Navy Performance Management Administration (NPMA) is a Talent Management Center of Excellence (TMCoE) line of effort led by a multidisciplinary team of Human Resources Specialists and Industrial-Organizational (I/O) Psychologists charged with developing a transformative, modernized performance evaluation and promotion recommendation system that aligns to the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO’s) 2022 Strategy, Get Real Get Better, to address the concern that “The gap between our best and our worst performers is too large.”
Performance Expectation Management
The Navy will implement Performance Expectation Management (PEM) to institutionalize Get Real, Get Better (GRGB) and Culture of Excellence 2.0 behaviors within Navy Performance Evaluation policy and systems, starting in 2026. PEM will guide Sailors and their immediate Supervisors through a three-phase process to identify work expectations and provide meaningful feedback on progress throughout the performance cycle.
PEM will not replace the current FITREPs or EVALs. PEM will complement the existing evaluation cycle to formalize and standardize Mid-Term Counseling as outlined in BUPERSINST 1610.10.
Performance expectations will be tiered at the Navy, command, and individual levels, ensuring all Sailors know and acknowledge what is expected of them at every stage of their careers.
Supervisors set individual job expectations upon check-in to a new command or at the beginning of a new performance evaluation cycle to ensure both member and supervisor have a clear understanding of the member’s expectations.
Expectations will be revisited throughout the reporting period and formally reviewed during mid-term and close-out counseling.
Ongoing performance coaching between the immediate supervisor and the member will ensure honest and developmental discussions are occurring.
A close-out counseling session to review progress towards accomplishing expectations will occur at the conclusion of the reporting period, and this information can be leveraged to populate the remarks/write-up section of the EVAL, CHIEFEVAL, or FITREP. PEM documentation will not be viewable at selection boards, allowing for safe and honest professional development discussions and feedback.
PEM is designed to improve communication and alignment between leadership and Sailors by clearly outlining conduct and performance expectations. PEM clearly defines success by emphasizing specific tasks and skills required for upward progression. The program makes it clear what steps a Sailor needs to take in order to advance into roles of greater responsibility for career development. PEM will offer a three-phase framework for ongoing communication:
Phase 1: Expectation Setting: Establishes clear expectations for the Sailor at the Navy, Command, and individual level.
Phase 2: Mid-Term Counseling: In accordance with current policy, the member’s progress on expectations will be discussed and acknowledged by the member and the direct supervisor and codified in an online portal, providing a formal opportunity for member input, supervisor feedback, course correction, and growth.
Phase 3: Close-Out Counseling: The member’s progress on expectations will be discussed and verified by the member and the direct supervisor. Commands are encouraged to use close-out counseling and achievement of expectations as part of a member’s inputs for the formal EVAL, CHIEFEVAL, or FITREP.
Overall, PEM will promote a proactive approach to performance management, fostering a developmental relationship between supervisors and their Sailors.

Performance Expectation Management (PEM) complements the evaluation cycle to facilitate continued Sailor development.
Direct supervisors set performance expectations within 30 days of a member’s check-in with the command or the previous report’s observed end date.
Performance Expectation Management (PEM) is separate from the Sailor’s long-term career development goals that are set as part of the Command Career Counseling program, and expectations focus on Navy core competencies, job performance, and Sailorization.
Ongoing performance coaching conversations should continue throughout the member’s performance cycle using the techniques provided by the MyNavy Coaching program