RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 3391557-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 041557Z DEC 20 MID5136341U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 20-38// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 203801: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. As part of the update process 2020 NAVADMINs thru 313/20, PPIBs (thru 20-37), MPAs (thru 31-20), NPPSC OPS Alerts, NSIPS Upgrades/Releases/WNFY/Smart Sheets and other Pay/Pers community feedback/updates were reviewed to identify additional reference documents and procedural changes/work arounds required for the existing SOPs. As of 03 December 2020, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited references. Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. Refer also to ALNAVs for COVID-19 impacts and updates on Department of the Navy Operations. The most current policy updates can be accessed at COVID-19 Resources (CHINFO Navy Live Blog) link on the NPC Homepage. A. Recent ALNAV/NAVADMIN and other COVID-19 Related Guidance 1. NAVADMIN 304/20 Physical Readiness Program Policy Changes CY2021 Cycle, Plank and Rower Modalities Ref (a) NAVADMIN 193/20, Physical Readiness Program Policy Update for Physical Fitness Assessment Cycle Two 2020 due to COVID-19 Mitigation Ref (b) NAVADMIN 141/17, Physical Readiness Program Policy Changes Ref (c) OPNAVINST 6110.1J, Physical Readiness Program This NAVADMIN provides policy updates to references (a) through (c): Calendar Year 2021 Physical Readiness Program. In order to continue to mitigate COVID-19 impacts to the fleet, Navy will conduct one Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) cycle in calendar year 2021 from 15 March to 15 September 2021, dependent upon local conditions and operational requirements. Shifting the PFA cycle to March allows Navy to execute the PFA after the primary influenza season, while leveraging outdoor venues as the weather warms for the conduct of the test. Echelon II Commanders may waive the PFA cycle 2021 requirements if COVID-19 conditions prevent commanders from executing safely. This authority may be delegated no lower than first flag officer in the chain of command. The *DEP/OP* non-participation reason shall be used when COVID-19 conditions prohibit participation in the physical readiness test (PRT) and body composition assessment (BCA) per enclosure (1), paragraph 2 of ref (c). Conducting the BCA is strongly encouraged. Fitness Modalities. New fitness modalities are implemented to improve the physical readiness of Sailors in alignment with the Culture of Excellence (COE). PFA cycle 2021 will incorporate the forearm plank and 2000-meter row. Service Members who do not meet the minimum passing score for the forearm plank modality will not receive a *fail* for the 2021 cycle PRT only. However, Service Members must still pass the BCA, the push-up, and cardio modalities of the PRT. Failure to do so will result in a *fail* for PFA cycle 2021. 2. NAVADMIN 302/20 Termination of Global Authorized Departure for Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19 Ref (a) Memo from Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (USD PR), Authorized Departure-Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19. Ref (b) NAVADMIN 264/20, New Global Authorized Departure and Termination Process for Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19. Ref (c) OUSD PR Memo, Authorized Departure Termination (for) Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19. Ref (d) NAVADMIN 284/20, Extension of New Global Authorized Departure for Individuals at Higher Risk from COVID-19. References (a) and (b), announced a new Global Authorized Departure (GAD) effective 10 September 2020 to 9 October 2020. References (c) and (d), announced an authorized departure extension from 10 October 2020 to 9 December 2020. This NAVADMIN announces the termination of the Global Authorized Departure on 9 December 2020. 3. NAVADMIN 298/20 US NAVY COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance Version 3.1 Ref (a) NAVADMIN 266/20, U.S. Navy COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance Version 3.0. This message updates the U.S. Navy COVID-19 Standardized Operational Guidance Version 3.0 issued in ref (a). Ref (a) is cancelled. This update revises the definition of close contact as updated by the CDC, revises the guidance on face coverings, adds additional discussion on super-spreading and addresses flu/COVID symptom return to work policy. NCC, FLEET, TYCOM, and Operational Commanders may issue additional guidance to subordinate units. 4. ALNAV 096/20 Navy Medicine COVID-19 Return to Flight Duty Status Guideline Policy in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Ref (a) CNAF M-3710, NATOPS General Flight and Operating Instructions Manual, Chapter 8 Aeromedical and Survival. Ref (b) NAVMED P-117, Manual of the Medical Department, Chapter 15 Medical Examinations. Ref (c) Naval Aerospace Medical Institute, Aeromedical Reference and Waiver Guide. This ALNAV announces Navy Medicine's COVID-19 Return to Flight Duty Status Guideline in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). This policy applies to all Navy and Marine Corps personnel requiring a Class 1 or Class 2 Special Duty Medical Examination for flight duty status as required in reference (a) and defined in reference (b). Naval aircrew who have been exposed to COVID-19, tested positive for COVID-19, or infected with COVID-19 will require a defined evaluation, per reference (c), to return to flight duty status. The Navy Medicine COVID-19 Return to Flight Duty Status Guideline is contained in reference (c), Respiratory section: https://www.med.navy.mil/sites /nmotc/nami/arwg/pages/ aeromedicalreferenceandwaiverguide.aspx B. MyNavy Family Mobile Application Updated 2020 https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-NOVEMBER-2020 The MyNavy Family application is for Navy spouses and Sailors’ families, combines authoritative information from a wide range of websites into a single, convenient application. New resources and links continue to be added, like those for the COVID-19 pandemic. C. PMW 240 Newsletter Transformation Talk November 2020 https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-NOVEMBER-2020 Features in this issue include: 1. Launch of three new NP2 capabilities (refer also to CNP NP2 Fact Sheet October 2020 Release and NAVADMIN 291/20 from October Summary) MySailor Data, Reserve Orders, and Travel Voucher Processing. 2. Introduction to Agile-Transformation Delivery Model 3. Update on consolidation of Navy Enlisted System (NES) and Officer Personnel Information System (OPINS) Refer also to MyNavy HR Navy Enlisted System-Officer Personnel Information System Consolidation November 2020 Update below D. MyNavy HR Sailor-to-Sailor Newsletter November 2020 https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-NOVEMBER-2020 Highlights in this month's edition include: COVID-19 Clarification: ROM is an Official Duty Status Navy Announces Initial FY21 Reenlistment Bonus Levels Navy Personnel, Pay System Upgrade Provides New Capabilities for Sailors CNP Facebook Live Promotion November Relocation Webinar Promotions Task Force One Navy Story of the Month - Honoring American Indian Heroes Navy explains that ROM is an Official Duty Status E. MyNavy HR Strategic Design https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-NOVEMBER-2020 F. MyNavy HR Navy Enlisted System-Officer Personnel Information System Consolidation Nov 2020 Update https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-NOVEMBER-2020 Refer also to PMW 240 Newsletter Transformation Talk November 2020 Navy Enlisted System (NES) and Officer Personnel Information System (OPINS) are on track to deploy into the Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) on 29 March 2021. NES/OPINS consolidation stems from the strategy to move from a dispersed service delivery model to a centralized one. The NSIPS integration will provide NES and OPINS users with a more modern software platform that offers increased functionality, leading to better data quality. From a Sailor’s point-of-view, there will likely be fewer data challenges because most of their records will be contained within a single system. G. Ops Alerts 1. Ops Alert 058-20 Clarification for DD 214 Issuance for RELACDU for ADT, FTS, or ADSW BUPERSINST 1900.8E Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty Instruction Change Transmittal 2 released to provide clarification and uniform execution of paragraph 1.a.2 of the original instruction. Refer also to PPIB 20-36 below for text clarification 2. Ops Alert 057-20 Processing CONUS Single Basic Allowance Housing (BAH) Entitlements Field Examination Group, Pacific (FEG PAC) is requesting that all Transaction Service Centers (TSCs) and Personnel Support Detachments (PSDs) be notified of the BAH single policy clarification received from N130C. Some TSCs/PSDs are requiring lease agreements for single members who have been authorized to live on the economy as outlined in the Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR) Vol. 7A Chapter 26. For CONUS single personnel, a lease agreement is NOT required to authorize payment. That requirement ceased to exist in October 1997 when we converted from BAQ/VHA to BAH. Refer also to PPIB 20-37 (below) BAH Single CONUS Key Supporting Documents 3. Ops Alert 056-20 Command Pay/Personnel Administrator (CPPA) Action for Active Duty Gains for Reservists When a Transaction Service Center (TSC) or Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) returns an active duty GAIN transaction for a Reservist reporting onboard via temporary active duty orders, due to an incorrect or incomplete submission, the respective Command Pay/Personnel Administrator (CPPA) must complete the action with 24 hours. Analysis of processing metrics reveals significant delays regarding the interaction between the TSC/PSD and the CPPA for Reservist GAIN packages when executing temporary active duty orders. This delay results in Reserve Members not receiving their first active duty paycheck in a timely manner, which is within 30 days or by the next pay period. To ensure timely processing respective stakeholders should adhere to the following guidelines: TSC/PSD – Create a tickler to track Reserve GAIN packages that are returned for CPPA action and request a daily update if no action is performed within 72 hours. If no response is received from the CPPA within 72 hours, notify the TRIAD at the CPPA’s command of the pending action. CPPA – Verify pending TOPS transactions daily and take immediate action when a GAIN package is returned. 4. Ops Alert 055-20 Importance of Timely Loss Processes/Procedures Timeliness associated with officer and enlisted personnel transactions can significantly impact operational planning, personnel accounting, and mission success. Panel 1 (Activity Report) cannot be accomplished by the Command Pay and Personnel Administrator (CPPA) if a loss was not processed and released in a timely manner. The correct processing of a loss will affect the CPPA Panel 1 Gain. If a loss is not processed and released, the CPPA is unable to complete the gain and therefore, unable to meet the 4-day requirement for a personnel transaction. Performing the loss transaction is a critical enabler to the success of NAVADMIN 287/20, in which Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) mandates CPPAs to use Panel 1 for all gains beginning NLT December 1, 2020. Refer to MPM 1000-025, Personnel Transaction Timeliness, regarding timeliness of processing personnel transactions. TSC/PSD – Ensure LOSSES are processed and released no later than four days from date of detach. H. MPAs and PPIBs 1. PPIB 20-37 BAH Single CONUS Key Supporting Documents Issue 203701: BAH Single CONUS Key Supporting Documents. Upon the merger of Basic Allowance for Quarters (BAQ) and Variable Housing Allowance (VHA) in October 1997 the requirement for personnel receiving Single BAH in CONUS to provide a lease or mortgage agreement was eliminated. The Field Examination Group (FEG) has determined that this erroneous requirement was still being mandated. OPNAV N130C has reiterated the policy and further clarified that presentation of a rental agreement or mortgage documents is no longer required in order to pay a member Single BAH within the CONUS. Issue 203702: Action Required. Commands and activities charged with Navy HR administration should ensure appropriate steps are taken to eliminate this non-existent requirement from their SOPs and procedural guidance to preclude placing an unfair burden on single personnel receiving BAH. Refer also to Ops Alert 057-20 (above) Processing CONUS Single Basic Allowance Housing (BAH) Entitlements 2. PPIB 20-36 BUPERSINST 1900.8E, Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty Instruction DD-214, DD-214C, DD-214WS, and DD-215, Change Transmittal 2 Issue 203601: BUPERSINST 1900.8E Change Transmittal 2 was released to provide clarification and uniform execution of paragraph 1.a.2 of the original instruction. The clarification paragraph is as follows: NOTE 1: The DD 214 will be issued if the period of service is 90 days or more without a break in active duty service whether on one or more different types of consecutive orders (ADT, ADSW/ADOS (other than training) or MOB). a. For seamless consecutive orders: 1. Record dates in the remarks section (block 18) consecutively, e.g.: ADT SERVICE THIS PERIOD 2018 02 01 TO 2018 03 31 ADSW SERVICE THIS PERIOD 2018 04 01 TO 2018 05 15 MOB SERVICE THIS PERIOD 2018 05 16 TO 2018 09 30 2. Use the standard “Release from Active Duty” verbiage in the type of separation (block 23). 3. For blocks ‘24’, ‘26’, ‘27’ use appropriate entry that is applicable at time of separation. b. If issued contingency operations orders, refer to para. 1.a.2.a. If necessary, contingency operations orders can be added to complete the 90-day consecutive active duty service; only one DD 214 will be issued to cover this period of active service. c. This guidance is retroactive for active duty service performed on or after 27 August 2018, the original release of BUPERSINST 1900.8E series. I. NAVADMINs 1. NAVADMIN 311/20 Timely Submission of E-6 Evaluations in Advance of the Cycle 250 Navy-Wide Advancement Exam Ref (a) NAVADMIN 223/20 Guidance for 2020 Periodic First-Class Petty Officer, Chief, and Senior Chief Evaluation. Ref (b) NAVADMIN 290/20 Guidance for January 2021 Cycle 250 E-7 Active Duty and Full-Time Support Navy-Wide Advancement Examination This NAVADMIN announces procedures for the completion of E-6 evaluations in advance of the Cycle 250 Navy-Wide Advancement Exam. Due to the extension of the E-6 evaluation deadline, outlined in reference (a), it is important that commands meet the established deadline and do not delay in entering the relevant reporting seniors cumulative average (RSCA) performance mark average (PMA) evaluation data into the enlisted advancement worksheet (EAW). Commands must complete all E-6 evaluations with required signatures and process them no later than 15 December 2020. Upon receipt of the completed evaluation, it is imperative that the command educational services officer (ESO) upload the evaluations with the RSCA value in block 43 and enter applicable RSCA PMA data into the EAW as soon as possible. An EAW system update in November 2020 now mandates the ESO at the command to validate and finalize Sailor worksheets before forwarding to the servicing ESO. As a reminder Professional Military Knowledge-Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) remains a requirement for advancement and all Sailors must have their PMK-EE completed by 1 December 2020 in order to be eligible for advancement in Cycle 250, in line with reference (b). 2. NAVADMIN 307/20 Modification to Early Separation Policy NAVADMIN Cancellations This NAVADMIN modifies NAVADMIN 288/17, Early Separation Policy NAVADMIN Cancellations, by revising early separation policy to offer early separation on a case-by-case basis to enlisted Sailors. NAVADMIN 288/17 remains in effect for officers. As the Navy has grown over recent years, some enlisted ratings at specific paygrades have become overmanned due to high retention in these ratings. In an effort to provide well-balanced enlisted ratings in support of community rating health, the Navy is opening up opportunities for eligible Sailors to submit requests for early separation, rating conversions or transfer to the Fleet Reserve. Voluntary early separations will be considered on a case-by-case basis in the following policy areas: In lieu of forced conversion. To pursue education opportunity. Conditional release for commissioning or enlistment opportunities. Enlisted Early Transition Program (EETP). Rating Conversion Opportunity. In an effort to provide well-balanced enlisted ratings and to retain talented and experienced Sailors, conversion opportunities are available. All Sailors considering early out options are also highly encouraged to seek conversion to other ratings for which they are eligible and qualified. Command Career Counselors and ECMs are available resources for determining the ratings for which a Sailor is best suited. Transfer to Fleet Reserve. Fleet Reserve policy found in MPM 1830-040, Transfer to Fleet Reserve and Release from Active Duty - 20 Years, is hereby reinstated. This policy authorizes the Active Duty Enlisted Retirements Branch (PERS-836) to approve agreed-upon recommendations from active component Enlisted Community Managers (BUPERS-32), Reserve Enlisted Community Managers (BUPERS- 352), Officer and Enlisted Nuclear Programs Branch (OPNAV N133) and Enlisted Distribution Division (PERS-40) for all Active Duty and Full-Time Support Sailors with obligated service time remaining on their enlisted contract to transfer to the Fleet Reserve. J. MPM Revision Updates As of 03 December, there have been sixteen (16) Change 72 articles updated/issued/cancelled. The updated articles are accessible at: http://www.public.navy.mil/bupers-npc/reference/milpersman/Pages/Articles-Updates.aspx. 3. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN