RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 1801337-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 281319Z JUN 24 MID7538297U FM MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN BT UNCLAS SUBJ//PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 24-08// REF/A/DOC/DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES REF/B/DOC/CDC INFORMATION SHEET REF/C/DOC/CDC INFORMATION SHEET REF/D/DOC/CDC INFORMATION SHEET NARR/REF A IS NOTICE OF UPDATE TO CDC DOG AND CAT IMPORTATION REGULATION. REF B IS CDC INFORMATION SHEET FOR IMPORTERS OF DOGS ARRIVING BY AIR. REF C IS CDC INFORMATION SHEET FOR IMPORTERS OF DOGS ARRIVING BY LAND. REF D IS CDC INFORMATION SHEET FOR IMPORTERS OF DOGS ARRIVING BY SEA. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Pass to commanding officers, executive officers, senior enlisted leaders, administrative officers, personnel officers, command career counselors, and disbursing officers. This message targets personnel, administrative, disbursing, transaction service centers, and regional support centers regarding current personnel, pay, and transportation issues for both active and reserve personnel. Reference (a), section 0202 should be reviewed in its entirety. 2. The purpose of this message is to announce new requirements effective 1 August 2024 to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) dog and cat importation regulation. In reference (a), the CDC announced the new requirements to protect the health and safety of people and animals and to prevent the reintroduction of dog rabies to the United States. The temporary suspension of dogs from high-risk countries will expire when the new requirements become effective on 1 August 2024. 3. All dogs must meet importation requirements for the United States which include dogs leaving the United States and returning, regardless of the country they are being imported from. 4. Requirements for entry are: a. Be healthy upon arrival. b. Be at least 6 months of age. c. Have an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) compatible microchip implemented prior to any required rabies vaccinations. d. Have a CDC Dog Import Form receipt. The form can be found on the CDCs website. e. Have additional documents depending on where the dog has been in the last six months and whether or not the dog was vaccinated in the United States. 5. Additionally, dogs residing in a country with a high-risk of dog rabies in the six months prior to arriving to the United States and do not have valid documentation of a United Staes issued rabies vaccination must also: a. Arrive via air at a port of entry with a CDC registered animal care facility (ACF). b. Have a reservation at an ACF prior to arrival. c. Have a valid rabies titer obtained before arrival from a CDC approved laboratory or undergo a twenty-eight day quarantine at an ACF upon arrival. 6. This standardization of the importation process will streamline the overall process and allow for more safe efficient entry of dogs into the United States. 7. The updated regulation means: a. Importers will have more difficulty importing dogs with fraudulent records. b. Air carriers will be required to confirm documents before boarding dogs and create an air waybill for all dogs transported into the United States, including dogs transported as hand carried or excess baggage. c. More dogs will be sent to CDC ACFs for temporary housing and care due to the requirement for all foreign vaccinated dogs from high-risk countries to go to an ACF upon arrival for examination and revaccination for rabies. 8. There are no new requirements for cat importation unless a cat is found to be ill or deceased enroute to or upon arrival at a United Staes port of entry. 9. Additional information can be found at www.cdc.gov/dogtravel. 10. Questions regarding personnel, pay, and transportation transactions should be sent to the MyNavy Career Center Human Resource Service Center at 1(833)330-6622 or askmncc(at)navy.mil. Please note, this email is not encrypted, do not send Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to this address. 11. Request widest distribution possible. 12. Released by Rear Admiral Stuart C. Satterwhite, Commander, MyNavy Career Center.// BT #0001 NNNN