Per NAVADMIN 220/19, if unable to submit letters to the board (LTB) via ESSBD, please submit via encrypted e-mail to Please contact the MNCC at 1-833-330-MNCC or for further information.
FY-26 Reserve/TAR Enlisted Selection Board Convening Dates
CMDCM Board - 06 February 2025
MCPO Board - 10 March 2025
SCPO Board - 10 March 2025
CPO Board - 02 June 2025
Enlisted Selection Board Brief
(select "cancel" if prompted for user name and password)
Command ESOs can verify candidates' advancement and continuation board eligibility at
Individual candidates can verify their own eligibility status through NEAS at Check the advancement or continuation board profile sheet. If candidates have questions about their eligibility, they should contact their ESO. If a status states "BUPERS Invalid" or there is no profile sheet, the candidate, ESO or CCC should contact PERS-802 to verify the reason for the invalidation.
Board Member / Recorder Application Information
Personnel who desire to apply for participation as a Member/Recorder on any enlisted board must complete the NAVPERS form 1400/02. Route the NAVPERS form 1400/2 via your chain of command to your FLTCM and/or FORCM for review, endorsement, and submission to PERS-805. Refer to NAVADMIN 296/23 for guidance. Questions about board membership should be addressed to PERS-805.
Corresponding with the Selection Board
Per NAVADMIN 220/19, Electronic Submission of Selection Board Documents (ESSBD) is the preferred method of submitting a Letter to the Board (LTB).
To utilize ESSBD, candidates must access document services through MyNavy Portal (MNP) at or the BUPERS Online (BOL) main menu. From the BOL main menu, select "ESSBD (Submit letter to SelBoard"," Start Process, Selection Board and LTB. On-screen instructions will direct the submitter thereafter. Submissions should be prepared with attachments (if applicable), prior to initiating their LTB. There is no save and return function between BOL sessions. Submitters will receive an e-mail confirmation regarding the status of their submitted LTB.
ESSBD attachments must be in .pdf format and must not contain classified information, including any markings regarding the same. LTBs and attachments containing such markings will not be presented to the board and may subject the submitter to disciplinary action. ESSBD uses the 10-digit DOD identification number and should be included on attachments. SSN does not need to be included on attachments.
Multiple LTBs to the same board will be accepted. However, duplicate submissions, using ESSBD or other available avenues, are discouraged.
Users should receive an e-mail within 24 hours confirming receipt, but may also check the status of their submission by selecting "Get Submission Status" under the ESSBD Start Process tab.
Submission and subsequent receipt acknowledgement for LTBs submitted via ESSBD or other means does not constitute confirmation of eligibility for the boards to which LTBs are submitted. For instructions on using ESSBD and checking the status of an ESSBD submission, please refer to the ESSBD User Guide.
If ESSBD is unavailable, LTBs for enlisted promotion selection boards may be submitted to the MyNavy Career Center (MNCC) in accordance with the selection board NAVADMIN via postal mail or encrypted e-mail to Please do not send communications with promotion selection boards to your detailer or other PERS code. If you do, you risk your correspondence getting lost or being received too late for the board. Also, you must use your full 10-digit DoD identification number (preferred) or full nine 9-digit SSN (if directed) on your cover letter and any document that does not already contain it.
Encrypted emails containing LTB packages shall be sent to To ensure more efficient processing and for internal tracking purposes, a recommended subject line of your email is "FOUO-Privacy Sensitive Board Package: Active-Duty [Rank] Board, FY-YYXXX" (where YY represents the last two digits of the fiscal year of the selection board and the XXX represents the actual 3-digit board number and you insert the appropriate parenthetical information). For a complete list of boards, please select the appropriate fiscal year board page using on the Selection Board Support webpage. You must encrypt your email due to PII policy. If you send from a .mil e-mail address, you should digitally sign your e-mail. Cover letters must be signed with a wet (pen) or CAC signature that displays DoD ID number.
If you sent a letter to a board to the MNCC via postal mail or encrypted e-mail, please contact the MNCC to verify receipt at or 1-833-330-MNCC (6622) or DSN 882-6622.
Many questions about boards can be answered on our Helpful Information or Board Preparation links below. There is also some valuable information on the General Board Information pages.
You may contact us by email with the link provided below.
Enlisted Selection Board Sponsor
Mailing Address
Navy Personnel Command
Attn: PERS-803
5720 Integrity Drive
Millington, TN 38055
Note: Do not send letters to the board to this address.
NOTE: Board membership will no longer be released until after the results of the board are released.
For information on E4 - E6 advancements and examinations, visit the Enlisted Career Administration's website.