RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 2861906-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 131906Z OCT 21 FM COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN//PERS2// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 21-31// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, COMMAND PAY AND PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR (CPPA) AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 213101: September 2021 SOP Summary of changes. PERS 2 publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/ AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on PERS-2, NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. As of 07 October, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited references. These references were previously cited in the August SOP Summary but are restated here for emphasis. Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. Refer also to ALNAVs for COVID-19 impacts and updates on Department of the Navy operations. 3. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: A. Recent ALNAV/NAVADMIN and other COVID-19 Related Guidance 1. ALNAV 062/21 2021-2022 Department of Navy Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy REF/A/DOC/SECDEF/24AUG21// REF A: SECDEF Memo Mandating Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for DoD Service Members Vaccination is the most effective tool we have to prevent widespread manifestation of COVID-19 in our force. Within the last year, millions of Americans have received approved COVID-19 vaccines in response to this emergency. One of the approved vaccines has received full licensure from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This licensure approval provides additional confidence and comfort in the safety of the most effective tool we have in our arsenal against this threat. Considering this threat to the health and readiness of Service Members, vaccination against COVID-19 using a vaccine that has received full licensure from the FDA is now a mandatory requirement in accordance with reference (a). Additional implementation guidance will be issued via Navy and Marine Corps administrative message. Refer to NAVADMIN 190/21 below. The order to obtain full vaccination is a lawful order, and failure to comply is punishable as a violation of a lawful order under Article 92, Uniform Code of Military Justice, and may result in punitive or adverse administrative action or both. The Chief of Naval Operations and Commandant of the Marine Corps have authority to exercise the full range of administrative and disciplinary actions to hold non-exempt Service Members appropriately accountable. This may include, but is not limited to, removal of qualification for advancement, promotions, reenlistment, or continuation, consistent with existing regulations, or otherwise considering vaccination status in personnel actions as appropriate. Additional guidance will be provided with regard to reporting requirements of vaccination numbers on a weekly basis to Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower & Reserve Affairs). 2. NAVADMIN 190/21 2021-2022 Navy Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination and Reporting Policy REF/A/DOC/SECDEF/24AUG21// REF/B/ALNAV/SECNAV/302126ZAUG21// REF A: SECDEF Memo Mandating Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for DoD Service Members REF B: ALNAV 062/21, 2021-2022 Department of Navy Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccination Policy Disease modeling forecasts that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that causes COVID-19, will continue to spread throughout the remainder of 2021. Data and modeling also indicate that the available vaccines will continue to be effective against severe illness and mortality caused by COVID 19. Of note, all Navy COVID deaths have been individuals not immunized (one individual was partially vaccinated). In consideration of this persistent health and readiness threat to Navy service members, vaccination against COVID-19 is now mandatory per references (a) and (b). This NAVADMIN provides guidance regarding implementation within the Navy. Refer to subject NAVADMIN for implementation details. 3. NAVADMIN 180/21 Update 3 to Navy COVID-19 Reporting Requirements REF/A/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/211617ZAPR20// REF/B/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/131734ZOCT20// REF/C/OPNAVINST F3100.6K/10AUG21// REF/D/NAVADMIN/OPNAV/171541ZAPR20// REF/E/DOC/BUMED/27MAR20// REF A: NAVADMIN 115/20 Update to Navy COVID-19 Reporting Requirements. REF B: NAVADMIN 277/20 Update 2 to Navy COVID-19 Reporting Requirements. REF C: OPNAVINST F3100.6K Special Incident Reporting Procedures (Refer also to NAVADMIN 181/21). REF D: NAVADMIN 113/20 Restriction of Movement (ROM) Guidance Updated. REF E: BUMED Return to Work Guidance. This message supersedes reporting guidance in refs (a) and (b), and supplements reporting guidance in ref (c) for COVID-19 reporting only, making vaccination status a required field for all military personnel. In order to track the efficacy of our vaccine against the COVID delta variant, daily roll-up should include vaccination/ immunization status, symptomatic/asymptomatic status, and why tested. The updated mass-upload excel file includes vaccination status as a required field and will be downloaded and used by all unit level commands no later than 03 September 2021. OPREP-3 Navy Blue Message traffic is required in addition to SharePoint reporting for 1) COVID-19 deaths, 2) media interest events, 3) COVID positive cases while at sea regardless of vaccine status, and/or 4) significant operational impacts. Reporting via OPNAV SharePoint site is required by all commands for all COVID cases for all military, civilians, dependents, and contractors. Once entered, commands are required to update changes in case status via the OPNAV SharePoint site within 24 hours. An updated mass-upload excel file is available on SharePoint site at My Navy Portal site https://www.mnp.navy.mil/group/navy-covid-19-reporting, with an effective implementation date of 03 September 2021. After the implementation date, old excel files for mass-uploads will no longer be accepted. Refer to subject NAVADMIN for additional details. B. MyNavy HR Sailor to Sailor Newsletter September 2021 (link below) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- SEPTEMBER-2021 Topics include: Navy Updates Hairstyles and Policies in Extensive Uniform Update The New Maritime Space Officer Designator – What You Should Know NP2 - The Navy’s Personnel and Pay Solution - Here are the Details Fall 2021 E-4 to E-6 Meritorious Advancement Season Announced Getting Started in the Exceptional Family Member Program Navy Announces the 2021 Health of the Force Survey C. Ops Alerts Ops Alert 022-21 Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Status Can Now Be Viewed by Command Career Counselors and PSD/TSC (link below) https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/2020/SOP%20CHANGE%20SUMMARY- SEPTEMBER-2021 As part of the larger effort to reduce the Navy’s 55 separate pay and personnel systems to 1 (55 to 1, NP2), the SRB Program functionality and all historical data that was previously in OPINS has been successfully migrated to NSIPS. The SRB application in BOL no longer populates with SRB status information for commands to view. Additionally, SRB processing functions completed in NSIPS no longer produce naval messages. These system changes are driving an update to the SRB SOP, as detailed below. A recent system change now allows CCCs and PSD/TSCs to view SRB status for all SRBs submitted after July 30 directly in NSIPS (web only). The SRBs can be viewed in NSIPS by navigating to Career Information Management > Inquire > SRB/ESRP. CCCs can use this tool to obtain screen shots for SRB approvals in support of providing the Key Supporting Documents (KSD) to PSD/TSCs for SRB reenlistment contract generation and SRB payment. Required SRB KSDs to submit to PSD/TSC for processing: Reenlistment contract Page 13 - amount of SRB and length of contract Screen shot of NSIPS approval **PSD/TSC shall retain these screen shots for audit readiness.** For SRB requests submitted prior to July 3, assistance will still be needed from BUPERS-328 to validate SRB status and obtain an SRB approval screen shot. E-mails for assistance to BUPERS-328 should include: Sailor’s rate Sailor’s FULL name Requested reenlistment date Approximate date of SRB submission Discontinue use of the SRB application in BOL as an authoritative source of SRB status. This data represents the status of the request when OPINS was locked out to a read-only mode. OPINS has not been updated since 03 July and will not be updated in the future. SRB approvals will also not result in naval message production. All authoritative SRB data will remain in NSIPS and can be viewed on demand by both CCCs and PSD personnel. If access, connectivity, or other resource constraints restrict the ability of the CCC to access NSIPS (web) to validate the status of an SRB, the CCC should contact the ISIC or TYCOM CCC as appropriate for assistance. The SRB Desk does not currently have the capacity to validate all requests on demand. What This Means To You: PSD/TSC/CPPA – Please review this Ops Alert in its entirety, as well as SOPs, instructions, and all linked trainings. Visit the SRB webpage for more information, as it has been updated to reflect the most current information and to address frequent questions we have received. SRB SDAP Enlisted Bonus Webpage is accessible at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/ Career-Management/Community-Management/Enlisted-Career-Admin/SRB-SDAP-Enl-Bonus/ A link to an SRB Migration to NSIPS Training ppt is accessible from the webpage. ****Disseminate to all tenant commands and CPPAs within your AOR*** D. MPAs and PPIBs 1. MPA 15-21 DJMS-AC Update Schedule for Work Months OCT NOV DEC 2021 The purpose of this message is to publish the DJMS-AC update schedule identifying the first update, Mid-Month (MM), and Month End Restructure (MER) for the work months of October, November, and December 2021. 2. MPA 16-21 Special Leave Accrual Related to Coronavirus Disease 2019 for FY 2021 This advisory is being provided in regard to the authorization of Special Leave Accrual due to the continuing impact of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID), which has significantly limited the ability of Service Members to take leave during the national emergency. Effective October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021, members performing active service (as that term is defined in Title 10 U.S.C. 701(a)) during the effective periods, are authorized to accumulate annual leave in excess of 60 days (not to exceed 120 days) as shown on the end of month September 2021 Leave and Earnings Statement. This advisory reiterates Special Leave Accrual policy identified in PPIB 21-22, Special Leave Accrual FY-21, and NAVADMIN 159/21, Special Leave Accrual for the Navy, and reported in the July 2021 SOP Monthly Summary. 3. MPA 17-21 DJMS-RC Update Schedule for Work Months OCT NOV DEC 2021 The purpose of this message is to publish the DJMS-RC 4th quarter update schedule identifying the Run Date, Type of Update, Pay Date, and High Date Paid for the work months of October, November, and December 2021. The High Date Paid represents the latest date in any coded update's pay cycle. Do not submit Short Tour Transactions if the End Tour Date is beyond the High Date Paid. 4. MPA 18-21 Updates Regarding Submission of Foreign Allotments in DWOWS The purpose of this message is to announce updates regarding submission of foreign bank allotments into DWOWS effective November 1st, 2021. After documents have been reviewed, PSD/CSD will forward the OF-1199I and DD Form 2558 to DFAS-CL via DWOWS Code JFLQ. Submit all foreign allotments to new Case Type "Foreign Allotments". All other procedures regarding foreign allotments remain in place. This updated guidance will be reflected in upcoming changes to Part 6 (six) of the Navy DJMS Procedures Training Guide (PTG). 5. PPIB 21-28 Servicemembers Group Life Insurance Online (SOES) Certification Pursuant to NAVADMIN 027/21, Servicemembers Group Life Insurance Online Enrollment System, as of 01 September 2021, eighty-four (84) percent of Navy has enrolled in SOES based on members eligible for SGLI as determined by DEERS. Percent enrolled does not account for personnel that completed hard copy due to exception processing per MILPERSMAN ARTICLE 1741-020, Government Life Insurance, for designating a trust. Trust exception is addressed in paragraph 4.e of subject message. With respect to NAVADMIN 027/21, this PPIB prescribes actions for command and individual Sailors that will ensure Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage is accurate and current. Refer to subject PPIB for Command Action Items and Sailor Action Items. 6. PPIB 21-30 – Temporary Increase in Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) increase for qualified Service Members. See NAVADMIN 212-21 for more information. E. NAVADMINs NAVADMIN 212/21 Temporary Basic Allowance for Housing Rate Increases for Certain Military Housing Areas REF/A/DOC/USC/1JAN21// REF/B/DOC/DOD/1AUG21// REF/C/DOC/ASN(MRA)/24SEP21// Ref (a) Title 37 U.S.C. 403(B)(7), Basic Allowance for Housing Ref (b) Department of Defense FMR Vol 7A Chapter 26, Housing Allowances Ref (c) Assistant Secretary of the Navy Manpower and Reserve Affairs Memorandum, Delegation Authority to Approve Requests for 2021 Temporary Increase in Basic Allowance for Housing Rates for Military Housing Areas Experiencing Abnormal Rental Cost Increases due to Coronavirus 2019 This NAVADMIN announces temporary basic allowance for housing (BAH) increases for qualified Service Members residing in certain military housing areas (MHA) from 01 October 2021 to 31 December 2021. In line with Ref (a) and the authority stipulated in Ref (b), the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) has approved temporary BAH rate increases due to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic of 10, 15 or 20 percent for qualified Service Members living in 56 MHAs. Navy centric MHAs that are on the list include LEMOORE NAS (CA023), HAMPTON/NEWPORT NEWS (VA297), EL CENTRO (CA420), NEW LONDON (CT049) and BREMERTON (WA306). A full list of the 56 MHAs impacted can be found at the MyNavy HR webpage at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/Pay-Benefits/N130C/. It is important to note that if your MHA is not listed there, you are not eligible for a BAH increase. The increased BAH rates are only payable from 01 October 2021 to 31 December 2021 for Service Members living in one of the 56 impacted MHAs who request the temporary increase via their command and can certify, using procedures listed in subject message, that their housing expenses are higher than their current 2021 BAH entitlement and that those higher expenses occurred after 13 March 2020 such that they can be attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Once a Service Member has been approved for a temporary BAH rate increase, the new higher rate will remain effective through the duration of the authorized period unless the Service Member detaches or changes residence from the affected MHA. Because temporary increases in BAH rates are not subject to rate protection, it is possible that Service Members will see higher or lower BAH rates than the temporary BAH rate they were receiving once the 2022 BAH rates become effective on 1 January 2022. Refer to subject message for Scenarios and Process for Submitting Requests. F. MPM Revision Updates MPM Quarterly Change Report – 75 was published 13 July 2021. There are 16 articles in the Quarterly Change Report. The Quarterly Change Report - 75 Articles are accessible at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/Documents/Quarterly% 20Change%20Report%20(75).pdf?ver=tTkauvnTgFM5xyt5JKiP8w%3d%3d The updated articles are accessible at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/References/MILPERSMAN/Updated-New-Cancelled-Articles/ 4. POC: Mrs. Lo Retta A. Hale, USN (Ret.), PERS-2111, (901) 874-3924/DSN 882, Loretta.a.hale.civ@us.navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN