PERS-00 |
Commander, Navy Personnel Command |
PERS-00B |
Deputy Commander, Navy Personnel Command |
PERS-00C |
Casualty Assistance |
PERS-00D |
Corrections and Programs Office |
PERS-00L |
Legislative/Congressional Matters |
PERS-00M |
Force Master Chief |
PERS-00P |
NPC Public Affairs |
PERS-31 |
Records Management Support |
PERS-321 |
Performance Evaluation |
PERS-351 |
Executive Services Branch |
PERS-40 |
Enlisted Distribution Division |
Humanitarian Reassignment |
PERS-401C |
Seabee Assignment Section |
PERS-401D |
SEAL / SWCC / EOD / Diver Assignments |
PERS-402 |
Surface Engineering |
PERS-403 |
Enlisted Nuclear / Submarine Assignments |
PERS-404 |
Enlisted Aviation Assignments |
PERS-405 |
Surface Deck / Admin / Security / Supply Assignments |
PERS-406 |
Surface Combat Systems |
PERS-407 |
Hospital Corpsman Assignment |
PERS-408 |
Information Warfare Community (CT/IS/IT) |
PERS-409 |
Sea Special Programs |
PERS-4010 |
Shore Special Programs Assignment |
PERS-4010C |
Career Recruiting Force |
PERS-4010D |
USS Arizona, USS Constitution, MEPS Assignments |
PERS-4010D1 |
Command Climate, Professional Development Instructor |
PERS-4010E |
BRIG / TPU / SERE Assignments |
PERS-4010F |
DC / MILLINGTON / NACIC Assignments |
PERS-4010G |
NATO & PEP / Embassy |
PERS-4010S |
“A” School Management |
PERS-4012 |
Enlisted Full Time Support |
PERS-4013 |
Enlisted Placement Management |
PERS-41 |
Surface Warfare Officer Assignment |
PERS-416 |
Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) |
PERS-42 |
Submarine Office Distribution |
PERS-43 |
Aviation Officer Assignment |
PERS-434 |
AEDO / AMDO Assignment Placement |
PERS-44 |
Staff / RL Officer Distribution |
Culinary Specialist Executive Services Program |
PERS-440 |
Graduate Education and Training |
PERS-4412 |
Supply Corps Officer |
PERS-4413 |
Civil Engineer Corps Officer |
PERS-4414 |
Chaplain Assignment |
PERS-4415 |
Medical Officer Assignment |
PERS-4416 |
JAG Corps Assignment |
PERS-4421 |
Human Resources Officer Assignment |
PERS-445 |
Engineering Duty Officer |
PERS-447 |
Acquisition Management |
PERS-448 |
Public Affairs Officer |
PERS-45 |
Distribution Management |
PERS-450 |
Joint Officer Management |
PERS-451 |
Subspecialty & Transcripts |
PERS-454 |
Deployability Assessment and Assignment Branch |
PERS-456 |
Exceptional Family Member (EFM) |
PERS-46 |
Full Time Support / Augmentation |
PERS-461 |
Mobilization Order Writing & Sailor Advocacy |
PERS-462 |
Active Duty for Special Work (ADSW) |
PERS-463 |
Contingency / Augmentation |
PERS-47 |
Information Warfare & Foreign Area Officer |
PERS-471 |
Information Professional Officer |
PERS-472 |
Cryptology Warfare Officer |
PERS-473 |
Intelligence Officer Assignment |
PERS-475 |
Oceanography Officer Assignment |
PERS-5 |
Financial Management |
PERS-80 |
Officer Career Progression |
PERS-801 |
Boards Active Officer / Reserve Officer |
PERS-802 |
Boards Active Enlisted / Reserve Enlisted |
PERS-8031 |
Enlisted Career Administration |
PERS-805 |
Board Membership Branch |
PERS-83 |
Retirements |
PERS-831 |
Personnel Conduct and Separations |
PERS-832 |
Enlisted Separations |
PERS-833 |
Post Selection Board Matters |
PERS-834 |
Officer Performance and Separations |
PERS-835 |
Officer Retirements |
PERS-836 |
Enlisted Retirements / Fleet Reserve |
PERS-9 |
Reserve Personnel Managment |
PERS-911 |
Reserve Officer Personnel |
PERS-912 |
Reserve Retirement |
PERS-913 |
Reserve Enlisted Personnel |
PERS-92 |
Definite Recall / CANREC Recall |
PERS-922 |
Enlisted Recall |
PERS-923 |
Officer Recall |
PERS-93 |
Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) |
PERS-95 |
Injury Management (LOD / MEDHOLD / MRR) |
PERS-954 |
Disability Retirement (TDRL / PDRL) |
PERS-97 |
Reserve Processing and Affiliation Center (RPAC) |