on their orders: “UPON BEING PLACED ON THE RETIRED LIST YOU ARE HEREBY RETAINED ON ACTIVE DUTY IN A RETIRED STATUS UNTIL XX XXX XXXX" 4. Ops Alert 032-20 Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Travel Claim Common Kick Back Errors and Travel Claim Processing Checklists (including TSC Memphis, TPD Common Kick Back Errors, Inquiries, TOPS Access Requests Instructions, and TOPS Account Unlock Requests attachment, available at below link) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 Travel Service Center (TSC) Memphis’ Travel Processing Department (TPD) is working to reduce the number of travel claims returned back to the CPPAs for correction. A listing of the most common errors when submitting a PCS Travel Claim was generated to avoid returned claims In an effort to provide the best customer service to the Fleet, TSC TPD provided common errors that affect timeliness in processing travel claims. The TDY/PCS Traveler Checklists that should be followed prior to submission of the travel claim are available at the NPPSC Forms subsite on the NPC webpage at the following link: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/forms/Pages/NPPSCForms.aspx 5. Ops Alert 031-20 Command Career Request NPPSC 1160/1 and NPPSC Annual/Active Duty Training (AT/ADT) Checklist 1571/1 Forms Update NPPSC 1160/1 (both Extension and Reenlistment Request forms) and NPPSC 1571/1 have been updated. The updated forms are available at the NPPSC Forms subsite on the NPC webpage at the following link: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/forms/Pages/NPPSCForms.aspx I. MPAs and PPIBs 1. MPA 22-20 Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) Recertification/Discontinuance And Hardship Duty Pay Location Correction (HDP-L) This advisory is being issued in an accordance with ref ASD MEMORANDUM DTD 21 APR 2020 regarding Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) recertification for the countries and areas effective 21 April 2020. See MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 22/20 for complete list and dollar amounts. Updates to the Defense Financial Management Regulations (DoDFMR) Vol 7A will show in the near future. 2. MPA 21-20 Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) and Hardship Duty Pay Location (HDP-L) Designations for Saudi Arabia This advisory is being issued to provide guidance on how to submit documentation for verification of Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) entitlement and updated Hardship Duty Pay Location (HDP-L). ASD Memorandum dated June 4, 2020 is the policy designating the land areas of Saudi Arabia as Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) areas effective September 14, 2019. A policy change was made to reduce Hardship Duty Pay – Location (HDP-L) for Saudi Arabia from $150 per month to $100 per month. This change will be made at the same time IDP is paid and will show as a debt on the member's Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). The change to HDP-L is required due to DoD policy that states that the combined HDP-L and IDP cannot exceed $325 per month. Refer also to PPIB 20-18 Designation of Saudi Arabia for Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) below. 3. MPA 20-20 DJMS-RC Update Schedule for the Work Months of July, August, and September 2020 4. MPA 19-20 DJMS-AC Update Schedule for Mid-Month (MM), Month End Restructure (MER), and First Update for the Work Months of Jul, Aug, and Sep 2020 5. MPA 18-20 Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) TD Range Changes for DWOWS Case Submission This advisory replaces MPA 26-19 Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) TD Range Changes for DWOWS Case Submission and is being provided to update information regarding the submission of SRB requests and to issue procedures for assigning cases to DFAS-CL Central Processing. All DWOWS cases for SRB qualified and approved service members, must be sent to Department JFLADB and you must select a clerk code based on the last 3 digits of the service members' SSN as follows: 000-299 Select clerk code 403 300-549 Select clerk code JOW 550-799 Select clerk code KRH 800-999 Select clerk code 404 To avoid delay in processing your request, please ensure that you are using the correct Department and Clerk Code for each of your SRB pay claims. 6. PPIB 20-18 Designation of Saudi Arabia for Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) Issue 201801: Designation of Saudi Arabia for Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) effective September 14, 2019. Military personnel who are entitled to basic pay or compensation under section 204 or 206 of Title 37, U.S. Code, are on duty in the designated area during any month or portion of a month in which this designation was in effect, and are qualified in all other respects, may be paid IDP at a rate of $225 per month, prorated at $7.50 per day, retroactive to the effective date. Issue 201802: HDP-L and IDP rate adjustments. Consistent with the maximum amount allowed for combined payment of Hardship Duty Pay-Location (HDP-L) and IDP, the monthly HDP-L rate shall be reduced from $150 to $100 per month. (Department of Defense (DoD) Financial Management Regulations, Volume 7A, Chapter 17, paragraph 1703). Issue 201803: Retroactive IDP reporting procedures. Refer to subject PPIB for KSDs and DWOWS case processing procedures. Refer also to MPA 21-20 Imminent Danger Pay (IDP) and Hardship Duty Pay Location (HDP-L) Designations for Saudi Arabia above J. NAVADMINs 1. NAVADMIN 177/20 Deployment of the Automated Navy Department Awards Web Service This NAVADMIN announces the deployment of the automated Navy Department Awards Web Service (NDAWS), which is now accessible through BUPERS Online (BOL) as a part of the Navy Personnel Command (NPC) Documents Services Workspace. The automated NDAWS program will enable users to electronically initiate, route, endorse and approve all Personal Military Decorations (PMD) and unit award recommendations. Once approved, the signed PMD certificate/citation will be uploaded to the NDAWS application and will automatically update a Sailors official military personnel file (OMPF) as well as mainframe corporate databases (e.g., Officer/ Enlisted Summary Record and Performance Summary Record). Sailors will also be able to search the database for information regarding their personal decorations, unit awards and campaign/expeditionary medals. All policies that govern PMD and unit awards remain in effect in accordance with SECNAVINST 1650.1J, Department Of The Navy Awards Policy, and SECNAV M-1650.1, Navy and Marine Corps Awards Manual. Refer also to NDAWS User Guide https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-JUNE-2020 2. NAVADMIN 176/20 Government Travel Charge Card Use During Permanent Change of Station Travel - Full Rollout This NAVADMIN supersedes NAVADMIN 297/19 Government Travel Charge Card Use During Permanent Change of Station Travel - Phase Two and announces the full rollout of the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) for use during Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel. Effective immediately, all Active-Duty and Full-time Support (FTS) Sailors conducting Continental U.S. (CONUS) or Outside CONUS (OCONUS) PCS moves, single or traveling concurrently or non-concurrently with dependents, are authorized to use the GTCC in accordance with the policies outlined in this NAVADMIN. Note: For Sailors choosing to use the GTCC for PCS travel and not traveling concurrently with dependents, a travel advance for dependent travel, if desired, must be requested via the existing process. The GTCC may be used only by the Sailor and not by the dependents. 3. NAVADMIN 167/20 September 2020 (Cycle 107) Navy-Wide Advancement Examinations for Selected Reserve E-4 through E-6 Petty Officers This NAVADMIN announces the September 2020 (Cycle 107) Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) for advancement-in-rate of Selected Reserve (SELRES) Sailors. Due to the postponement of the February 2020 (Cycle 106) NWAE, the administration month for Cycle 107 NWAE has been shifted from August 2020 to September 2020. Commencing with Cycle 107, Canvasser Recruiters with Special Program Indicator (SPI) code of *W* will take the SELRES exam and be rank-ordered for advancement with other SELRES candidates. Full-Time Support personnel with a SPI code of *V* will take Cycle 248 Active-Duty NWAEs. K. MPM Revision Update: As of 07 July 2020, eleven Change 71 articles have been updated/issued/cancelled and are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx. The six MPM Article Updates that posted in June 2020 since the May SOP Monthly Summary Update include: MPM 1220-260 Diving Requalification - Canceled. The contents of this article were incorporated and updated into MPM 7220-090 to streamline the administrative procedures and eliminate duplicate and or conflicting guidance. See MPM 7220-090 below. MPM 1301-907 Naval Senior Leader Legal Training - New Article. Article establishes procedures for Navy Prospective Flag Officers, Commanding Officers, Executive Officers, and Senior Enlisted Leaders to attend a legal training course prior to assuming a leadership position. MPM 1910-102 Separation by Reason of Changes in Service Obligation (Active Duty and Inactive Duty Reservists) Removed responsible office phone numbers to insert MyNavy Career Center phone number Subpara 6a (Note), inserted note addressing approval authority for conditional releases Para 8, inserted requirements to address Post 9/11 GI Bill transferability effects on voluntary separation requests MPM 1910-108 Separation by Reason of Convenience of the Government - Early Release to Further Education Added PERS-913 as a responsible office Removed PERS-832 phone number to insert MyNavy Career Center phone number Updated reference (a) Subpara 8e, inserted requirements to address Post 9/11 GI Bill transferability effects on voluntary separation requests MPM 1910-158 Separation by Reason of Unsatisfactory Participation in the Ready Reserve These changes increase efficiency of administrative separation (ADSEP) process for the Selected Reserve and Individual Ready Reserve. Updated responsible office phone number Updated references Para 1, inserted separation authority for difference cases Para 2, specified what classifies as unsatisfactory participation Para 3, updated to provide additional details on the procedures and options available to Navy reserve activity commanding officers when processing an ADSEP for reason of unsatisfactory participation Para 5, characterization of service MPM 7220-090 Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP) For Diving Duty consolidated pay authorities; dive pay went from special pay to hazardous duty pay. Incorporated MPM 1220-260 Diving Requalification to streamline administrative processes and eliminate duplicate and or conflicting guidance. Changed the title from Diving Pay to the title above Updated responsible office phone number Para 1, updated policy to reflect DoD Instruction 1340.09 Hazard Pay Program Para 5, added the minimum performance requirements for Service members entitled to receive hazardous duty incentive pay (HDIP) for diving duty. This changes from 4 dives every 6 months to 8 dives annually Paras 6 through 10, incorporated MPM 1220- 260 Diving Requalification Para 11, inserted conditions for cancelling orders Para 12, inserted restriction on receipt of more than one HDIP Article has been revised throughout and should be reviewed in its entirety 2. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN