RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 3151406-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 101406Z NOV 20 MID5095887U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 20-35// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 203501: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/ AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. As part of the update process 2020 NAVADMINs thru 295/20, PPIBs (thru 20-34), MPAs (thru 29-20), NPPSC OPS Alerts, NSIPS Upgrades/Releases/WNFY/Smart Sheets and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. Note: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx As of 03 November 2020, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited references. Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. Refer also to ALNAVs for COVID-19 impacts and updates on Department of the Navy Operations. The most current policy updates can be accessed at COVID-19 Resources (CHINFO Navy Live Blog) link on the NPC Homepage. 3. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: A. Recent ALNAV/NAVADMIN and other COVID-19 Related Guidance 1. NAVADMIN 295/20 CNO Message to the Fleet Holiday Leave Planning During COVID-19; Refer to subject NAVADMIN for COVID-19 Force Health Protection measures to be followed during holiday leave planning and execution. 2. NAVADMIN 294/20 Department of Defense COVID-19 Rapid On-Site Testing at Baltimore and Seattle Patriot Express Aerial Ports of Embarkation Pursuant to Joint Staff DJ3 message on Supplemental Requirements for Rapid On-Site Testing at CONUS Patriot Express Nodes, this NAVADMIN announces United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) implementation of rapid on-site COVID-19 testing capability at Baltimore and Seattle Patriot Express (PE) Aerial Ports of Embarkation (APOE), operated by Air Mobility Command (AMC). The dynamic nature of the COVID-19 pandemic required the implementation of measures to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 impacts to PE flights departing continental United States (CONUS). COVID-19 Testing at Patriot Express APOEs Fact Sheet https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 U.S. Transportation Command (TRANSCOM) has implemented rapid, on-site COVID-19 testing at Baltimore and Seattle Patriot Express (PE) Aerial Ports of Embarkation (APOE) operated by Air Mobility Command (AMC). NAVADMIN 294/20, released 30 Oct announces and provides guidance to all Navy personnel impacted by this new requirement. Because of the dynamic nature of the COVID-19 pandemic, this measure was implemented to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 impacts to PE flights departing CONUS. 3. PPIB 20-30 COVID-19 FY-21 MPN and RPN LOAs The purpose of this message is to disseminate the Lines of Accounting Classification (LOAs) to be utilized in processing evacuation travel claims for military dependents (MPN & RPN) connected with the Authorized Departure (AD) of OCONUS personnel effected by COVID-19 for FY-21. 4. NAVADMIN 284/20 Extension of New Global Authorized Departure for Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19 References (a) and (b) announced a new global authorized departure effective 10 September 2020 to 9 October 2020. In line with reference (c), this NAVADMIN announces an authorized departure extension from 10 October 2020 to 9 December 2020. Ref (a) Memo from Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD PR), Authorized Departure-Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19. Ref (b) NAVADMIN 264/20, New Global Authorized Departure and Termination Process for Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19. Ref (c) Memo from USD PR, Authorized Departure Transition and Termination Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19. 5. PPIB 20-31 Extending Authorized Departure through December 9, 2020 In accordance with Under Secretary of Defense Memorandum dated October 13, 2020 Extending Authorized Departure through December 9, 2020, the U.S. Department of State has extended Authorized Departure (AD) for any diplomatic or consular post for eligible family members (EFMs) through December 9, 2020. This authorization includes DoD EFMs and civilian persons to include a civilian employee and/or other EFMs who may need to accompany them who have determined they are at a higher risk of a poor outcome if exposed to COVID-19 or who have requested departure based on a commensurate justification in foreign areas. 6. PDTATAC Memo dtd October 13, 2020 Subj: Authorized Departure Transition and Termination – Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19 https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 NAVADMIN 284-20 has been released providing the Authorized Departure (AD) termination date of December 9, 2020. Additionally, based on the attached guidance from PDTATAC per diem reduction goes into effect (refer to paragraph 4 of memo) on October 10th at 50% and 25% effective November 9th. 7. NAVADMIN 283/20 Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 6 Modification 1 Refer to subject NAVADMIN for updates to NAVADMIN 189/20, Navy Mitigation Measures In Response To Coronavirus Outbreak Update 6. 8. NAVADMIN 277/20 Update 2 to Navy COVID-19 Reporting Requirements Effective 140001Z Oct 2020, Update the Commanders Critical Information Requirements (CCIRS) in ref (a). OPREP-3 NB Message Traffic is required for 1) COVID-19 Deaths, 2) Media Interest Events, 3) Outbreaks at Sea, and/or 4) Significant Operational Impacts. All other COVID reporting will be completed via OPNAV SharePoint site, for all military, civilian, dependent, and contractors. See ref (b) for applicable definitions. An updated excel file is available on the MyNavy portal site. Ref (a) NAVADMIN 115/20, Update to Navy COVID-19 Reporting Requirements. Ref (b) NAVADMIN 266/20, U.S. Navy COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance Version 3.0. B. Online Orders and Order Checklists for Reserve Sailors https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 Reserve Orders have been integrated into the Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2) system. This allows Reserve Sailors to execute a tailored orders checklist and view and print lean orders. In addition, Reserve Sailors with PCS orders can create and submit online travel vouchers. This What's New For You (WNFY) provides an introductory overview of these new capabilities. The following Reserve Order types have been incorporated into the Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2) system: Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS), Officer Recall, Mobilization, and Demobilization. Reservists with these orders now have the capability to execute a tailored orders checklist and view and print lean orders. In addition, Reservists with ADOS or Officer Recall PCS orders will have the ability to create a travel voucher, upload receipts, and submit their electronically signed travel voucher to their CPPA for review, approval, and further processing by the Travel Processing Department (TPD). This feature includes command views into checklists for readiness and preparedness determination, as well as metrics. C. Quick Start Sheet How To Complete the Sailor Travel Voucher https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 Access, sign, submit, and revise Travel Vouchers and supporting documentation using these simple steps. NP2 Offers Improved Travel Voucher Processing (CPPA Edition) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 The latest NP2 release offers significant improvements to the MyPCS Travel Voucher process. This NP2 What’s New for You (WNFY) – CPPA Edition helps CPPAs understand the new Travel Voucher process and the resulting changes in their role as Travel Voucher reviewers and approvers. NP2 is expanding automation of the MyPCS Travel Voucher submission process to reduce errors and expedite Sailor travel reimbursement. Sailor Travel Vouchers approved in NP2 by Command Pay and Personnel Administrators (CPPAs) will be electronically available in NP2 for Travel Processing Department (TPD) clerks to open and begin processing for pay. TPD clerks will view and approve vouchers in NP2 and generate documents for pay processing. TPD clerks will also have the capability to expedite voucher issue adjudications by recycling vouchers directly back to Sailors in NP2 for required corrections. D. Clarification of Entitlement to Basic Allowance for Housing for Reserve Component (RC) Members https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 This memorandum memorializes clarification of existing policy regarding when an RC member is entitled to a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) at the BAH-RC rate, or at the full locality rate based upon the location of the member’s primary residence during an order or call to active duty under Section 403(g) of title 37, United States Code. E. OPS ALERTS 1. Ops Alert 055-20 Importance of Timely Loss Processing/Procedures Panel 1 cannot be accomplished by the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA) if a loss was not processed and released in a timely manner. The correct processing of a loss will affect the CPPA Panel 1 gain. If a loss is not processed and released, the CPPA is unable to complete the gain and therefore, unable to meet the 4 day requirement for a personnel transaction. Performing the loss transaction is a critical enabler to the success of NAVADMIN 287/20, in which Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) mandates CPPAs to use Panel 1 for all gains beginning NLT December 1, 2020. Review the below Milpersman regarding timeliness of processing personnel transactions *MILPERSMAN 1000-025 PERSONNEL TRANSACTION TIMELINESS * Timeliness associated with officer and enlisted personnel transactions can significantly impact operational planning, personnel accounting, and mission success. WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU: TSC/PSD – Ensure LOSSES are processed and released no later than four days from date of detach. TSC/PSD – Provide to all employees, and military personnel. Adhere to all policies and procedures set forth in SOP’s, NAVADMINs, and instructions. All OPS ALERTS and CPPA RESOURCES can be found on the following: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/SitePages/Home.aspx https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/paypers/cpcresources POC: PERSONNEL_NPPSC personnel_nppsc.fct@navy.mil 2. Ops Alert 054-20 What’s New for You NSIPS Updates & Upgrades Release NSIPS Update was released on 23 October 2020. There were multiple updates made to Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) in Release System enhancements and new functionalities deployed on October 23, 2020 include updates to: The Meritorious Advancement Program (MAP) Active Duty Strength Loss The Enlistment Advancement Worksheet (EAW) The Pay and Personnel Transaction Count Report Link to WNFY: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 3. Ops Alert 053-20 Travel Advances, Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Use for PCS Purposes and Filing a DD 1351-2 Numerous Sailors GTCC accounts are being placed in a delinquent status due to the traveler not checking the appropriate blocks on the DD 1351-2 (travel voucher). The DD 1351-2 is utilized by the Travel Processing Department (TPD) to process submitted travel claims. To permit timely liquidation of travel claims, each travel claim must be accurately completed and include all supporting documents. Attention to detail cannot be overemphasized to permit timely reimbursement of expenses and payment to the Sailors GTCC account. Split Disbursement: divides a travel voucher reimbursement between the GTCC vendor and the traveler. (DOD 7000.14-R Volume 9, Definitions, September 2017) The GTCC should NOT be used for expenses not permitted as part of the PCS move. If a service member utilizes their GTCC during Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel, they must annotate Split Disbursement in the block on the top of the DD 1351-2. The split disbursement amount must be equal to/more than the full amount of GTCC expenses incurred during the PCS move. Sailors can verify their GTCC balance online or through calling the Citibank number on the back of the card. If the Sailor does not annotate “Split Disbursement” on the DD 1351-2, or the amount charged to the GTCC exceeds the authorized travel funding, the Sailor must remit payment to Citibank for the full amount due as soon as possible after reporting to the ultimate duty station. If a service member received a travel advance for any portion of their PCS, the amount of the advance should be reflected in block 9 on the DD 1351-2. Sailors are NOT authorized to use their GTCC for PCS purposes and receive a travel advance unless the Sailors dependents are traveling separately. In this scenario, the service member can only receive an advance for dependent travel. 4. Ops Alert 052-20 NPPSC Form 1900/2 Separations Checklist (Updated) As reported in the September SOP Summary, NPPSC Form 1900/2 (Rev 09-20) has been updated and is published online. The form has been changed to reflect the KSDs that service member/commands should provide for the TSC/PSD to track major events within the separation process. The updates to the checklist are consistent with the recent updates to NPPSC 1800/1 NPPSC Fleet Reserve/Retirement Checklist, which was updated in August 2020. What This Means To You: Previous editions of the 1900/2 form that have been submitted, prior to this Ops Alert release, will not require resubmission. All commands and or personnel utilizing any previous editions of the 1900/2 form should dispose of them effective upon the release date of this Ops Alert. TSC/PSD/CPPAs ensure the updated form revision is used by service members that are separating. Ensure all KSDs are submitted IAW policies and procedures set forth in SOPs, NAVADMINs, and instructions. The updated checklist is accessible at: https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/forms/Documents/NPPSCForms/ NPPSC1900-2_Rev09-20.pdf F. MPAs and PPIBs https://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/support/paypers/PASS/Pages/default2.aspx 1. MPA 29-20 Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) Single Rate Increase Implementation The purpose of this message is to announce the system implementation of TLA single rate increase percentage in DMO/DMR effective 23 Oct 2020 and NSIPS systems effective 27 Oct 2020. PSDs and the fleet must review their TLA single rate transactions submitted with an effective date from 01 Oct 2020 thru 26 Oct 2020. Verify the TLA single rate posted as FID 79 on the MMPA. If the amount paid to the service member is incorrect, process a 7905 (Correct) transaction via NSIPS or DMO/ DMR systems as soon as possible, in order to correct the underpayment. If there is undue hardship, PSDs and the fleet can authorize a casual pay up to the additional 35% of lodging, only after the corrected TLA entitlement reflects on the MMPA. TLA single rate entitlement can be submitted for the full rate effective 27 Oct 2020 and forward. 2. MPA 28-20 Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) Single Rate The purpose of this message is to announce the increase of single TLA percentage from 65 to a full 100 percent rate. Effective October 1, 2020 TLA for a single member or one dependent (one person) will increase up to a full 100 percent TLA allowance for active (AC) and reserve (RC) component. The workaround announced in MPA 28-20 is no longer required. Refer to MPA 29-20 above. 3. PPIB 20-29 Hurricane Delta Evacuation LOAs. The purpose of this message is to disseminate the lines of accounting classification (LOAs) to be utilized in processing evacuation travel claims for military dependents (MPN & RPN) connected with the authorized evacuation per reference (b) effective October 8, 2020 through October 14, 2020. The LOAs published in this PPIB are to be utilized throughout the life cycle of these events. The LOAs published in this PPIB are to be utilized only for military dependents (MPN & RPN) evacuation payments. 4. PPIB 20-34 Leave Usage in Conjunction with Mandatory Rom Issue 203401: leave usage in conjunction with mandatory ROM. Issue 203402. Hardship duty pay-restriction of movement (HDP-ROM). HDP-ROM is not payable to a member in a leave status. However, a member who is placed in ROM due to exposure to COVID-19 during leave may receive HDP-ROM if all eligibility criteria is met. Issue 203403. Corrective action. Members who were erroneously charged Leave while performing directed or ordered ROM should work with their command to have such leave restored as soon as possible. G. NAVADMINs and Supporting References 1. CNP NP2 Fact Sheet October 2020 Release (see NAVADMIN 291/20 below also) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- October-2020 MyNavy HR is continually improving and implementing additional enhancements to the overall MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) experience. NAVADMIN 291/20, released Oct 29, 2020, announced the rollout of three new Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2) system upgrades that provide improved functional capabilities including Improved Travel Processing, Reserve Orders, and MySailor Data. NP2 initially launched products via the MyPCS and MyPCS Mobile capabilities in 2019 that included a tailorable PCS checklist for planning, and the ability to view a more user-friendly PCS orders format (as well as the normal PCS orders) and complete a fully electronic travel voucher with a wizard format that includes an electronic signature. These enhancements are just the latest steps of the MyNavy HR Transformation effort towards fielding a modernized Personnel and Pay process that makes the overall customer experience better for Sailors and their families, and is available 24/7 by computer or mobile devices through MyNavy Portal at https://my.navy.mil. Detailed instructions for completing actions in NP2 will be available on the NP2 main page via the link on MyNavy Portal. 2. NAVADMIN 291/20 Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2) System Update This NAVADMIN announces the rollout of three new capabilities to the Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2) system: Improved travel processing capabilities, Reserve Orders and MySailor Data 3. NAVADMIN 287/20 P4 Regarding Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA) Program Updates https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- OCTOBER-2020 This NAVADMIN announces changes to the CPPA program in order to improve fleet readiness and warfighting effectiveness through more timely and accurate pay and personnel transactions. Paragraphs 2 through 7 provide details on the latest changes, and an update to MPM Article 1000-021 will be released shortly to guide your Sailors. Updates to the CPPA Program include: a. Expansion of the CPPA user role in Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) allows CPPAs to navigate 261 PAYPERS functions at the local command-level with routing to the supporting Transaction Service Center (TSC) or Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) for audit and release. b. New NSIPS CPPA user role will enable CPPAs to gain Service Members to commands and upload Key Supporting Documents (KSD) directly. c. Replacement of Transaction Online Processing System (TOPS) with Salesforce Customer Relationship Management software across the Fleet. d. Expansion of Navy Personnel and Pay (NP2) system to include more functionality for Reservists and new User Access and Role Management capabilities. e. CPPA will no longer be a collateral duty. Instead, Sailors with the A16A CPPA Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) will be distributed to newly coded A16A billets. In accordance with the requirements of Paragraph 3 of the P4, commands must ensure a minimum of two CPPAs have access to and actively use the NSIPS CPPA user role no later than (NLT) 01 December 2020. The use of the CPPA user role activity report (NSIPS Panel 1) to gain Service Members is mandatory. CPPAs are expected to submit completed NSIPS Panel 1 events NLT the end of the first business day a Service Member reports for duty. In accordance with Paragraph 4 of the P4, TOPS replacement, We are in the final stages of replacing TOPS with the industry leading Salesforce Customer Relationship Management software application, which will allow us to better manage workflow transactions. This will be the primary means for the CPPA to route the appropriate information (including KSDs) to the supporting TSC or PSD with modern and effective means to monitor workflow status throughout the process. This system is the same one used by our MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) Tier 1 and Tier 2 agents and has already proven successful. To prepare for this transition, commands must provide information necessary to establish Salesforce accounts by 1 December 2020. This data call is being executed by supporting TSC/PSDs, which requires CPPA contact information (e.g. name, rank, Department of Defense Identification Number, and e-mail) and TOPS or NSIPS SAAR-N (dated within the past 2 years). There will be several training products released over the next several months. We expect the entire MNCC network, to include the CPPAs, to be fully transitioned by March 2021. H. MPM Revision Updates No MPM Revisions were issued in October 2020. As of 03 November 2020, there have been nine Change 72 articles updated/issued/cancelled. The updated articles are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx. 4 POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN