RAAUZYUW RUCCBWF0001 1301300-UUUU--RHMCCSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 061804Z NOV 24 MID120001518957U FM MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN BT UNCLAS SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 24-19// GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Pass to commanding officers, executive officers, senior enlisted leaders, administrative officers, personnel officers, command career counselors, and disbursing officers. This message targets personnel, administrative, disbursing, Transaction Service Centers, and Regional Support Centers regarding current personnel, pay, and transportation services for both active and reserve personnel. 2. New System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) Submission Procedures. The purpose of this Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin (PPIB) is to announce new SAAR procedures for the following applications: a. Authoritative Data Environment (ADE) Dashboard b. Enhanced Unit Commander's Financial Report (eUCFR) c. Enterprise Customer Relationship Management (eCRM) d. Military Locator System (MLS) e. SGLI Online Enrollment System (SOES) f. Windows Integrated Automated Travel System (WINIATS) 3. Effective Monday, October 28, 2024, personnel requesting access to then application(s) listed in paragraph (2) must email their full name, job title, and the specific application(s) needed to MyNavy Career Center Human Resource Service Center (MNCC HRSC) at askmncc.fct(at)navy.mil or call 1-833-330-MNCC. To ensure prompt service it is imperative the application(s) being requested is listed in the SUBJECT LINE of the email to MNCC HRSC. Procedures and guidance will be provided by MNCC HRSC for the specific application(s) requested. a. A SUBJECT LINE example would be: (1) System Access - ADE Dashboard (2) System Access - eUCFR (3) System Access - eCRM (4) System Access - MLS (5) System Access - SOES (6) System Access - WINIATS b. An example of multiple systems requests on one SAAR would be: (1) System Access - MLS, SOES, eCRM (2) System Access - CPPA Dashboard, eCRM, WINIATS Note: eUCFR must be on a designated SAAR. It cannot be combined with other systems. 4. Point of contact regarding this pay and personnel information bulletin is Mr. Ron Ates. He can be reached at ronnie.g.ates.civ(at)us.navy.mil. Please note, this email is not encrypted, do not send Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to this email. 5. Request widest distribution possible. 6. Released by Rear Admiral Stuart C. Satterwhite, Commander, MyNavy Career Center.// BT #0001 NNNN