OPNAVINST 1720.4B is the most current version of the instruction.

Suicide Related Behavior Response and Postvention Guide. This guide consolidates information from the Defense Suicide Prevention Office (DSPO) Postvention Toolkit for a Military Suicide Loss, the DSPO Leaders Suicide Prevention Safe Messaging Guide and OPNAVINST 1720.4B, Suicide Prevention Program. It is designed to provide a streamlined reference to suicide crisis response, suicide related behavior response, reintegration, and suicide postvention.
Download and display the Veterans Crisis Line CONUS or OCONUS phone number tear off posters for your command.
Teach your Shipmates how to save the Veteran's Crisis Line phone number with this informational poster.
Navy Suicide Prevention Handbook
The Suicide Prevention Handbook is an accessible, comprehensive guide for the Navy community and is designed to serve as a ready reference for policy requirements, program guidance and educational tools to strengthen local suicide prevention efforts. Download it here.
Lethal Means Safety
During times of increased stress, the risk of suicide is simultaneously heightened. Lethal means safety is the process of ensuring that highly lethal means of suicide are not as easily accessible during these times. Practicing lethal means safety has been proven as an effective way to prevent suicide. Some lethal means include but are not limited to firearms, certain prescription medications and structural hazards.
5 Things You Should Know About Reducing Access to Lethal Means.
Advancing Navy Culture Newsletter
To streamline efforts, the Navy Culture and Force Resilience Office (OPNAV N17) has adjusted to a 2-3-page briefing of the most important updates from N17, with links to learn more. Find our newsletter on the Advancing Navy Culture media page. To subscribe, click here.