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***IF A SAILOR WHO DESIRES TO RE-ENLIST AND DOES NOT HAVE A RE-ENLISTMENT QUOTA, PLEASE CONTACT THE APPLICABLE ENLISTED COMMUNITY MANAGER TO DISCUSS OPTIONS.*** We are responsible for “cradle-to-grave" monitoring and management of the health and welfare of our respective communities. We ensure that our cognizant ratings recruit and maintain required manpower, and that the manpower is correctly distributed throughout the enlisted paygrades as required by valid billets.
Enlisted Women in Submarines
High Year Tenure (HYT) Help Desk
Develop recruiting requirements
Establish A and C school requirements
Work with warfare sponsors to ensure valid, executable billet requirements
Set advancement quotas
Set Career Waypoints-Reenlistment, PACT Designation, Active Conversion, Reserve Conversion or Transition between Components quotas
Establish and monitor sea/shore flow. Establish and monitor career development
Set Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) , Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) and Enlistment Bonus (EB) levels
Ensure rating Occupational Standards (OCCSTDS) are valid and current
Ensure Navy Enlisted Classification Code (NEC) system is effective in training and detailing people to fill special skill billets
Review Navy Training Plans (NTPs) and manning documents for new or modernized systems to assess their impact on the enlisted structure, training pipeline and manpower distribution
Analyze impact of proposed policy changes on a community
Detailed community and contact information can be accessed by using the links to the specific rating under Community Managers on the navigation bar to the left.