RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 2361332-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 241332Z AUG 21 FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 21-24// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// POC/NPC PERS-2 MR. RON ATES AT (901) 874-4363/EMAIL: RON.ATES@NAVY.MIL// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, COMMAND PAY AND PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR (CPPA) AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 212401: OPNAV N1 and NPC are preparing for FY-21 end strength accounting. There has been an increasing trend of late processing of strength gains and strength losses throughout the Navy. In order to produce accurate end strength reports to Congress, facilitate timely management of Navy fiscal controls, and effectively manage the size of the force OPNAV N1 depends on field activities to process all strength gains and losses in a timely manner. 3. ISSUE 212402. Requested Action. All field activities that process strength gains and strength losses should submit all FY-21 gains and losses to DFAS no later then Monday, October 4th. This should include all overdue transactions, not just August or September gains and losses unless an administrative process such as a medical hold, legal hold, etc. precludes processing the transaction. 4. Request widest dissemination.// BT #0001 NNNN