RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 3511559-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 161558Z DEC 20 MID5158718U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 20-39// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// REF/A/MEMO/ASN M&RA/11DEC20// REF/B/MEMO/ASN M&RA/1JUL20// NARR/REF A IS A MEMORANDUM FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (M&RA) GRANTING A TEMPORARY EXCEPTION TO POLICY (ETP) FOR HARDSHIP DUTY PAY-TEMPO EFFECTIVE DECEMBER 11, 2020. REF B IS THE ORIGINAL MEMORANDUM FROM THE OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF THE NAVY (M&RA) AUTHORIZING HARDSHIP DUTY PAY-TEMPO UNTIL 1 OCT 2023// POC/NPC PERS-2 POC IS MR. RON ATES AT (901) 874-4363/EMAIL: RON.ATES@NAVY.MIL// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 203901: HARDSHIP DUTY PAY—TEMPO. In accordance with REF (A) a temporary exception to policy (ETP) has been granted to include training time conducted enroute to an operational deployment to be counted towards the 220 day eligibility threshold when the ship, unit, detachment, or individual does not return to homeport/station/base at the completion of training and that training is immediately followed by an operational deployment which exceeds 220 consecutive days. 3. ISSUE 203902. EFFECTIVE PERIOD OF THIS ETP. This exception to policy is effective for all training connected with an operational deployment listed in Issue 203901 effective December 11, 2020. This exception to policy only applies to ships, units, detachments or individuals not attached to a unit or detachment that depart the homeport/station/base before October 1, 2021. Ships, units, detachments or individuals not attached to a unit or detachment who depart on or after October 2, 2021 refer to REF B. 4. Request widest possible dissemination.// BT #0001 NNNN