RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 0291951-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 291951Z JAN 21 MID5237757U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 21-05// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN, USMTF, 2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// REF/A/DOC/ USD MEMORANDUM DATED 16APR20// REF/A/MSG/DFAS CLEVELAND OH P201356Z APR 20// AMPN/REF A IS UNDER SECRETARY OF DEFENSE MEMORANDUM DATED 16 APR 20 WHICH AUTHORIZED THE COVID-19 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL (SLA) FOR FY-20. REF B IS MILITARY PAY ADVISORY 16/20 WHICH ANNOUNCED THE COVID-19 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL FOR FY-20. POC/NPC PERS-2 POC IS MR. RON ATES AT (901) 874-4363/EMAIL: RON.ATES @NAVY.MIL// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. Issue 210501: FY-20 COVID-19 SLA. Per reference (a) the Under Secretary of Defense issued a Special Leave Accrual (SLA) authorization for all military members to carry over up to a maximum of 120 days of leave into FY-21. Reference (b) announced the authorization and policy for military personnel to carry over leave in excess of 60 days, but limited to 120 days for a period of 3 years, or not to exceed September 30, 2023. No action was required by field activities. DFAS identified all leave balance which fell into the authorized parameters and automatically carried forward all leave balances that did not exceed 120 days. 3. Issue 210502. Use/Lose Leave Balance LES error. DFAS has identified a system error which caused erroneous leave balances to reflect on some personnel who were authorized SLA for FY-20. A statement issued from DFAS MILPAY OPS is as follows: The Defense Finance and Accounting Service is sending this notice to notify you of a system error that resulted in overstated Use/Lose leave balances on most Active Duty members January Leave and Earnings Statements (LES). Actions are being taken to resolve the issue and restore the proper Use/Lose leave balances on the January LES. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. We will send an updated notification once the error has been resolved and the Use/Lose leave balances have been corrected. Delivered by the Defense Finance and Accounting Service. 4. Issue 210503. Account Correction. Navy members with erroneous leave balances should have corrective action taken in time to reflect on the February 2021 LES cycle. If commands identify any remaining erroneous balances after the issuance of the February 2021 LES they should take immediate action in reporting the error and requesting account correction via the Defense Workload Online Web System (DWOWS).// BT #0001 NNNN