RTTUZYUW RHOIAAA0001 3131657-UUUU--RHSSSUU. ZNR UUUUU R 081632Z NOV 24 MID7715687U FM MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN TO AIG 9226 INFO COMNAVPERSCOM MILLINGTON TN MYNAVCAREERCEN MILLINGTON TN BT UNCLAS SUBJ/PAY AND PERSONNEL INFORMATION BULLETIN 24-20// REF/A/MSG/CNRSE/AUTHORIZATION TO EVACUATE FOR NAVY REGION SOUTHWEST LIMITED EVACUATION AUTHORIZATION 070120ZNOV24// AMPN/REF A IS COMMANDER NAVY REGION SOUTHWEST AUTHORIZATION TO EVACUATE IN CONNECTION WITH VENTURA COUNTY CIVIL AUTHORITY-ISSUED EVACUATION ORDERS RELATED TO THE MOUNTAIN FIRE EFFECTIVE 06 NOV 2024 THROUGH 06 DEC 2024. GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. Pass to commanding officers, executive officers, senior enlisted leaders, administrative officers, personnel officers, command career counselors, and disbursing officers. This message targets personnel, administrative, disbursing, transaction service centers, and regional support centers regarding current personnel and pay issues for both active and reserve personnel. 2. The purpose of this message is to disseminate the FY-2025 lines of accounting (LOAs) classification to be utilized in processing evacuation travel claims for military dependents (MPN and RPN) as advised by reference (a) to evacuate in connection with the mountain fire in Ventura County effective 06 NOV 2024 for the geographic areas of interest (GAOI) listed in paragraph 2 of reference (a). 3. The LOAs published in this Pay and Personnel Information Bulletin (PPIB) are to be utilized only for military dependents (MPN and RPN) evacuation payments earned or accrued starting on 06 NOV 2024. MPN OFFICER AND ENLISTED DEPENDENTS FY-2025 ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION SDN N0002225CTHCXXX (XXX = LAST 3 OF SSN) AA 1751453.2258 210 00022 050120 2D X74200 02225CTHCXXX (XXX = LAST 3 OF SSN) JON DESCRIPTION PORT HUENEME WILDFIRE RPN OFFICER AND ENLISTED DEPENDENTS FY-2025 ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION SDN N0002225CTHCXXX (XXX = LAST 3 OF SSN) AA 1751405.225P 210 00022 050120 2D X74200 02225CTHCXXX (XXX = LAST 3 OF SSN) JON DESCRIPTION PORT HUENEME WILDFIRE 4. Claim Submission Procedures. a. Military members are not authorized evacuation entitlements and must submit authorization through the Defense Travel System (DTS). Post departure authorizations are allowed for reimbursement through their command. b. To ensure dependent evacuation claims are processed in a timely manner, Command Pay and Personnel Administrators (CPPAs) must use the following naming convention in the subject line of Salesforce Case in eCRM and submit to the Travel Processing Center (TPC) Memphis using request type *PCS Travel* and problem code *Evacuation Claim*. Submit requests in eCRM using the following naming convention: PORT HUENEME WILDFIRE, Last Name, First Name, Evacuation Claim, DD MMM YYYY (EVAC DATE). 5. Advance Travel Request Submission Procedures. a. Military members are not authorized travel advances in connection with evacuation and must submit an authorization through DTS and use their Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) for official travel. b. To ensure dependent advance travel requests are processed in a timely manner, CPPAs must use the following naming convention in the subject line of the Salesforce case in eCRM. Submit requests in eCRM using the following: PORT HUENEME WILDFIRE, Last Name, First Name, Travel Advance Request, DD MM YYYY (EVAC DATE). 6. Reporting Requirement. It is imperative that commands issuing evacuation orders utilizing the LOAs listed above and provide a copy of the orders issued to N10, PERS704 via email at bupers_pcsorders.fct(at)navy.mil. Point of contact (POC) is Mr. Lance Jones at email bertie.l.jones4.civ(at)us.navy.mil. 7. POC regarding this PPIB is Mr. George Noneaker. He can be reached by phone at 1(901)874-3190 or by email at george.l.noneaker.civ(at)us.navy.mil. Please note, this email is not encrypted, do not send Personally Identifiable Information (PII) to this address. 8. Request widest distribution possible. 9. Released by Rear ADMIRAL Stuart C. Satterwhite, Commander, MyNavy Career Center.// BT #0001 NNNN