The Talent Management Center of Excellence is a Navy Personnel Command initiative led by Rear Adm. Michael Schwerin, Deputy Commander, Navy Personnel Command, the TMCoE is divided into the following lines of operation: Talent development and retention, performance management, succession planning, and career development and management. The end state of the TMCoE is to ensure effective Sailor development that retains the best and fully qualified Sailors, in the right assignments, to maximize the warfighting effectiveness of the Navy.
Talent Management Center of Excellence North Star:
By 2025, Implement talent management policies, systems, and training that grow our capability and culture in developing, evaluating, selecting, and promoting high-performing, high-potential Sailors who can outthink & outfight any adversary.
Navy Performance Management Administration (NPMA): NPMA is a performance management system that incents, develops, and assesses the behaviors needed throughout the Navy to outthink and outfight any adversary while cultivating a culture of warfighting excellence rooted in our core values. NPMA is a suite of talent management enhancements that are designed for more frequent and meaningful Sailor development conversations and more efficient and effective Sailor performance evaluation tools and processes.
eNavFit: eNavFit is the Navy’s new interface for conducting evaluations and fitness reports. It is now available for all Sailors (Reserve and Active Components). As a replacement for NAVFIT98A, eNavFit is the initial step in transforming the Navy’s performance evaluation process and serves as a bridge to future improvements. eNavFit is hosted on Navy Personnel Command Document Services via BUPERS Online (BOL).
MyNavy Coaching: MyNavy Coaching is a Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP)-led initiative to build and sustain a peer-to-peer coaching culture within the Navy with the goal not to make everyone a coach but to make our Sailors more coach-like. Coaching is a communication and leadership skill that utilizes active listening, empathy, and asking powerful questions. Using coaching as a communication skill allows us to communicate in an open, honest, and respectful way that promotes bi-directional feedback and growth to achieve your best performance which will ultimately enhance warfighting capability and Navy lethality.
The Navy Leadership Assessment Program (NLAP): A robust, data-driven assessment and selection (A&S) program, NLAP is an individualized approach that allows each Type Command (TYCOM) and/or Navy Community Commander to shape the program in accordance with the unique needs of their respective community, with surge and consultative support from Naval Personnel Command (NPC).