RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 3052008-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 312005Z OCT 24 MID7700110U FM MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN BT UNCLAS SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 24-17// REF/A/DOC/JTR/OCT2024// AMPN/REF A IS THE JOINT TRAVEL REGULATIONS GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Pass to commanding officers, executive officers, senior enlisted leaders, administrative officers, personnel officers, command career counselors, and disbursing officers. This message targets personnel, administrative, disbursing, Transaction Service Centers, and Regional Support Centers regarding current personnel, pay, and transportation issues for both active and reserve personnel. 2. This Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin (PPIB) announces a pilot program for entitlement of reimbursement for childcare provider transportation costs due to a Permanent Change of Station (PCS). This pilot is effective 1 October 2024 through 30 September 2027. The Department of the Navy will process requests for this reimbursement for U.S. Navy active duty and reserve members. 3. PCS orders of Active-Duty, Training and Administration of the Reserve, and Reservists executing Active-Duty Operational Support orders in the Continental U.S. (CONUS) or Outside CONUS (OCONUS) PCS moves, are eligible for designated childcare provider transportation reimbursement. Service Members may be authorized a dependent travel allowance for designated childcare provider if there is no availability at a Child Development Center (CDC) at the new duty station within 30 days of reporting and if the dependent child is on the CDC wait list at the Permanent Duty Station (PDS). Requirements include written or electronic documentation of 1) wait list verification, e.g., confirmation from militarychildcare.com, 2)unavailability of CDC within 30 days of arrival at the new PDS, and 3) written childcare provider designation from Service Members. 4. Reimbursement facts. a. Service Members may be reimbursed for commercial transportation expenses, including air, rail, or bus fare, transportation to or from the airport or rail station, and an enroute departure or rental car, incurred by a designated childcare provider for travel to the new (PDS) location up to the maximum reimbursement amounts below: (1) 500.00 U.S. dollars (USD) for a PCS between CONUS locations or (2) 1500.00 USD for a PCS to or from OCONUS location. b. The Service Member must submit receipts for expenses of 75 USD or more. c. Reimbursement for privately owned vehicle mileage is not authorized. d. The Service Member must use the Travel Management Company (TMC)/Scheduled Air Transportation Office (SATO), to make commercial reservations on behalf of the childcare provider. In the event TMC/SATO is unable to provide a commercial flight on a U.S. Flag Carrier, in order to be eligible for reimbursement the Service Member must provide supporting documentation, such as a TMC SATO commercial flight itinerary, verifying a U.S. Flag Carrier is not available. e. The time limit for a member to apply for reimbursement for childcare provider transportation reimbursement is no later than one year from the Service Members reporting date at the new PDS, but no earlier than 1 October 2024. f. If a household consists of two military members (Service Members married to one another, cohabitating, co-parenting, etc.), only one Service Member is eligible for and may elect to apply for the reimbursement. 5. Questions regarding personnel, pay, and transportation transactions should be sent to the MyNavy Career Center Human Resource Service Center at 1(833)330-6622 or askmncc(at)navy.mil. 6. Point of contact regarding this pay and personnel information bulletin is Mr. George Noneaker. He can be reached by phone at 1(901)874-3190 or by email at george.l.noneaker.civ(at)us.navy.mil. Please note, this email is not encrypted, do not send Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to this address. 7. Request widest distribution possible. 8. Released by Rear Admiral Stuart C. Satterwhite, Commander, MyNavy Career Center.// BT #0001 NNNN UNCLASSIFIED// LEWIS.LASHEMA.K.1106991380