RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 1051850-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 151850Z APR 21 MID5413734U FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 21-14// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 211401: PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel /Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. As of 07 April 2021, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited references (Section 1.A). Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. Refer also to ALNAVs for COVID-19 impacts and updates on Department of the Navy Operations. A. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: 1. Recent ALNAV/NAVADMIN and other COVID-19 Related Guidance a. NAVADMIN 073/21 Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 7 (Conditions-Based Approach to Covid-19 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions) Ref (a): NAVADMIN 189/20, Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 6 Ref (b): NAVADMIN 283/20, Navy Mitigation Measures in Response to Coronavirus Outbreak Update 6 Modification 1 Ref (c): NAVADMIN 169/20, Permanent Change of Station Post Stop Movement Priority Plan Ref (d): Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) Memo on Update to Conditions-Based Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Ref (e): Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) Memo on Department of the Navy Implementation of Transition to Conditions-Based Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions The Navy continues to utilize a conditions-based approach to personnel movement and travel to mitigate the risks associated with the coronavirus pandemic. This NAVADMIN cancels references (a) through (c), and in line with references (d) and (e) reissues guidance for a conditions-based approach to coronavirus disease 2019 personnel movement and travel. b. NAVADMIN 070/21 SARS-COV-2 Vaccination and Reporting Policy (Update 1) This NAVADMIN updates vaccine eligibility for Service members and their dependents executing an overseas permanent change of station (PCS) and should be reviewed in entirety for personnel executing PCS travel overseas. c. NAVADMIN 059/21 Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures during COVID-19 Pandemic REF/A/NAVADMIN 038-21// REF/B/SECNAV MEMO/04MAR21// REF/C/SECDEF MEMO/04FEB21// REF/D/SECNAV MEMO/05FEB21// REF/E/CNO MEMO/09FEB21// REF A is NAVADMIN for Process to Request Exception on Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures during COVID-19 Pandemic (Corrected Copy) REF B is Secretary of the Navy Memorandum on Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures REF C is Secretary of Defense Memorandum on Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures REF D is Secretary of the Navy Memorandum on Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures REF E is CNO Memorandum on Delegation Request on Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures Reference (a) is canceled and replaced by reference (b). Delegations and subsequent exceptions granted in references (d) and (e) remain in effect. Recall Reference (c) implements Executive Order 13991 and requires strict compliance with CDC guidance regarding wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, and other public health measures by all on-duty or on-site federal employees or contractors and all persons in federal buildings or on federal lands in order to halt the spread of COVID-19. 2. MyNavy HR Sailor to Sailor Monthly March 2021 Newsletter https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2021/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MARCH%20-2021 3. Ops Alerts a. Ops Alert 015-21 Record of Emergency Data (RED) and Dependency Application (DA) Create Error Regarding Child Element of Value Attention TSCs/PSDs/NOSCs/CPPAs: RED/DA is experiencing problems when a Service Member is adding or making changes to dependent children. When the following error appears in NSIPS RED/DA application: “CHILD ELEMENT OF VALUE”. It will prevent either the opening or digitally signing of the DA form. The only present solution is for either the CPPA, Personnel Clerk or Reserve Personnel Clerk to create a RED/DA via the CPPA or Personnel Clerk user roles, using a wet signature. Please refer to the link “RED DA Create for CPPA or PERS Clerk on Child Element of Value Process for Wet Signature SOP.” This document is available on the PERS-2 SharePoint library SOPs for RED/DA at https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/RED%20DA/Forms/AllItems.aspx, and is available in each of the following folders: CPPA Training Materials, PERS Clerk Training Materials and Self-Service Training Materials. Once the process has been completed for wet signature, commands are to maintain copies of all wet signature documents at the command level in a tickler file. TSCs, PSDs and NOSCs will be required to electronically submit the completed wet signed documents to the OMPF (PERS-313). Ensure the DD 93 is also completed, to ensure the wet signed has been witnessed. Once the wet signature process transaction is completed, the service member shall delete any pending RED/DA self-service applications by selecting Option #7 and click Next. This will remove any pending RED/DA created self-service transactions that the CPPA, TSC, PSD or NOSC has completed via the process on behalf of the service member for wet signature. BUPERS-07 is working with Adobe to resolve these issues as quickly as possible. Alternate method is to request your network Administrator role back your Adobe Reader version to 2020.013.20074 or earlier at which time RED/DA will function as designed. b. Ops Alert 014-21 Transaction Online Processing System (TOPS) to MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Transition Delay The TOPS to MNCC CRM transition was impacted by a cyber-security stand-down. As a result, the timeline for transition has shifted from April to July 2021. The TOPS to MNCC CRM transition requires all PSD/TSC staff members and Command Pay/Personnel Administrator (CPPA) customer users to have access to MNCC CRM and to be trained. Ongoing cyber-security compliance reviews identified areas of concern forcing development efforts to halt transition. This delayed the creation of user accounts from 23 February through 19 March 2021, as well as the deployment of two critical system change requests required for the transition. While many PSD/TSC staff members and customer CPPAs have been granted MNCC CRM account access, many have not. This has resulted in the following: 1. The transition start date has shifted from April to July 2021. The exact date for each PSD/TSC will vary. Your chain of command will be notified through NPPSC leadership regarding specific transition dates. 2. Action has been taken on all SAAR-N requests submitted prior to 23 February; the account was created, or the SAAR-N was returned for correction. New account holders will receive an email once the MNCC CRM PERS/PAY account is created. If SAAR-N corrections are required, an email identifying areas of correction will be sent to the requestor. If members have not received an email regarding the status of their request after 14 business days of sending their SAAR-N to the centralized mailbox (ecmr_perspay.fct@navy.mil), a status request inquiry should be sent to the centralized email account. For proper routing, the subject line should be “SAAR-N STATUS REQUEST ICO ‘Your Name, UIC’”. Requestors should expect the account to be created within ten business days of submitting the SAAR-N to the centralized mailbox. 3. To avoid account requests from being returned for corrections, requestors should follow the Account Request/SAAR-N step-by-step guide and utilize the PERS/PAY SAAR-N template when submitting. For a copy of this template, contact MyNavy Career Center at 1-833-330-6622 or via email at askmncc@navy.mil. 4. For users who already have an account, log in at least every 30 days to prevent account lock out. 5. All PSD/TSC staff members and customer CPPAs who have not submitted a SAAR-N form to request an MNCC CRM account are strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible. The supporting PSD/TSC, and NPPSC HQ, can provide additional MNCC CRM training upon request. What This Means to You: PSD/TSC/CPPA – Complete and submit the SAAR-N during this timeframe and be prepared to use the MNCC CRM no later than June 2021. c. Ops Alert 013-21 Transaction Online Processing System (TOPS) to MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Transition Ten frequently asked questions by CPPAs regarding the TOPS to MNCC CRM (powered by Salesforce) transition. The following link will answer and provide information to Sailors concerning most questions for migrating from TOPS to MNCC CRM. In addition, CPPA concerns are also addressed, and links are provided to locate training resources. https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2021/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY-MARCH%20-2021 What This Means to You: CPPAs – Review the following Quick Start Guides (QSGs) on how to create cases in MNCC CRM. This information can be found on SharePoint at the following link. https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/organizations/mncc/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/SitePages/ MyNavy%20Career%20Center%20Tier%20II.aspx?RootFolder=%2Fsites%2Forganizations%2Fmncc%2FGroup%20 Folders%2FPERS%5FPAY%20Salesforce%20Training%20Recources%2FPERS%5FPAY%20Salesforce%20Quick%20 Start%20Guides%28QSG%29&FolderCTID=0x012000CAD075239A5F0A45BBC49796FDD850E6&View= %7B1E452511%2D91F6%2D4810%2DAEBF%2D4120F7A03E81%7D Additionally, current SOPs for PERSPAY transactions are on SharePoint in the CPPA toolbox on the MyNavy HR website. d. Ops Alert 012-21 Parenthood Separation Cases PARENTHOOD Administrative Separation cases IAW MILPERSMAN 1910-124 require a comment discussing the impact of COVID restrictions on Family Care Plan (FCP) compliance from either the CO or Service Member. PERS-832 has seen an increase in cases under MILPERSMAN 1910-124: Separation by Reason of Convenience of the Government - Parenthood (Failure to Maintain Current Family Care Plan) due to COVID restrictions. Some common issues include: 1. Child Care Availability: a. Daily Child Care is not available for standard or extended working hours to include on-base programs, which requires additional arrangements and costs to support work schedule. b. Pre-Arranged Child Care is closed for 14 days due to a COVID case, requiring service members to take time off work or find alternative, costly care for dependents. 2) Virtual Learning: a. Children are required to stay home for virtual learning programs, but parents cannot telework to be home with dependents. b. Distance school programs do not include specialized programs for EFMP care, so parents have to arrange a work schedule or find an alternative shift to support taking dependents to/from appointments that would have normally been in school. 3) Changes to availability of previously identified FCP caregivers: a. FCP had originally identified a Service Member's relative that is now high risk and unavailable to care for their dependents. b. FCP listed a caregiver that resides outside the COVID-restricted travel radius, requiring Service Members to request leave and provide additional plans for a 14-day Restriction of Movement (ROM) to/from caregiver residence, at cost. 4) Telework agreements: Many rates and jobs cannot support Service Members teleworking due to limited resources or physical job responsibilities. Any COVID contact exposure requires 14 day-ROM for the Service member and their dependents, which significantly impacts mission readiness What This Means to You: Commands submitting separation cases on the basis of MILPERSMAN 1910-124 will include a statement regarding the impacts of COVID-19 restrictions on the case. Impact statements will be included in the Commanding Officer's comments. In addition, the Service member may also include a COVID-19 restrictions impact statement. If COVID-19 restrictions had no impact on the separation processing, please include a statement indicating this as well. COVID-19 impact statements will support the Separation Authority's ability to make the most appropriate separation determination and provide data necessary to articulate the impact of COVID-19 on Sailors, their dependents, and the Fleet. Cases that are routed without this statement may be returned for statement inclusion, potentially delaying processing time. e. Ops Alert 011-21 PMK-EE Requirements for New E4 Accessions New E4 accession Sailors who have recently graduated from “A” and/or “C” School and are time-in-rate (TIR) eligible for advancement to E5 must complete the Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam (PMK-EE) as a mandatory E5 advancement requirement for Active Duty/Full-Time Support (AD/FTS) prior to 1 February for the Spring cycle and 1 August for the Fall cycle; Selected Reserve (SELRES) prior to 1 January for the Spring cycle and 1 July for the Fall cycle. This Ops Alert strongly recommends Learning Centers and commands include PMK-EE completion requirements in their INDOC briefs to cover all exam pay grades. Permits these E5 candidates to compete for advancement only if the PMK-EE E5 is completed no later than the last day of the regularly scheduled advancement exam month. Questions regarding completion of the PMK-EE requirement should be forwarded to NXAG_N132C@navy.mil. Remains in effect until PMK-EE completion requirement solution is implemented. E4 Sailors who go directly from Boot Camp to an “A” and/or “C” School sometimes arrive at their first fleet command after the deadline for completing the PMK-EE. Some of these Sailors are unaware of the requirement to complete PMK-EE in order to compete in the current advancement cycle. This issue is being addressed, but in the interim, these Sailors are waived from PMK-EE completion deadline and are permitted to compete in the E5 advancement cycle only if the PMK-EE E5 is completed no later than the last day of the regularly scheduled advancement exam month. This waiver applies for new E4 accession Sailors who recently reported from “A” and/or “C” School and who have not completed the PMK-EE prior to the deadlines stated in NAVADMIN 201/20. ESOs will be required to include in the EAW comment section that the candidate is an E4 “A” and/or “C” School graduate and to provide a PMK-EE completion date. What This Means to You: ESOs may override EAW to make E4 “A” and/or “C” School graduates “Eligible” for advancement as long as PMK-EE is completed no later than the last day of the regularly scheduled advancement exam month (AD/FTS – March or September; SELRES – February or August). To submit an EAW Post-exam Administrative Comment (PAC) for PMK-EE discrepancy corrections, ESOs are to verify the Sailor’s PMK-EE completion date and score in Fleet Training Management and Planning System (FLTMPS) and attach a CO’s letter in EAW PAC with the PMK-EE completion date and score. Learning Centers and commands need to include PMK-EE completion requirements and waiver information in command INDOC briefs. 4. MPAs and PPIBs a. MPA 05/21 DJMS-RC Update Schedule for 2nd Quarter 2021 the Work Months of Apr May Jun The purpose of this message is to publish the DJMS-RC update schedule identifying the run date, type of update, pay date, and high date paid for the work months of April, May and June 2021. b. MPA 03/21 DJMS-AC Update Schedule The purpose of this message is to publish the DJMS-AC update schedule identifying the first update, mid-month (MM), and Month End Restructure (MER) for the work months of April, May and June 2021. c. MPA 04/21 Update on Secondary Dependency Claims Approval Process This advisory is being issued to provide guidance on the Navy Secondary Dependency Claims Approval Process. Navy Secondary Dependency Claims determinations are now being delivered to customers through an automated process. Members will receive a message, outlining the final outcome of their request, at the official email ID associated with smartdocs. The determination is delivered in a condensed format and is more expeditious due to its automated nature. However, since the program is in its inception and the message delivery in an abbreviated format, it has generated feedback via requests for clarifications. To alleviate confusion, Navy Secondary Claims will continue to generate and deliver manual letters of determination, to supplement the automated delivery. In situations where the automated message is ambiguous or contradictory to the manual memorandum, the former must be considered the final determination. In the interim period, it is requested that members send in their redetermination requests in a timely manner, as we continue to improve on our tracking and monitoring systems. Additionally, effective immediately, copies of the NAVPERS 1070/602(RED/DA) are no longer required for redetermination submissions. Initial Secondary Dependency requests must continue to include the current NAVPERS 1070/602(RED/DA). d. PPIB 21-13 Dual Lodging Expenses in Connection with Periods of Temporary Duty. In accordance with Joint Travel Regulations Table 2-16 dual lodging is defined as a situation where it is necessary for a traveler to retain lodging for other than personal convenience at the first TDY location and procure lodging at a second TDY location on the same calendar day. Dual lodging situations should be avoided as much as possible. However, there are situations where a traveler may need to maintain two lodgings at the same time. Some of the more common examples are included in Joint Travel Regulations Table 2-16, which covers miscellaneous reimbursable expenses associated with lodging. Refer specifically to Rules 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8. e. PPIB 21-11 Military Spouse Licensure Reimbursement Program (MSLRP) Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin 21-11 provides a recap of the Military Spouse Licensure Reimbursement Program (MSLRP) benefits and entitlements Note, the following key upcoming deadline of the MSLRP is: PCS orders issued on or after 12 December 2017 through 19 December 2019 the deadline to file a claim for reimbursement is 30 June 2021. 5. NAVADMINs: No NAVADMINs of PAYPERS interest issued this month, although Commands are requested to provide input to NAVADMIN 064-21 P4 Sea Shore Flow Replacement Survey. 6. MPM Revision Updates MPM Quarterly Change Report – 73 was published 12 Jan 2021. There are twenty articles in the Quarterly Change Report. The Quarterly Change Report - 73 is accessible at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/Documents/Quarterly%20Change% 20Report%20(73).pdf?ver=WwU8-X6lAkW8WzpyuX95Mw%3d%3d 3. POC: Mr. Wayne Ross, PERS-21, 901-874-2179/DSN 882-2179, wayne.ross@navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN