These programs are found in BUPERS INSTRUCTION 1150.1C.
MILPERSMAN 1320-306 (PCS Transfer Order Delivery and Interpretation)-ref in 1150.1
Submit OHARP/SEMINAR requests in writing using the request form from the Recruiter Assistance Programs Web site at, followed by an endorsement from the CO. Requests can be submitted by facsimile to NAVCRUITCOM (N1) at commercial (901) 874-9151/DSN 882 at least 1 month prior to the desired date for no-cost TEMADD orders and 6 to 9 months prior to the desired date (before PCS orders are finalized) for no-cost TEMDU orders.
1. OHARP returns Navy officers to their hometown areas for 14 to 90 days to assist officer recruiters in locating individuals for Navy officer programs. Participants should be prepared to accompany the NAVCRUITDIST’s officer recruiters on visits to colleges and universities, centers of influence, and community events. They will wear the uniform of the day and will be expected to discuss Navy opportunities and career paths.
2. OHARP Criteria
a. Ideally, the participant should be a current or former resident of, or have attended college in the area served by the NAVCRUITDIST in which OHARP participation is desired.
b. There are no age or rank restrictions.
c. The period of OHARP is determined by NAVCRUITCOM (N1) and is subject to approval by the officer’s detailer.
d. Requests for OHARP participation, as a substitute for humanitarian assignment or leave, will not be accepted.
3. No-Cost TEMADD or Temporary Duty (TEMDU).
Officers volunteering to participate in OHARP do so on permissive, no-cost TEMADD orders or on no-cost TEMDU orders in conjunction with PCS orders. OHARP volunteers accept the TEMADD or TEMDU assignment with the understanding that they will not be entitled to reimbursement for any travel, transportation, per diem, or miscellaneous expenses connected with this duty per reference (a), 1320-306. If the volunteer elects not to bear this expense, participation in the program must be cancelled by notifying NAVCRUITCOM (N1) prior to the scheduled reporting date.
4. Funded TEMADD (Travel and Per Diem Authorized).
Dependent upon Navy’s accession requirements, (community specific) funding for officers to travel to the location of the college they attended may be provided. Funding for travel and per diem will be provided for the period as determined by the funding authority. Contact members detailer to determine if funding is available.
5. Procedures for Submitting OHARP Requests.
Volunteers should submit OHARP requests in writing using the OHARP request form from the Recruiter Assistance Programs Web site at, followed by an endorsement from the CO. Requests can be submitted by facsimile to NAVCRUITCOM (N1) at commercial (901) 874-9151/DSN 882 at least 1 month prior to the desired date for no-cost TEMADD orders and 6 to 9 months prior to the desired date (before PCS orders are finalized) for nocost TEMDU orders.
1. The SEMINAR program was established to provide assistance to the Navy in its effort to recruit more Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander applicants and to enhance Navy's image in these communities. SEMINAR temporarily returns highly qualified Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander officers and senior enlisted personnel to their home communities for 20 days to meet with local influential community members and to discuss the vast educational, career, and advancement opportunities the Navy offers.
2. SEMINAR Criteria
a. SEMINAR participants must be volunteers in paygrades E6 through O6.
b. Although the program is specifically targets Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander communities, participation is open to other minorities.
c. There are no age or rating restrictions.
d. SEMINAR duty cannot be combined with OHARP/HARP on the same set of PCS orders.
e. A maximum of 100 officer and 100 enlisted personnel will be approved for SEMINAR duty per fiscal year. This limitation is subject to review based on PCS funding.
3. SEMINAR Orders.
SEMINAR is performed in conjunction with PCS orders and, in most cases, the participant is entitled to per diem and travel allowances. SEMINAR volunteers are administratively assigned for check-in/check-out procedures to the NAVCRUITDIST having administrative control for the particular hometown area. TEMADD assignments in the SEMINAR program are not permitted.
4. Procedures for Submitting SEMINAR Requests.
Individuals should submit SEMINAR requests using the SEMINAR request form on the Recruiter Assistance Programs Web site at Requests can be submitted by facsimile at commercial (901) 874-9202/DSN 882 to NAVCRUITCOM (N1) 6 to 9 months prior to the desired date (before PCS orders are finalized). Requests should be accompanied by an endorsement from the CO.