Community Overview - Maritime Cyber Warfare Officers (MCWO) are experts in Cyberspace Operations (CSO) focused on both Offensive Cyberspace Operations (OCO) and Defensive Cyberspace Operations (DCO). MCWOs will conduct repeat operational and leadership tours within the Cyber Operation Force (COF) and Cyber Mission Force (CMF), including tours on National Mission Teams (NMTs), Cyber Mission Teams (CMTs), Cyber Protection Teams (CPTs), and Cyber Support Teams (CSTs). MCWOs will have the opportunity to conduct Exploitation Analyst (EA) and Integrated On Net (ION) training as well as serve as Team Leaders and Operation Officers. Senior Control Grade MCWOs will have opportunities for O5 Command and Major Command, as well as senior staff positions at Fleet Cyber Command (FCC), Commander Tenth Fleet (C10F), Joint Force Head Quarters Cyber (JFHQ-C), Cyber Mission Force Pacific (CMFPAC), and UYS Cyber Command (USCC).