RAAUZYUW RUCCBWF0001 1301300-UUUU--RHMCCSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 172038Z DEC 21 FM MYNAVYCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN// TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// BT UNCLAS //N01000// SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 21-33// SECINFO/-/-// MSGID/GENADMIN,USMTF,2008/COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. PASS TO CO, XO, SEL, ADMINOFF, PERSOFF, CCC/NC, COMMAND PAY AND PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATOR (CPPA) AND DISBO. THIS MESSAGE TARGETS PERSONNEL, ADMINISTRATIVE, DISBURSING, AND PASS OFFICES REGARDING CURRENT PAY/PERSONNEL ISSUES FOR BOTH ACTIVE AND RESERVE PERSONNEL. 2. ISSUE 213301: SOP Summary for November 2021 MNCC (PERS-2) publishes a "list of effective changes" for Pay/Personnel/Travel SOPs. All SOPs Summary updates are posted at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/SOPs%20Updates/Forms/AllItems.aspx. Ops Alerts are now issued in a more formal format and have been serialized to facilitate ready access and archiving. All of the NPPSC e-mail Ops Alerts are archived at: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx A quick launch link (SOPs Updates & OPS ALERTS) is also on MNCC (PERS-2), NPPSC, and all of the PSD website pages. As of 07 December, the most current overall COVID-19 policy can be found in the below cited references. These references were previously cited in the August SOP Summary but are restated here for emphasis. Future NAVADMINs updating the policy are anticipated. Refer also to ALNAVs for COVID-19 impacts and updates on Department of the Navy operations. Changes/updates with the most significant impact to the SOPs and PAYPERS community include: A. Recent ALNAV/NAVADMIN and other COVID-19 Related Guidance 1. NAVADMIN 268/21 Required COVID-19 Testing for Unvaccinated Service Members Ref (a) USD P&R Memo Force Health Protection (FHP) Supplement 23 Revision 2 DoD Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Vaccination Attestation, Screening, Testing, and Vaccination Verification This NAVADMIN implements the Ref (a) requirement to conduct screening testing of Service Members who have not been vaccinated against COVID-19. Refer to subject NAVADMIN for testing requirements. 2. NAVADMIN 256/21 CCDA Guidance to Commanders Ref (a) SECDEF Memo dtd 24AUG21 Mandating Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for DoD Service Members. Ref (b) ALNAV 062/21, 2021-2022 Department of the Navy Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Ref (c) NAVADMIN 190/21, 2021-2022 Navy Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination and Reporting Policy This NAVADMIN provides a comprehensive listing of policy references and guidance to Commanders regarding Navy Service Members who fail to obey a lawful order by refusing the COVID-19 vaccine as directed in Refs (a) through (c). In order to ensure a fully vaccinated force, U.S. Navy policy is to process for separation all Navy Service Members who refuse the lawful order to receive the COVID-19 vaccination and do not have an approved exemption. Specific administrative actions are directed herein, however, additional administrative actions and any punitive actions based solely on vaccine refusal continue to be withheld. Refer to subject NAVADMIN for specific details. B. Other Important PAYPERS Highlights 1. Navy Evaluation System Updates/Announcements: a) NAVADMIN 272/21, Publication of BUPERSINST 1610.10F (EVALMAN) Ref (a) BUPERSINST 1610.10E, Navy Performance Evaluation System Ref (b) NAVADMIN 312/18, Advancement Policy Update This NAVADMIN announces the cancellation of Ref (a) and the publication of BUPERSINST 1610.10F, Navy Performance Evaluation System (EVALMAN). This revision incorporates policy guidance contained in Ref (b). Refer to subject NAVADMIN for a summary of new guidance and BUPERSINST 1610.10F for specific details. b) NAVADMIN 255/21, Guidance for 2021 Periodic First Class Petty Officer Evaluations Ref (a) BUPERSINST 1610.10F, Navy Performance Evaluation System Ref (b) NAVADMIN 218/21, FY-22 Active Duty Navy E-7 Advancement Selection Boards This NAVADMIN provides amended guidance to Ref (a) for the timing of the 2021 E-6 periodic evaluation cycle to account for delays in the release of Ref (b). Selectees for advancement can expect to be assigned their original date of rank, which will overlap with the end of the traditional reporting period for E-6 periodic evaluations. This will relieve the administrative burden on commands by eliminating the need to reprocess evaluations, accurately ensuring reporting continuity for Sailors who advanced, and ensuring standardized reporting across the Navy. 2. Physical Readiness Program Updates/Announcements: a) NAVADMIN 264/21 Physical Readiness Program Update for CY2021 and CY2022 Physical Fitness Assessments This NAVADMIN announces the following major policy changes for the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA). Command Fitness Leaders (CFL) will NOT enter PFA data into Physical Readiness Information Management System Two (PRIMS-2) for the Calendar Year (CY) 2021 PFA cycle. CY 2022 PFA requirements will consist of a single cycle conducted from 1 April to 30 September 2022. CY 2021 PFA Cycle: The previous contractor has NOT delivered PRIMS-2 as scheduled. As a result, the Navy will continue to execute the CY 2021 PFA cycle as planned with the following modifications. CFLs will NOT enter CY 2021 PFA cycle data into PRIMS-2. CFLs will continue to record official CY 2021 PFA scores on the official Body Composition Assessment (BCA) and Physical Readiness Test (PRT) score sheets, to include Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ) and medical clearance/waivers, in line with current program references and resources. b. NAVADMIN 251/21, 2021 Periodic Health Assessment and Post Deployment Health Re-assessment in support of the Physical Readiness Program Policy Ref (a) OPNAV Instruction 6110.1J, Physical Readiness Program Ref (b) NAVADMIN 129/21, Physical Readiness Program Update for CY 2021 Physical Fitness Assessment This NAVADMIN provides guidance for completion of the PHA and/or PDHRA prior to a Sailor’s participation in the Fall 2021 PFA. Per Refs (a) and (b), prior to a Sailor participating in the Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) in the Fall of 2021, completion of a Physical Activity Risk Factor Questionnaire (PARFQ) is required. A Periodic Health Assessment (PHA) within the past 12 months, as well as a Post-Deployment Health Re-Assessment (PDHRA) when applicable, is required for completion of the PARFQ. C. Ops Alerts: No Ops Alerts were issued this month. Refer to link for archived Ops Alerts: https://mpte.navy.deps.mil/sites/npc/pers2/NPPSC/NPPSC%20OPS%20ALERTS/Forms/AllItems.aspx D. MPAs and PPIBs MPA 20/21, Savings Deposit Program Collection Guidelines This advisory is being provided in regard to the Savings Deposit Program (SDP), which affords Service Members an opportunity to earn up to 10 percent interest annually on deposits made while deployed in a combat zone. Refer to subject MPA for program compliance details. E. NAVADMINs 1. 260/21 March 2022 (Cycle 255) Active-Duty and Full-Time Support E-4 through E-6 Petty Officer Navy-Wide Advancement Examinations Ref (a) BUPERSINST 1430.16G, Advancement Manual for Enlisted Personnel of the US Navy and US Navy Reserve Ref (b) ALNAV 015/13, Personnel Security Investigation Submission Requirements Ref (c) NAVADMIN 312/18, Advancement Policy Update Ref (d) NAVADMIN 201/20, Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam Revised Business Rules Ref (e) NAVADMIN 316/18, Enlisted Advancement Worksheet This NAVADMIN announces the guidance for the administration of the March 2022 (Cycle 255) Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) for advancement-in-rate of Active Duty (AD) and Full-Time Support (FTS) Sailors to paygrades E-5 and E-6 and the use of an alternative Final Multiple Score (FMS) rank-order method, without an exam, for E-4 advancement candidates. As a continued safety measure due to the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, E-4 advancement candidates will not participate in an exam but will be given the opportunity for advancement using an alternative FMS rank-order method, without the inclusion of an exam score from a proctored exam. E-5 and E-6 advancement candidates will be administered the NWAE utilizing testing windows vice single-day testing. These expanded testing windows will allow for smaller groups of test takers to ensure adequate social distancing can be maintained between testers at testing facilities, while maintaining the high standards and continued culture of learning that drive our enlisted advancement system. This is identical to the advancement policy used in the 2021 fall NWAE cycle and is a change from Ref (a). Refer to subject NAVADMIN for additional details and requirements. 2. 259/21 Spring 2022 (Cycle 110) Navy-Wide Advancement Examination for Selected Reserve E-4 through E-7 Candidates Ref (a) BUPERSINST 1430.16G, Advancement Manual for Enlisted Personnel of the US Navy and US Navy Reserve Ref (b) ALNAV 015/13, Personnel Security Investigation Submission Requirements Ref (c) NAVADMIN 312/18, Advancement Policy Update Ref (d) NAVADMIN 316/18, Enlisted Advancement Worksheet Ref (e) NAVADMIN 201/20, Professional Military Knowledge Eligibility Exam Revised Business Rules This NAVADMIN announces the guidance for the administration of the Spring 2022 (Cycle 110) Navy-Wide Advancement Exam (NWAE) for Selected Reserve (SELRES) E-5 through E-7 and E-4 Prior Service Reenlistment Eligibility Reserve (PRISE-R) candidates, and the use of an alternative Final Multiple Score rank-order method without an exam for all other SELRES E-4 advancement candidates. As a continued safety measure during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, E-4 exams (with the exception of PRISE-R) have been cancelled and an expanded testing window has been established for E-4 PRISE-R, E-5 and E-6 candidates. E-7 candidates will complete their exams from 01-28 February in order to meet deadlines for the chief selection boards. These expanded testing windows will allow for smaller groups of test takers, ensuring adequate social distancing can be maintained between Sailors at testing facilities, while maintaining the ambitious standards and continued culture of learning that drive our enlisted advancement system. Information pertaining to selection board criteria will be promulgated via a future NAVADMIN. All candidates serving as a voluntary recall, on a mobilization, or as a Canvasser Recruiter (CANREC) will compete for advancement as a SELRES. F. MPM Revision Updates MPM Quarterly Change Report – 76 was published 14 October 2021. There are 28 articles in the Quarterly Change Report. The Quarterly Change Report - 76 Articles are accessible at: https://www.mynavyhr.navy.mil/Portals/55/Reference/MILPERSMAN/Documents/ Quarterly%20Change%20Report-%20CH-76.pdf?ver=BT2CSu9S_Yv6PXsPzAsF4w%3d%3d. 3. POC: Mrs. Lo Retta A. Hale, USN(Ret.) (901) 874-3924/DSN 882 Loretta.a.hale.civ@us.navy.mil. Stay safe, stay healthy, and stay positive// BT #0001 NNNN