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Physical Readiness


UPDATED as of February 5, 2025

 OPNAVINST 6110.1K is the current version of the instruction. 

5 FEB 25 

  • Navy Noom Weight-Loss Program. From 1 Feb 25 to 31 Jan 26, Navy will offer access to the commercial weight-loss program Noom for a one-year period, at no cost to Active Component (AC) Sailors who were not within Body Composition Assessment (BCA) standards (Step-3) during the CY2024 Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA).  

  • Eligible Sailors who desire to participate can access Noom by simply using their First Name, Last Name, and DOD ID during registration at (must be all lower-case letters). 

  • For additional information, please refer to the Noom Fact Sheet which can be located to the left under “NAVADMINS/FACT SHEETS”.  

  • Gender vs. Sex.  Due to recent Diversity, Equality and Inclusion (DEI) changes with the DoD, the following PRP Guides have been updated to change “Gender” to “Sex”: 

  • PRP Guide-1 (FEB 2025) 

  • PRP Guide-3 (FEB 2025) 

  • PRP Guide-4 (FEB 2025) 

  • Updated PRP FAQ (Feb 2025).  You can locate the link to the right under “CFL Resources”.  Please review and use it as a reference when you have any questions/issues. 

  • Reminder, as of 1 February 2025, the PRP office fully transitioned to MyNavy Career Center (MNCC). To better assist you, we ask that any PRP policy or PRIMS related issues you may have be sent to | 1-833-330-6622. 

  • You can find the updated “Tip of The Month” at the very bottom of this page. 

  • The online CFL and ACFL PRIMS Training Courses (Version 2.0) has been updated to include: 

  • Course enhancements to facilitate end-user learning 

  • Content updates to reflect current PRIMS functionality and the new PFA cycle.  

You can locate the course links to the left under “PRIMS TRAINING”. 

Low bandwidth or no internet access?  The course file can be downloaded or printed for off-line access. 

30 JAN 25 

Updated Official BCA & PRT Scoresheets.  Both NAVPERS 6110/10 (BCA Scoresheet) and NAVPERS 6110/11 (PRT Scoresheet), revision 1-2025 have been updated and are available under the forms tab to the left. These updated forms are to be used for CY25 PFA cycle and all previous editions are obsolete. 

22 JAN 25 

  • Physical Readiness Program (PRP) Office Integration within the MyNavy Career Center (MNCC). Beginning 1 February 2025, The Physical Readiness Program (PRP) Office is updating its customer service processes and procedures by transitioning initial contact via the MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) for a modern call center experience with improved communication solutions accessible for Sailors 24/7 around the globe.  

  • Current PRP & PRIMS Help Desk will become the MNCC Tier-2 Help Desk within eCRM for PRP policy and PRIMS issues to answer questions the MNCC Tier-1 personnel cannot. 

For additional information, please refer to the Fact Sheet which can be located to the left under “NAVADMINS/FACT SHEETS”. 

15 JAN 25 

  • PFA Cycle 1 2025 (CY-25: 1 February through 30 November 2025) is now open for PARFQ entries.  PFA data can be entered for Cycle 1 2025 as of 1 February 2025. 

  • In preparation for the CY-25 PFA Cycle, the Physical Readiness Program (PRP) Guides have all been updated and are located in the GUIDES tab to the left. 
    • CFL/ACFLs are highly encouraged to thoroughly review each PRP Guide in its entirety, as several guides have been updated to provide clarity to the Fleet. 

08 JAN 25 

  • CY24 PFA cycle is officially closed! Any PFA data that didn’t get entered will require an LOC along with supporting documents emailed to

  • Remember, applications for the CFL Certification Course are to be submitted to  Do not submit applications to PRIMS.  

  • FAQ sheet has been updated. You can locate the link to the right under “CFL Resources”.  Please review and use it as a reference when you have any questions/issues. 

  • You can find the updated “Tip of The Month” at the very bottom of this page. 

18 DEC 24 

  • You still have time to get those PFA scores in! The cut-off for entering PFA data for CY24 is 30 DEC 24. 

  • Another way for you to stay informed with what’s happening in OPNAV N17, is to sign-up for the Navy Culture and Force Resilience Office (OPNAV N17) “Forged by the Sea” Newsletter. Click <HERE> to sign up and receive future N17 newsletters directly. 

  • As a reminder, it is the responsibility of the CFL/ACFL to place members in a transfer status.  If you require assistance from the PRP Office, please ensure to submit your proof of attempted communication to the previous CFL/ACFLs in your email request. 

11 DEC 24 

PRIMS Error when entering PFA scores: The PRP office is aware of the error CFL/ACFLs are having when entering PFA scores. The type of error you may see: 

“Cannot edit BCA, PFA was completed at a previous command.” 

Please be patient as we work with the developers on resolving this issue. An update to this note will be provided when more information is provided from the developers. 

4 DEC 24 

  • FAQ sheet has been updated. You can locate the link to the right under “CFL Resources”.  Please review and use it as a reference when you have any questions/issues. 

  • You can find the updated “Tip of The Month” at the very bottom of this page. 

NAVADMIN 242/24 announces new policies and procedures for the Body Composition Assessment (BCA) that will take effect in CY2025. Effective for the CY2025 PFA Cycle: 

  • Sailors who are not within Navy BCA standards and pass the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) with an overall score of Excellent-Low or above, will receive an overall passing score on the Physical Fitness Assessment and will not be enrolled in Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP).  

  • Sailors who are not within Age Adjusted Standards for BCA and pass the PRT with an overall score of Excellent-Low or above, will not be enrolled in FEP. 

20 NOV 24, 

  • CFLs must ensure their command information is manually updated within PRIMS for each UIC they have access to.  Directions on how to accomplish this can be found by entering “Command Info” in the search feature of the CFL PRIMS Training Course. 

  • Any non CFL/ACFL personnel who contacts the PRP office for assistance in a TRANS status from their previous command, will be redirected to their current/new CFL/ACFL to complete this task. 

  • CFL/ACFLs should NOT submit packages for PRIMS access while in a trans status. 

PRIMS-2 Webinar Series.  The next webinar for CFL/ACFLs to attend is on 12 February at 1100 (CST).  The topic will be “Accessing PRIMS-2 and efficiently navigating the system”.  To participate, you can locate the webinar link by clicking <<HERE>>. 

6 NOV 24

  • The PRP Office will no longer assist with placing Sailors in a transfer status in PRIMS.  As described in PRP Guide-7, CFL/ACFLs are required to place members in a transfer status prior to detaching from the command.  Members who report to a new command without being placed in a transfer status, CFL/ACFLs will need to exhaust every effort in contacting the previous command (CFL/ACFLs, CO, XO, CMC) for assistance. Note: this is the responsibility of the CFL/ACFL and not the member.

    • CFLs: please ensure your command information is up to date with a good email/phone number for other CFL/ACFLs to reach out for assistance. 

  • NEW Command PFA Summary Report.  PFA Reports are now located in one central location for PRIMS users. As the PRP Office develops and post reports, the users will be able to export/download, print, and save to a location created by CFL/ACFLs. Benefits to using these pre-populated reports include:

    • Efficiency:  quickly access all necessary information without having to search through multiple sources.

    • Accuracy:  A single, central location reduces the risk of errors and inconsistencies in data by ensuring all reports are up-to-date and accurate.

    • Data Analysis:  easily identify the BCA and PRT status of all individuals assigned within UIC(s).

    • Accountability:  track progress and hold individuals responsible for their fitness levels.
      • ​​​The Command PFA Summary Report training is available under the PRIMS Training tab to the left or click here.  For CFLs, see lesson #19 of 24, and ACFLs, see lesson #18 of 23.
      • CFL/ACFLs are encouraged to take the new course for proper exporting and saving instructions to aid in downloading, printing, and saving to a location created by the authorized user for proper unit data management
  • FAQ sheet has been updated. You can locate the link to the right under CFL Resources”.  Please review and use it as a reference when you have any questions/issues. 
  • You can find the updated “Tip of The Month” at the very bottom of this page.


CFL Links

Physical Readiness Information Management System (PRIMS)

Log In Using | Salesforce

CFL Information

For more information regarding the Command Fitness Leader (CFL) Certification Course, choose the below link.

CFL Course Dates

Should you have difficulties linking to the information, email the CFL Course Administrator at: 

Tip of the Month

Stress relievers: Is stress making you angry and grouchy? Stress relievers can help bring back calm and peace to your busy life. GET ACTIVE! Almost any form of physical activity can act as a stress reliever. Even if you’re not an athlete or you’re out of shape, exercise can still be a good stress reliever. Physical activity can pump up your feel-good endorphins and other natural neural chemicals that boost your sense of well-being. So, go on a walk, take a jog, work in your garden, clean your house, bike, swim, weight train, or do anything else that gets you active. 

Navy Physical Readiness logo

Our Mission

Set the foundation to instill a Culture of Fitness that assists Sailors in developing their ability to complete tasks that supports the command mission and Navy operational readiness.

Primary Objectives

Establish Navy standards for maintaining optimum health, physical, and mental stamina.  Focus on Wellness of Sailors and their families by providing the skills and tools for fitness and nutrition.


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